Goa'uld Memory Recall Technology

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Goa'uld Memory Recall Technology is a fictional device in the Stargate Universe. It covers a broad spectrum of Goa'uld technology dealing with the mind.

A memory recall device is attached to Colonel O'Neill
A memory recall device is attached to Colonel O'Neill


[edit] Description

A device of Goa'uld/Tok'ra origin, it is shaped like a large drawing pin(thumb tack). The 'needle' is concealed within the 'head' of the device and rapidly extends with an audible ping when it is pressed against a persons forehead. The needle causes a brief moment of pain upon insertion but no further disconfort is experienced by the wearer.

Once activated by a handheld controller, the device stimulates the wearers memory centers, allowing them to recall events with perfect precision.

The device has also been seen to be used by in conjunction with a holographic projector, allowing other people to see what the wearer is recalling.

[edit] Purpose

[edit] Goa'uld

The device is more or less a mind probe. The goa'uld usually use it to obtain information from enemies. It sometimes acompanies torture. There are a few cases where they have used it deceptively. Osiris used it on Daniel Jackson so he could unwittingly translate a tablet for her.

[edit] Tok'ra

This device is used by the Tok’ra to study the thoughts of others. This is useful for recalling in detail crucial suppressed (or forgotten) memories, as well as for gaining useful information from the enemy. It has been suggested that two can be used in conjunction with each other to allow two people to share the same memory, thought, dream, or even interact with one another on an unconscious basis.

The Tok'ra later adapted this technology to operate as a za'tarc detector, by using it to analyize the subconscious mind and compare it to the consciou as a person recounts their memories and activities.

[edit] Use on Earth

The SGC have obtained a few. They used it on a Kull warrior to obtain the its homeworld.

[edit] See Also

Technology in Stargate Edit
Tau'ri GDO | Horizon | IDC | Stargate Iris | Kull Disruptor | P90 | MALP | The Seeker Project | Naqahdah Generator
Wraith retrovirus | F-302 | Prometheus (BC-303) | Daedalus-class Battlecruiser
Goa'uld/Tok'ra Al'kesh | Death Glider | Ha'tak Mothership | Hand Device | Healing Device | Intar | Memory Recall Technology | Sarcophagus | Staff Weapon
Tel'tak | TER | Tunnel Crystals | Zat | Zatarc detector
Ancient Ancient City Ship | Ancient Control Chair | ATA Gene | Atlantis | Aurora-class Battleship | Dakara Weapon | DHD
DNA Resequencer | Drone Weapon | Healing Device | Project Arcturus | Puddle Jumper | Repository of Knowledge
Ring Transporter | Sangraal | Stargate | Time Dilation Device | Zero Point Module
Asgard Beliskner-class ship | Daniel Jackson-class ship | O'Neill-class ship | Thor's Hammer
Other Wraith Dart | Wraith Hive-Ship | Supergate | Ori Mothership
Lists by race All | Tau'ri | Ancient, Aschen, Asgard, Goa'uld, Ori, Tok'ra, Tollan, Wraith | Other