Go Go Gadgetinis

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Go Go Gadgetinis
Genre animated series
Starring Maurice LaMarche
Frank Welker
Deborah Taylor
Erica Horn
Tegan Moss
Julie Taylor
Adam Denial
Country of origin United Kingdom
No. of episodes 33 (List of episodes)
Running time 22-23 Minutes
Original channel Syndicated
Original run September 10, 2002/3 – February 4, 2002/3
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Go Go Gadgetinis (known in some countries as Inspector Gadget and the Gadgetinis) is slightly different to all the previous Inspector Gadget series, in the fact that it follows an actual storyline. Gadget teams up with Inspector Prince, a smart, pretty and also somewhat clumsy purple haired lady, who also has gadgets of her own tucked away in her backpack. Gadget and Prince, as the series progresses, become quite close and end up boyfriend and girlfriend. Penny, now 16 years old, has accompanied Gadget on his latest adventure, making the excuse that it is a 'Holiday' for her. The Gadgetinis Digit and Fidgit now have some competition of their own in the form of 2 female Gadgetinis that belong to Inspector Prince called 'Data' and 'Scooter'. Dr. Claw is still up to no good, but this time he is not working alone. His companion 'Miss Molly', a black haired beauty in a long, strappy red dress, is just as cunning and devious as he is and is often allowed leeway in what the Agents do.

Gadget is yet again voiced by Maurice LaMarche.


[edit] Cast of characters

Penny with Digit, Fidgit and Data.
Penny with Digit, Fidgit and Data.
  • Inspector/Lt. Gadget (Voiced by Maurice LaMarche) - Bumbling and somewhat quixotic cyborg detective, who is also the title character. His array of gadgets allow him to solve (or not so as the case may be on many occasions) various problems.
  • Penny (Voiced by Tegan Moss) - Gadget's niece. Inspector Gadget is her guardian and caretaker, though often she seems more suited to be his caretaker due to Gadget's clumsiness and general cluelessness. In addition, she is the investigator who is MAD's true foe responsible for foiling its schemes. Now 16, Penny has a part time job working in the local diner and has little time to herself.
  • Inspector Prince (Voiced by Deborah Taylor) - She is the Co-worker and Girlfriend of Inspector Gadget (Now Lieutenant.) and is very clever, artistic, but also rather clumsy on occasion. She loves to drink coffee and when out and about she will sometimes drag Gadget into various coffee shops. Just like her partner, she has gadgets of her own. They are kept neatly inside the navy, grey and beige backpack that she carries around everywhere. Thankfully, her gadgets do not malfunction and when Inspector Gadget gets into a pickle with his, she usually comes to his rescue. She is also quick-witted, solving things without the aid of Penny.
  • Dr. Claw (Voiced by Frank Welker) - The main villain in the series and leader of the evil organization known as MAD. His face is never seen by viewers, but an action figure of Dr. Claw with his face in full view out of the container was produced in the 1990s.
  • Quimby (Voiced first by Hadley Kay, then by Maurice LaMarche) - Gadget's old boss. Now retired, he is a close family friend who often help Penny out with information.
  • Miss Molly (Voiced by Julie Taylor) - Miss Molly is dark, sinister and very sexy. She is Dr Claw's 'close' partner and is often allowed leeway in his plans. Most of the time it is she who gives the MAD Agents their orders and not Dr Claw, since he finds it handy to have someone do all the work for him. She wears a strappy red dress with huge slits down each leg, long black gloves and knee length boots and also wears stockings and a garter belt. An unusually risqué appearance for a children's cartoon character. She also has red eyes and has black hair that curves round towards her face at the ends with red streaks running through it. In one episode called "When love is perfectly enough" (#27), Miss Molly is seen to climb onto Dr Claw's knee and lean over to kiss him.
  • Mad Cat – Dr. Claw's fat pet cat. He is always at Dr. Claw's side. In many episodes he attempted to do something simple, but failed. He didn't have a voice of any kind but would laugh when Dr. Claw laughed.
  • The Gadgetinis – (Digit and Fidgit voiced by Maurice LaMarche. Data and Scooter voiced by Deborah Taylor) Digit (Who is blue), Fidgit (Who is orange), Scooter (Who wears a red hat) and Data. Digit and Fidgit were created by Penny to help assist Gadget in his endeavours. Data and Scooter, the two female bots were created for Inspector Prince. The four don't always get along and Digit and Scooter are fierce rivals.
  • Chief Littlewood – (Voiced by Adam Denial) Chief Littlewood runs the police HQ that Inspector Prince works at. His cool and calm appearance makes everyone around him, usually, all the more vigilant. He wears a greyish blue jacket and a black shirt with a blue neck tie and black trousers. He is good friends with Inspector Prince and always gives her assignments... However, they do not blow up in his face, that is, until he met Gadget.
  • MAD Agent Dick - (Voiced by Adam Denial) The tall, skinny, long nosed Agent that always featured in the original series has bagged himself a larger role in this series. He has gone up in the world and has become one of the leading Agents, ready to take direct orders from Miss Molly if she hollers them at him. He has an unusual tie to Inspector Prince which is not revealed until a MUCH later episode.

