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--Gndawydiak 23:36, 13 January 2007 (UTC)


[edit] Travels


The St. Ignatius-Sacred Heart rivalry is a high school rivalry between two San Francisco catholic schools, St. Ignatius College Preparatory and Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory both commonly called SI for St. Ignatius and SH for Sacred Heart.[1] This rivalry first started in 1893 when SI and SH played a rugby game on March 17th or St. Patrick's Day.[2] SH won that game between each other. Ironiclly, the SH mascot is the Fightn' Irish who won on St. Patrick's Day. It's not sure if that's how Sacred Heart's mascot orginated from that very game. In the years to pass, the rivalry has become a San Francisco tradition and a tradition to both schools. Today SI and SH now play every year for the Bruce-Mahoney Trophy in football, men's basketball and baseball.

[edit] Origins

St. Ignatius and Sacred Heart are both catholic schools that are in San Francisco. St. Ignatius was founded in 1855 by the Jesuits as an all boy's school in San Francisco. Sacred Heart was founded in 1874 by the Christan Brothers as an all boys school and its counterpart school, Cathedral was founded in 1852 by the Daughters of Charity as an all girls school. In 1893 the rivalry started with a rugby game on St. Partick's Day, which started the oldest high school rivalry west of the Rocky Mountains. The modern day Bruce-Mahoney Game was created in memory of two graduates of both schools. Bill Bruce of the class of 1935 was a graduate of St. Ignatius and Jerry Mahoney of the class of 1944 was a graduate of Sacred Heart. Both excelled in football and were their top of their classes. Bruce and Mahoney both enlisted in World War II and were both killed while serving. While the years passed Sacred Heart became more connected with the all girls school Cathedral. In the 1970's, the schools were beginning to work together. As the school's relationships were strengthened, both schools, realized that they could work better if they combined their schools. In 1987, Sacred Heart and Cathedral combined to make a co-educational school now called Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory. St. Ignatius soon followed after. In 1989, St. Ignatius made their school a co-educational school. Today SI and SH are the only co-ed catholic schools in the city. Today, St. Ignatius and Sacred Heart compete three times a year to battle for the Bruce-Mahoney Trophy.

[edit] The rivalry today

St. Ignatius and Sacred Heart now compete for the Bruce-Mahoney Trophy now a San Francisco tradition. They compete in football at Kezar Stadium, basketball at USF's War Memorial Gym, and baseball at Big Rec. Football is the biggest game out of the three sports for the whole community. The game is played at Kezar Stadium every year in September. The game is usually attened by many people from the city who want to see the game. The basketball game is played every January at USF's War Memorial Gym. This game is usually sold out because of the limited space for people. The baseball game is played every March at Big Rec. One school has to win two out of the three games to win the trophy. As of 2007, St. Ignatius has held the trophy for since 1998[3]. The games usually go by without fight by each school like to poke fun at each other.

[edit] Rivalry pranks

  • In 2001, Sacred Heart pulled a prank on St. Ignatius by getting dead cats and spray painting them blue and red which are the St. Ignatius school colors and hung the dead cats on the goal post at Kezar Stadium. The mascot of St. Ignatius is the Wildcats which is why they hung the dead cats and spray painted them red and blue to say that they are dead cats refering to their mascot.
  • In 2006, St. Ignatius pulled a prank on Sacred Heart. St. Ignatius students created a video mocking Sacred Heart singing to E-40's Tell Me When To Go but with different lyrics. St. Ignatius students filmed the video at their school in the Sunset having the students dancing around and driving their cars getting "hyphy" and repeating the pharse "Go SI" instead of saying "Tell me when to go". The video was filmed without the knowledge of the administraion and put the video on YouTube the night before the football game. Sacred Heart created a mock video for the basketball game with the help of the school but was only shown to Sacred Heart students and faculty and not released to the public. The song is a favorite song for Sacred Heart and was used to make the students angry.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Simmons, Rusty. "Irish make statement Sacred Heart stymies St. Ignatius with solid defense, stays unbeaten", San Francisco Chronicle, September 24, 2005.
  2. ^ Donat, Hand. "Conventional wisdom and the quest for "The Bruce"",, August 4, 2004.
  3. ^ Stephens, Mitch. "[ SI glad to accept ugly win vs. rivals Friends KO Sacred Heart Cathedral]", San Francisco Chronicle, January 10, 2007.