Glove fetishism

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Long satin gloves
Long satin gloves
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Glove fetishism is a sexual fetish where an individual is obsessed and fixated by another or oneself wearing gloves on their hands.[citation needed] In some cases, the fetish is enhanced by the material of the glove, (i.e. leather, cotton, latex, satin, or nylon). Many times, the actions of a gloved hand are as arousing as the glove itself, for the glove provides a second skin, or in other words a fetishistic surrogate for the wearer's own skin. Subtle movements by the gloved fingers or hand in whole can provide the individual with a great visual stimulus and ultimately sexual arousal. The act of putting gloves on, or slipping them off the hands can also be a source of glove fetish fantasy.

Some glove fetishists prefer certain lengths, for example the opera-style ones, while others maybe just cuff length. Some also like them as a part of an outfit, such as the nurse, the policewoman (Japanese outfit), the maid and so forth.

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