Giorgio Colli
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Giorgio Colli (1917—1979) taught ancient philosophy at Pisa's university for thirty years. A philologist and historian, he edited and translatedAristotle's Organon and the first complete edition of Nietzsche's work (including all the posthumous fragments chronologically ordered), with his friend Mazzino Montinari. His work culminated in The Greek Wisdom, the edition and translation of the "Presocratics" (a term he rejected). Interrupted by his death in January 1979, it was supposed to be in eleven volumes.
[edit] Bibliography
(Edited in Italian by Adelphi and in French by the éditions de l'Eclat.)
- Physis kryptesthai philei (Natura ama nascondersi), Milan 1948, IIe édition 1991; French transl. Nature aime se cacher, 1994.
- Filosofia dell'espressione, Milan 1969; Fr.transl. Philosophie de l'expression, 1988.
- Dopo Nietzsche, Milan, 1974; Fr.transl. Après Nietzsche, 1987, IIe éd. 2000 [1]
- La nascita della filosofia, Milan, 1975; Fr.transl. Naissance de la philosophie, 2003 [2]
- La Sapienza greca, 3 vol. Milan 1977-1980; Fr. transl. La sagesse grecque, 1990-1992
- La ragione errabonda. Quaderni postumi, Milan 1982, Fr. transl. I. Philosophie de la distance; II Philosophie du contact; III Nietzsche, 1999-2000.
- Scritti su Nietzsche, Milan 1980, Fr. transl. Ecrits sur Nietzsche', 1996
- Per una enciclopedia di autori classici, Milan 1983; Fr. transl. Pour une encyclopédie des auteurs classiques, 1990
[edit] See also
- Mazzino Montinari and the Will to power.
[edit] External links
- Giorgio (Italian)
- Editions de l'Eclat website (French)