[edit] Plot

Penny with Scooter
Penny with Scooter

Gadget has to go to England, where it is set, and work with another Inspector (Inspector Prince) to protect yet another Inspector from a MAD Agent intent on assassinating him. In the first episode, Gadget gets a message from Chief Quimby, in the mail though, which is somewhat unusual, ordering him to go to England. Penny ends up tagging along (just to make sure her uncle is safe) making the excuse that is a holiday for her to make up for the one they missed the previous year.

Every single episode followed a standard plot, with little variation, although there were rare exceptions:

  • Each episode is introduced by one of the 4 Gadgetini's in their own unique way. This usually ends up in chaos of course and then the episode starts.
  • The Gadgetinis assist in any way they can, but usually end up in pieces when Gadget messes things up. Most of the traps for Gadget snare them instead.
  • Dr. Claw is always somehow visually monitoring this event on his computer from his desk or car, and introduces his scheme and usually a new supervillain employee to the viewers. The schemes are always either stealing something or destroying Gadget, eventually trying to stop Penny when she is discovered.
  • Miss Molly always curses at the end of each episode just like Claw does by saying 'CURSE YOU GADGET!' while shaking her fists.
  • Prince always dashes into the nearest coffee shop, no matter how important a mission may be. She could be chasing a criminal one minute and off to grab a coffee the next. In one of the episodes called "The Peanut Bribery" (#12), Gadget and Prince are pursuing a criminal who they believe to be a MAD agent through the streets, Gadget begins to speak to Prince while running and realises he is talking to thin air and turns round to see her over the road in the coffee shop slurping down a coffee as fast as she could. Much frowning ensued.
  • Gadget bumbles through his mission oblivious to what is going on around him, almost invariably mistaking hostile enemy agents for helpful allies.
  • The Gadgetinis are always instructed by Penny to follow Gadget to make sure he does not get hurt. Gadget himself rarely comes to any harm and if he does it's usually self-inflicted.
  • Penny helps to investigate from home and usually solves the crime, with the help of her hi-tech Computers. But, since the arrival of Inspector Prince she doesn't ALWAYS solve the cases. So she justs orders the Gadgetinis around to make sure things are going well.
  • Inspector Gadget and Inspector Prince invariably gets credit for solving the mission. Chief Littlewood appears and congratulates them. Like many cartoons, the episode ends with them all laughing at something.

The show, although a spinoff, has gained an almost cult status. Fans of all ages love the storylines and the humor contained with in its 33 episodes. Children enjoy watching as Gadget screws up, sometimes taking Prince down with him and adults enjoy its some-what adult references which, although mild and hardly noticeable, are quite risqué for a kids show.

[edit] Episodes

See List of Go Go Gadgetinis episodes

Each episode is introduced by one of the 4 Gadgetinis. The chosen Gadgetini lists the name of the episode and any warnings it thinks is suitable. (IE: If the episode contains too much romance for it to handle.) It usually ends where the said Gadgetini has an accident shortly after the introduction.

[edit] Unexplained facts

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

One element of Go Go Gadgetinis popularity was the fact that a lot of the show's premises were never fully explained, which in turn led to open speculation. Like the original Inspector Gadget series, the show offered virtually no back-story, which forced viewers to use their imaginations to explain the unexplained. However, a lot of the original secrets are explained slowly as the storyline progresses and fans are able to finally understand various aspects of the once mysterious backgrounds of the characters.

