Glen Jenvey

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Glen Jenvey is the spy who nailed terror chief Abu Hamza al-Masri. However the Vigil Exposed website that is critical of Jenvey notes that "there doesn't seem to be any independent corroboration of Jenvey's alleged role in Hamza's arrest and sentencing, and at any rate, it appears that Hamza was not found to have been involved in terrorist activity as Jenvey claims - the only conviction under the Terrorism Act was his possession of an "Encyclopaedia of Jihad"."

Glen Jenvey began studying radical Islamic groups when he was in college. His first job as a spy, was for the United States authorities to spy in Iran. He was hired by the Sri Lankan National Intelligence Bureau in London to spy on the Tamil Tigers' offices and demonstrations in London. Over the years, Jenvey has worked for the intelligence services of several other countries, including Sri Lanka and India with close links to Russia and USA. He infiltrated the 'Tamil Tigers,' a group credited with the first suicide bombings.

Jenvey eventually began using the internet to infiltrate terrorist organizations. It was through his online work that he developed a relationship, and subsequently helped bring down, Abu Hamza al-Masri by providing film footage of James Ujaama. This led to a New York court case against Hamza and his arrest in London. Hamza was a leading cleric at Finsbury Park mosque in London.

Jenvey is a strong supporter of Israel and India with Jenvey's Islamic News website once noting that: "Israel belongs to the Jews - because Allah gave that land to them - why, because the Philistines won't act like decent human beings - and only decent humans deserve their own country. If the Philistines don't like it, they should just find somewhere else to live. Except no other country on earth wants to have them because they are not acting like decent human beings. And Kashmir belongs to the Indians - for the same reasons."

Jenvey appeared in the film Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West.

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