Giselda Leirner

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Giselda Leirner

Giselda Leirner (São Paulo, 1928) is a Brazilian writer illustrator and plastic artist. She is the sculptress Felícia Leirner's daughter, Nelson Leirner's sister and Sheila Leirner and Laurence Klinger's mother.

She took classes with great artists such as Emiliano Di Cavalcanti, Yolanda Mohalyi or Poty Lazarotto and went to the Art Students League and the Parson School of Design in New York. Her works can be found in several museums like Museu de Arte de São Paulo (Masp), Jerusalem Museum, etc.

Giselda Leirner is bachelor in Philosophy in the Universidade de São Paulo, with a master of Religion Philosophy.

[edit] Books

  • A Filha de Kafka contos, Ed. Massao Hono, Brasil (trad. fr. de Monique Le Moing :La Fille de Kafka, Ed.Joelle Loesfeld , Gallimard)
  • Nas Aguas do mesmo Rio, Ateliê Editora, Brasil
  • O Nono Mês, Brasil
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