Gadget with the Gadgetinis
Gadget with the Gadgetinis

For example:

  • Dr. Claw's identity; no backstory is ever given to him, and we never see his face. This however is less the case in this series and many new and exciting secrets are revealed. For example, his first name.
  • How Dr. Claw is able to visually monitor virtually any event anywhere. This is one that is thankfully not explained.
  • How Chief Littlwood and Chief Quimby acquired detailed information about every one of Dr. Claws plans.
  • The source of Dr. Claw's wealth. This was another of the backstories that was revealed in the show. Dr Claw was actually a highly skilled scientist and gained his wealth through his research, inventions and ideas.
  • The history of Dr. Claw's feud with Gadget. This is one of the few that was not explained.
  • The location of Penny's parents. Usually, fans assume she is an orphan. This was explained very slowly in the show. Penny's parents were actually both unintentionally killed by Dr Claw, as he tried to eliminate Gadget. As they are indeed related, they got caught in the 'crossfire'.
  • Gadget's first name and/or real name. (In the series, he introduces himself by saying, "My name is Inspector Gadget", while Penny always calls him "Uncle Gadget". Other references make it clear that "Inspector" is his legal first name and "Gadget" his legal last name.) This was still not revealed.
  • Inspector Prince's first name. Every time she goes to say what it is something makes a loud noise so no one can hear what it is. (Usually a truck driving by honking its horn.)
  • How Prince and Gadget were able to keep their relationship a closely guarded secret, even though it was obvious.
  • The circumstances under which Gadget had his gadgets installed. (We only know that they were installed by Professor von Slickstein). This was discussed in the show and it seems as if they followed the banana skin theory.
  • The location of Dr. Claw's hideout, and why, if Quimby and Littlewood were able to obtain all of his other information about Claw, he never discovered and raided said hideout (most episodes depict Claw in the same fortress in the same location)
  • Who Prince's mother is, who she keeps referring to in various episodes. This was revealed to be Miss Molly.
  • How Penny was able to create Digit and Fidgit.
  • What happened to Brain, Penny's previous assistant. Apparently he was retired and in a secluded location, now suffering from panic attacks.

[edit] Inspector Gadget's gadgets

Inspector Gadget's gadgets were the most unique aspect of the show, and although they were central to his character, they rarely ever actually did him any good when it came to solving his case. The Inspector could activate each of his gadgets by calling its name, "Go-go gadget arms!" (for example). More often than not the called gadget would either malfunction or the wrong one would be activated. When this happened he would muse that he desperately needed to get them fixed, although he apparently neglects to do this. Some of the gadgets were activated by reflex rather than being called, but this was rare.

The inspector seemed to have an infinite supply of gadgets located all over his body. However, there were several that appeared regularly.

[edit] List of Inspector Gadget's gadgets:

  • Gadget Binoculars: Binoculars lowered down out of his hat and over his eyes.
  • Gadget 'Brella: A hand holding an umbrella that came out of his hat. It could be used as a parachute. More often than not, he will fall rapidly when using his 'Brella when it turns inside-out.
  • Gadget Coat: His trench coat inflated when he pulled one of its buttons and enabled him to float. It was almost always deflated by being punctured.
  • Gadget Copter: Helicopter propeller blades that came out of his hat that enabled him to fly.
  • Gadget Cuffs: A handcuff came out of his forearm just above his hand.
  • Gadget Ears: Enabled him to hear better when necessary.
  • Gadget Hands: Several mechanical hands could pop out of Gadget's hat. These hands would sometimes hold various objects including a camera, a motorized fan, a spotlight, a can opener, and other useful things.
  • Gadget Lasso: His necktie turned into a lasso.
  • Gadget Legs/Arms/Neck: His neck, arms, and legs could extend to great lengths.
  • Gadget Magnets: Magnets come out of the bottom of his shoes. More often than not, the magnets end up sticking to any metallic object with a magnetic attraction. It is sometimes useful when attempting to avoid slipping on slippery surfaces.
  • Gadget Mallet: A wooden hammer held in a robotic hand that also came out of his hat. It usually wound up bopping someone it should not — sometimes even the Inspector himself.
  • Gadget Phone: A telephone in his hand. The antenna came out of one finger and the speaker and receiver on others. This was one of the few gadgets that were not voice activated. Possibly a loose reference, also, to Maxwell Smart's shoe-phone. (At one point, there was also a regular telephone inside Gadget's hat.)
  • Gadget Respirator: A self contained breathing mask and the only hat gadget Gadget has to physically reach for and pull on.
  • Gadget Siren: A police light and siren popped out of the top of his hat.
  • Gadget Skates: Roller skates came out of the bottom of his shoes. Also, sometimes rockets would come out of the sides.
  • Gadget Skis: Skis extended out of the ends of his shoes.
  • Gadget Spring: A spring came out of his hat, enabling him to bounce usually when falling head first and hitting his head against the ground.
  • Finger Gadgets: There were several gadgets inside his fingers, accessed by taking the end off his finger to expose the gadget. These included a flashlight, key, laser, pen, motorized screwdriver, motorized drillbit, corkscrew, and whistle.

