Glenn Miller (White Patriot Party)

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Born November 23rd, 1940, Frazier Glenn Miller is a controversial figure in the "White Nationalist" movement.

Miller, a retired US Army Veteran, founded the White People's Party in 1980.

One of the first white supremacists to use paramilitary tactics with his North Carolina-based hate group — the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which later morphed into the White Patriot Party — Glenn Miller went on the lam in 1986 after mailing a letter to 5,000 people calling for "total war" against the feds, blacks and Jews.

Affiliated with the KKK and Christian Identity, the party soon adopted paramilitary characteristics. Its rapid growth quickly aroused the ire of Harold Covington, a local National Socialist organizer. (Covington and Miller were once associates; it was Covington who gave Miller his start in the White Nationalist movement. Covington turned against Miller as a result of Miller's turning into a federal informant).{{Fact|date=February 2007}

Miller later received approximately $250,000 (these funds were taken during seizures from armored cars; for which Miller and William Pierce of the National Alliance, who also allegedly received a substantial amount of these funds, were never prosecuted for knowingly accepting this money) from The Order, which he used to found the White Patriot Party. His White Patriot Party came under scrutiny for violating North Carolina laws against paramilitary training camps, and was repeatedly targeted for investigation and civil action by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group eventually dissolved due to a lack of sources. Miller, who has admitted to being an alcoholic, blamed his drinking for the collapse of the group.

Just before the party collapsed, Miller was caught purchasing machine guns and rockets from a Fayetteville, NC military base, which led to criminal charges that caused him to turn federal informer.

Under pressure and investigation from the FBI, Miller acted as a federal informant against The Order and was a key government witness in the Fort Smith sedition trial, where he testified against men such as William Pierce of the National Alliance, Don Black of Stormfront and Richard Butler of the Aryan Nations.

Admitted to being a client of the Federal Witness Protection Program after he testified against former White Nationalist friends. He is denounced as a "race traitor" by a handful of prominent White Nationalist leaders, including Tom Metzger, Shaun Walker, Erich Gliebe, David Duke, Louis Beam, and Billy Roper, as well as incarcerated members of the Order.

Currently active with Alex Linder of Vanguard News Network, Miller fundraises for The Aryan Alternative, a newspaper for which he is the distribution manager.

Some White Nationalists have accused Miller of remaining in the pay of the Federal Government, and speculation is rife that his role in Vanguard News Network is that of informer and agent provocateur. Miller has often advocated extremist actions that are likely to land any activists partaking in them in jail.