Gioconda Belli

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Gioconda Belli
Gioconda Belli

Gioconda Belli (born December 9, 1948 in Managua) is an author, novelist and also a renowned Nicaraguan poet who was designated amongst the 100 most important poets during the 20th century[1][2]


[edit] Early life

She was an active participant in the Sandinista struggle against the Somoza dictatorship,[3] and her work for the movement led to her being forced into exile in Mexico in 1975.[4] Returning in 1979 after the Sandinista victory,[5] in 1982 she became FSLN's international press liaison, the director of State Communications in 1984, and was responsible among other things for a major literacy campaign. During that time she met Charles Castaldi, an American NPR journalist, whom she married in 1987.[6] She has been living in both Managua and Los Angeles since 1990.

[edit] Education

Gioconda Belli graduated from the Royal School of Santa Isabel in Madrid, Spain in 1964 and received a diploma in advertising and journalism from the Charles Morris Price School in Philadelphia in 1965. She also studied advertising management at INCAE[7].

[edit] Recognition

In 1988, her book La Mujer Habitad (The Inhabited Woman), a semi-autobiographical novel that raised gender issues for the first time in the Nicaraguan revolutionary narratives, brought Belli increase attention. In 2000, she published her autobiography, emphasizing her involvement in the revolutionary movement, El país bajo mi piel, published under the name The Country Under My Skin in the United States. Belli continues publishing and she maintains that poetry is her most important work. Belli was the recipient of the Premio de Poesía Mariano Fiallos Gil in 1972[8] and of the prestigious Premio Casa de las Américas in 1975.[9]

Gioconda Belli's books have been published in numerous different languages.

[edit] Published work

  • Verse Sobre la grama (1972)
  • Línea de fuego (1978)
  • Truenos y arco iris (1982)
  • Amor insurrecto (1985)
  • De la costilla de Eva (1987)
  • La mujer habitada (1988)
  • Poesía reunida (1989)
  • Sofía de las presagios (1990)
  • El ojo de la mujer (1991)
  • Sortilegio contra el frío (1992)
  • El taller de las mariposas (1994)
  • Waslala (1996)
  • El país bajo mi piel (2001)

[edit] References

[edit] External links