Glew (character)

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Glew is a fictonal character in ""The Castle of Llyr"", the third book in Lloyd Alexander's chidren's series, The Chronicles of Prydain. He is discovered by accident when the companions fall into and are trapped in an underground caveon the Isle of Mona.

[edit] History

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Glew was formerly a very small man. In his younger days he tried unsuccessfully to enter a number of careers including slaying dragons or being a wandering bard. He found none of them to his liking, mostly due to his own sniveling disposition. Finally he decided the only answer was to turn to sorcery, and he attempted to buy a book of spells from a magician. When Glew got the book home he discovered he has been cheated- the book appeared to be nothing but blank pages.

Glew then turned his mind to creating a potion that would make him a giant, in hopes that he might finally achieve the power and respect he felt he deserved. He began cooking up growth potions in his hut, and testing them on Llyan, a small wildcat he had trapped and put in a cage. The potions worked, and Llyan grew larger and larger, requiring a series of bigger cages. At last, when the massive cat had grown to the size draft horse, she broke from her cage and attacked Glew. He was forced to flee his hut barefoot and run into the forest. He ran into series of caverns, and as he ran he drank the potion he was still clutching in his hand. He began to grow quickly, and was forced to run deeper and deeper into the caverns to find rooms large enough to hold him. At last he reaches a huge chamber in which he can rest, but he cannot find any way out which he can fit through, and so he is trapped.

Glew lives in the damp and darkness of the caverns for many years, until he encounters the companions in The Castle of Llyr. Despite the fact that he attempts to trap them to use one of them as a final ingredient for a shrinking potion he is concocting, Taran promises that he will ask Dallben if he can do anything to help the miserable giant. Dallben does send the potion, and Taran has occasion to regret it in the final book ""The High King"". The ex-giant makes his way to Caer Dallben and Taran is obliged to take him along on the the adventures that follow.

[edit] Sources