GLORIA (album)

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GLORIA is the album by Okean Elzy, released in 2005.

The album spawned four # 1 singles (radio airplay) in Ukraine. The first single was "Bez boju" in the summer of 2005, followed by "Vysche neba", "Ne pytaj", and finally, "Vidchuvaju" in the summer of 2006.

[edit] Track Listing

  1. Перша Пісня — Persha Pisnya (First Song)
  2. Ти і Я — Ty i Ya (You and Me)
  3. Вище Неба — Vysche Neba (Higher Than Sky)
  4. Сонце Сідaє — Sontse Sidaye (The Sun Is Sitting)
  5. Ніколи — Nikoly (Never)
  6. Тінь Твого Тіла — Tin Tvogo Tila (Shadow Of Your Body)
  7. Без Бою — Bez Boyu (Without A Fight)
  9. Відчуваю — Vidchuvayu (I Feel)
  10. Ікони Не Плачуть — Ikony Ne Plachut (Icons Don't Cry)
  11. Як Останній День — Yak Ostanniy Den (Like The Last Day)
  12. Не Питай — Ne Pytai (Don't Ask)