[edit] Inspector Prince's Gadgets

Although Prince does not have gadgets built into her body, she carries a backpack around with her which stores various gadgetry inside. Most of them are handy tools and, unlike Gadget, has no actual way of flying.

Hers do not malfunction like Gadget's Gadgets do, so they really provide relief from all his blundering and help out rather than hinder.

[edit] List of Inspector Prince's gadgets:

Inspector Gadget with g/f Inspector Prince from Episode #20 'No Time like the Present'.
Inspector Gadget with g/f Inspector Prince from Episode #20 'No Time like the Present'.
  • Gadget Binoculars: Binoculars that shot out of her backpacks front pocket and over her eyes.
  • Gadget 'Brella: A hand holding an umbrella that came out of her backpack. It could be used as a parachute. More often than not, she will fall rapidly when using her 'Brella when it turns inside-out.
  • Gadget Cuffs: A handcuff came out of her side pocket on her backpack. She would actually have to physically reach and get them.
  • Gadget Hands: Several mechanical hands could pop out of Prince's backpack. These hands would sometimes hold various objects including a camera, a motorized fan, a spotlight, a can opener, and other useful things.
  • Gadget Nunchaku: Well, every law enforcer needs their weaponry, in this case its Prince's trusty Nunchaku which poke out her backpack.
  • Gadget Lasso: A rope would fall out of a small flap under her backpack and she could use that to tie things up, escape or make a handy lasso.
  • Gadget Mallet: A wooden hammer held in a robotic hand that also came out of her backpack. This could actually be taken from the hand and used manually.
  • Gadget Mobile Phone: A flap in the top of her backpack would open up revealing a mobile phone. This could also be used to access the internet, which she does on a lot of occasions.
  • Gadget tool set: A tiny little box of handy tools, IE: Hammer, wrench, Screwdriver, Pliers, Tweezers etc
  • Gadget Parachute: When in need of a parachute, one is safely stored inside. (Comes with spare reserve.)
  • Gadget Respirator: A self contained breathing mask which she has to physically reach for and pull on from her backpack.
  • Gadget Siren: A police light and siren popped out of the top of her backpack.
  • Gadget Skates: Roller skates came out of the bottom of her backpack and she could attach these to her shoes with just a click. Also, sometimes rockets would come out of the sides.
  • Gadget Skis: With just a word a small hunk of flat metal would poke out the side of her backpack for her to take. These could be then extended into fully functional skis.

[edit] MAD

Miss Molly and a MAD Agent receive their orders from Dr Claw.
Miss Molly and a MAD Agent receive their orders from Dr Claw.

MAD is an organization whose chief operation is committing crime and wreaking havoc headed by the mysterious Dr. Claw and his g/f Miss Molly. MAD has numerous agents working for it, these are

  • Fred: Large, hulking build, low brow, no visible neck.
  • Dick: Tall, thin, wiry limbs, comb-over hair, pointy nose.
  • Pops: Bald, grumpy old man with a big jaw.
  • Jarvis: Fat, balding middle-aged man with no neck.
  • Bruce: Muscular build, large chin. Resembles Buzz Lightyear.
  • Slick: Slicked-back hair with a goatee.
  • Lenny: Tall and lumbering, has a dopey looking face with a long nose.
  • Squirt: Short and toad-like in appearance.

Only Dick is actually referred to by his real name. All the other agents go by letters. Miss Molly is known as Dr Claw's new right hand lady and does all the ordering around where the Agents are concerned. (With Dr Claw's blessing of course.)

[edit] Background information

The series was aired solely in Great Britain from September 10, 2003 and 2004, comprising of 33, 22 1/2 minute long episodes. A while after airing, it became an almost cult classic.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

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