Gilles Larrain

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Gilles Larrain in his studio, photographed by a friend
Gilles Larrain in his studio, photographed by a friend

Born in Dalat, Vietnam in 1938, Gilles Larrain was first a painter, who went through the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, and one of the pioneers in kinetic art in the 1960's, using air, smoke, light, water and neon tubes. Fascinated by the complementarity between paintings and photography, he became later a New York photographer and artist in Soho, where he realized among other works well-known posters of Miles Davis, Sting and Billy Joel.

He also photographed John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Jerry Rubin and Salvador Dalí, and created record covers for Sting, Miles Davis and Billy Joel. Captivated by the flamenco aesthetic, Gilles has since become a great follower of this art, even taking up the guitar. His camera has captured the soul of flamenco in one of those rare artistic conjunctions where technical wisdom and experience become melded with the most difficult to express emotions. His works can be viewed at his official website:


[edit] Main past works

  • 1973 Idols (edited by Raph Gibson) "Photographs are my reactions to the provocation of beauty - whatever that may be"
  • 1985 Exquisite creatures, together with Robert Mapplethorpe, Deborah Turbeville, Ray Volkmann : visions of the ineffable beauty of women
  • 1985 American Ballet Theatre, Souvenir book; Mikhail Baryshnikov, director.
  • 1988 The profoto book of flash together with Annie Leibovitz, Yukio Shimizu, Jan Bengtsson : the history of studio lighting
  • 1991 Mirrors of memory, one-man show, Dallas Meadows Museum
  • 1993 Daily life, with Antonio Vizcaino : ancient history of Mexico
  • 1997 Jean-Marc HUITOREL, Francis LACLOCHE, Photographie d'une collection, 2. OEuvres photographiques de la Caisse des dépôts et consignations, Paris, Hazan, 1997, 173 p., ill. NB et coul., invent.

[edit] Main exhibitions

  • 1966 Gilles Larrain - Southampton East Gallery, NYC, USA - Paintings
  • 1966 50 New-York artists - Max's Kansas City, NYC, USA - Group show
  • 1967 Light, Motion, Space - Walker Art Center - Minneapolis, MN - Kinetic art (First kinetic art exhibition in the USA) - Group show Curated by Willoughby Sharp
  • 1967 Luminism - The Artist Club - NYC, USA - Group show - Kinetic Art Curated by Willoughby Sharp
  • 1967 Espace dynamique en constant mouvement, 5eme Biennale, Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France
  • 1968 Neon Sculptures, I - Benson Gallery, Long Island, NY, USA
  • 1968 Neon Sculptures, II - Neue Kunst Museum - Munich, D
  • 1968 6th Annual Avant-Garde Festival, NYC, USA
  • 1969 Inflated Children's Paintings, Shakespeare's Theater, NYC, USA
  • 1969 Induction Square, Suffolk Museum, NYC, USA
  • 1969 Tubulaire, avec Francois Dallegret, prix Les Levine, Musee d'Art Moderne, Paris, France
  • 1971 Art et technologie, Centre Sigma, Bordeaux, France - group show
  • 1972 The objective eye, Galerie Baecker, Bochum, Germany
  • 1973 Exposition mondiale de photographie, Hambourg, Germany - group show
  • 1975 90 Black and White Prints, Paleis voor Schone Kunsten (Palais des Beaux-Arts), Brussels, Belgium - Group show
  • 1975 Faces and Spaces, Services culturesl francais, Ambassade de France, NYC, USA
  • 1978 Portraits, The Harkness House Gallery, New York
  • 1978 Portraits II, The Nary Center, Santa Cruz, CA, USA
  • 1980 I Sing The Body Electric', The Squibb Gallery, Princeton, New Jersey, USA - Group show
  • 1981 Interfaces, Aspen Institute, Aspen, CO, USA
  • 1982 Interfaces, Wye Plantation, Aspen Institute, Queenstown, DC
  • 1982 Portraits, Agathe Gaillard Gallery, Paris, France
  • 1983 Portraits, Alliance Francaise, New York, USA
  • 1984 American Ballet Theater Photos, Dyansen Gallery 57, NYC, USA
  • 1985 Dixieme Anniversaire, Agathe Gaillard Gallery, France
  • 1985 Art Werburg, Gallery Tabula, Tubingen, Germany
  • 1987-1992 Body and Faces II', Services Culturels Francais, Circulating show in the USA for 5 years.
  • 1990-1991 Photo Icons, Meadows Museum, Dallas
  • 1991 Photographes de la Galerie. Centre de la Photographie, Geneve, Switzerland

[edit] Quote

"Photography is a way of asking questions and finding some answers."

[edit] Related links

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