Giovanni Passerini

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Giovanni Passerini.
Giovanni Passerini.

Giovanni Passerini was an Italian botanist and entomologist , born on June 16, 1816 or 1819 in Pieve di Guastalla. He died on April 17, 1893 in Parma .

Giovanni Passerini was a professor of botany at the university of Parma. He is the author of several works on the aphids. His collection, of 5, 500 specimens in 52 genera kinds and 89 species, is in the Natural history museum of the university of Parma.

In 1875, he was the first president of the Italian section of the Alpine Club .

[edit] Works (partial)

  • Gli insetti autori delle galle del Terebinto e del Lentisco insieme ad alcune specie congeneri. Giornale Giardini Orticolt. 3: 258-265 (1856).
  • Gli afidi con un prospetto dei generi ed alcune specie nuove Italiane. Parma : Tipografia Carmignani 40 pp. (1860).
  • Aphididae Italicae hucusque observatae. Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol. 2: 129-212 (1863).
  • Aphididae Italicae hucusque observatae. Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol. 2: 129-212 (1863).
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