Ginandjar Kartasasmita

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Prof. Dr. Ir. Ginandjar Kartasasmita is an Indonesian politician. He is currently the head of Indonesia’s Regional Representatives Council (DPD-RI) between 2004-2009.

Ginandjar Kartasasmita
Place and date of birth Bandung, April 9, 1941
Religion Islam
Father Husen Kartasasmita
Mother Ratjih Natawidjaja
Wife Yutin Harlotina
Children Gita, Gumiwang, Galih, Gaya
  • G-5 KOTI (1965-1966)
  • Directorate General of Angkatan Udara Republik Indonesia’s (AURI, Republic of Indonesia’s Air Forces) Research and Development (now TNI-AU)
  • Administrative Section Head of Research, The Bureau of State Secretary’s Analyze and Act (1968-1971)
  • Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Secretary’s Assistant in the Government Administration Affairs (1976-1978)
  • Vice-Minister of Domestic Production Use Development Affairs (1983-1988)
  • BKPM’s Chairman (1985-1988)
  • Minister of Mining and Energy (1988-1993)
  • State Minister of National Development Plan/Head of Bappenas (1993-1998)
  • Coordinating Minister of Financial and Industrial Economy (1988)
  • Deputy Chairman of Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly
  • Head of Regional Representative’s Council


[edit] Background

Named in the book Apa Siapa Orang Sunda (Kiblat 2003) if there are little state senior official in the Soeharto’s era whose body were athletic. One of them was Ginandjar. In the Soeharto’s cabinet, Ginandjar, since early 1970s until last 1990s, ever sitting on senior official in the circle of state secretary and the cabinet’s member. He has hobbies in sport – almost all of the sports he likes. Moreover, he was also senior officer of TNI-AU.

His activeness in the military world isn’t apart from his family. Many relatives both of his parents’ side are troops. His own father was titular colonel and an official of Department of Defense. There are his 3 uncles who became troops. Ginandjar also admits him as a nationalist, because both of his parents were National Party of Indonesia (PNI) activists before World War II.

After SD (Elementary School), this father of four children attended SMP Kanisius and lived in Kanisius’ dormitory. And so did SMU (Senior High School). “Because I often associated with the friend who were majority different in religion and non-indigene, I can see how they study,” he said. The superiority of more serious and diligent Chinese has raised the nationalism of young Ginandjar, “The wish to show that our nation isn’t also inferior to them appears.” A year in ITB, Ginandjar got scholarship for lecturer in Chemical Technique of Tokyo University (1960-1965). Upon returning from Japan, for a year Ginandjar worked in KOTI. Before enduring career in the State Secretary (since 1968), he worked in General Directorate of AURI Research and Development. Along 1970-80, he followed lecturer in STIA LAN.

[edit] Political career

Although this DPD’s member from West Java who is also former Minister of Mining and Energy and State Minister of PPN/Head of Bappenas has been attacked as a part of New Order, finally succeed in winning the head of DPD in the Plenary Meeting of DPD between 2004-2001. He was accompanied by Irman Gusman and La Ode Ida as the deputy chief.

He was elected after passing through 3 stages of election in the Plenary Meeting of DPD led by Temporary Head Mooryati Soedibyo (DKI Jakarta) and Muhammad Nasir (Jambi) on Friday October 1, 2004.

Out of 128 votes of DPD member, Ginandjar got 72 votes, defeating Irman Gusman of West Sumatra, who was getting 54 votes. 1 vote was illegal and 1 vote was empty.

Since the first election, Ginandjar had defeated his rivals. Ginandjar got 49 votes, followed by 29 votes of Irman Gusman, 22 votes of Sarwono Kusumaatmadja (DKI Jakarta), 18 votes of La Ode Ida (South East Sulawesi), 2 votes of Harun Al Rasyid (West Nusa Tenggara), 1 vote of Kasmir Tri Putra (Lampung) and 1 vote of Muhammad Nasir, and 5 votes was clarified illegal and another 1 vote was empty.

Because there is no candidate got more than 50 % votes yet, according to DPD’s order, the election was continued to the 2nd round. Before entering the 2nd round, 3 candidates declined, and only 3 candidates advanced, namely Ginandjar, Irman Gusman and Sarwono.

In the 2nd round, Ginandjar got again most voices (59 votes), followed by 43 votes of Irman Gusman and 26 votes of Sarwono. Because there is no candidate got the vote over 50 %, the 3rd election was held, followed by Ginandjar and Irman only because Sarwono was eliminated. In the 3rd round, Ginandjar got 72 votes, and Irman was only 54 votes. 1 vote was illegal and 1 vote was empty.

After that, the election of DPD’s Head Representative was continued. In the election of Head Representative, representing Western region Irman Gusman was elected (50 votes), defeating Nurdin Tampubolon (25 votes), Kasmir Tri Putra (23 votes), Malik Raden (14 votes), Bambang Suroso (8 votes), and Mediati Hafni Hanum (1 vote). While representing eastern region, La Ode Ida was elected. This member of West Java’s DPD also Minister of Mining and Energy and State Minister of PPN/head of Bappenas in the New Order has often been attacked as the part of New Order. However, according to him, it’s only the past. It’s suggested on Monday (September 27, 2004) in his nomination context as the head of DPD.

It’s suggested to answer an opinion that the people who has the past responsibility not to lead Regional Representatives Council. According to Ginandjar, each member of DPD has the right to run for chairman in the process of DPD’s Head election, and, at least, DPD’s candidate has to get the support from the same-provincial member. About him as a New-Order figure, he said, his membership in the cabinet exclusively is as a professional. "I’m a part of system, but I’m professional in the cabinet", he said. According to him the fault wasn’t the "order", but the people involved.

Answering the charge of having the past responsibility in connection with the establishment of Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) between Pertamina with PT Ustraindo Petro Gas for oil fields’ management in Bunyu, Pendopo, Prabumulih, and Jatibarang, he stated, in accordance with the report of investigation development of corruption on his name, having been concluded that either production process or content conformed with the regulation so that TAC is legal procedurally. He also explained, against that TAC’s 4th signing based on conclusion of investigation isn’t his responsibility because his involvement until TAC’s 4th implementation was until March 1993. After that he hasn’t been Minister of Mining and Energy/ DKPP’s Head.

According to Ginandjar, he himself demanded that the investigation on that corruption charge be held so that he had no responsibility again. If there who can prove that he was in corruption, Ginanjar stated not only will he resign from the nomination of DPD’s Head, but also from the DPD’s member.

Perhaps, Ginandjar is a Sundanese whose career is the most complete. In the military, this man whose smile is bright reach the rank of major marshal. In the civil, he has ever been minister even coordinating minister, either in the Soeharto’s government or Habibie.

Now, he’s one of the head of People’s Consultative Assembly from Fraction of Regional Delegation. Bruited that Ginandjar’s role in “resigning Soeharto” was large enough, when he – together with Akbar Tanjung and other ministers – refused to sit in the reformation cabinet that would be formed by Soeharto. This maneuver ‘lost interest’ of Soeharto to hold the power.

[edit] Honors

[edit] Bibliography

  • Pembangunan untuk Rakyat (Development for the People, 1996
  • Administrasi Pembangunan: Perkembangan Pemikiran dan Praktiknya di Indonesia
  • Developmental Administration:Development of Its Thought and Practice in Indonesia, 1997)

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