Girolamo Ramorino

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Girolamo Ramorino
Girolamo Ramorino

General Girolamo Ramorino was born in 1792 in Genoa, northern Italy. In the Napoleonic wars he fought in Russia with Napoleon and later took part in the 1821 Piedmont uprising in Italy. He would later play a greater role in Italy. Ramorino aided the Polish revolutionaries in 1830-1 and from the mid 1830s took part with assisting other revolutionaries such as Mazzini to plan the famous 1848 revolutions. He will forever be known as a clumsy General due to his part he played when asked to arrange an army to arrive from Paris to aid the rising. When he returned it became apparent that he had lost his money gambling and no help would be coming. In the revolutions he took charge of a Piedmontese division. In 1849 he was accused of disobeying orders before the important battle at Novara which sounded the end of the revolutions. He was then executed the same year.

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