Gilgul (Kabbalah)

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For the role playing game, see Gilgul (game).

Gilgul, Gilgul neshamot or Gilgulei Ha Neshamot (Heb. גלגול הנשמות) refers to the concept of reincarnation, emanating from the Kabbalistic framework within Judaism. In Hebrew, the word gilgul means "cycle" and neshamot is the plural for "souls." Souls are seen to "cycle" through "lives" or "incarnations", being attached to different human bodies over time. Which body they associate with depends on their particular task in the physical world, spiritual levels of the bodies of predecessors and so on.

The most basic component of the soul is called the nefesh and is always part of the gilgul process, as it must leave at the cessation of blood production (a stage of death). It moves to another body, where life has begun. There are four other soul components and different nations of the world possess different forms of souls with different purposes.

The essential Kabbalistic text in regards to "gilgul" is called Sha'ar Ha'Gilgulim ("The Gate of Reincarnations"), based on the work of Rabbi Isaac Luria (and compiled by his disciple, Rabbi Chaim Vital). It describes the deep, complex laws of reincarnation. One concept that arises from Sha'ar Ha'gilgulim is the idea that "gilgul" is paralleled physically by pregnancy.

The Introduction of Sefer Gilgulim by Reb Chaim Vital explains : "The Book of Reincarnations" Sefer Gilgulim ספר גילגולים

עולם הפוך ראיתי עליונים למטה ותחתונים למעלה

רב יוסף בריה דר' יהושע בן לוי חלש ואתנגיד כי הדר אמר ליה אבוה מאי חזית אמר ליה עולם הפוך ראיתי עליונים למטה ותחתונים למעלה גמרא מס פסחים דף נ

The Talmud relates a true story where Rabbi Yoseph son of Rabbi Yehoshua fainted and went into the Spiritual World of Souls, he was allowed to take a glimpse at the Eternal Divine Spiritual World. When he awoke, they asked him "what did you see?" He said he saw a world that was totally "upside-down" as the great and famous people are considered unimportant in Spirit World. Whereas some of the poorest and most unimportant people in this physical world are considered to be the greatest souls in Spirit World.

He awoke confused, but was assured by Rebi Yehoshua Ben Levi that in fact he had seen the truth and the true reality of this world and the truth of the Eternal Divine Spirit World. (Quoted from the תלמוד בבלי מסכת פסחים דף נ עמוד א Talmud Pesachim Page 50a).

Appearances are Deceptive in this Physical World

Without spiritual understanding there are many things that occur in this world that seem unjust, unfair and simply "not right". Belief in the Eternal Divine Creator of the Universe - The רבונו של עולם G-D and belief in an Eternal Spiritual World instills in a person an acceptance that whatever happens, happens for a specific reason, nothing happens by accident nor chance.

Therefore when something seemingly unfair and unjust happens, one instinctively accepts and knows that the perpetrators will not go unpunished, either in this physical world or eternally in spirit world or their souls will be forced to reincarnate to come down to earth again to correct the mistakes of their past lives; if one is the victim then maybe it is you who has needed to experience something unfair in this life to cleanse your soul from a previous life, therefore making it necessary for one to experience the pain, learn the lesson, and then learn to forgive which will break the cycle of reincarnation.

The Books are Balanced Over Many Lifetimes

The Eternal Divine records known as ספרי החיים (or known as Akashic records) are records of everything that has happened in past lives and happens in this life. In most circumstances the "books are balanced" daily or during a single lifetime; however some situations are simply beyond repair in one lifetime, and therefore a Credit or Debt is issued over a persons soul.

Such a Credit or Debt, Reward or Pain can only be collected when the person reincarnates to live life in this physical world. This is the purpose of גלגל החיים "Reincarnation of Souls" - the balancing of the spiritual books.

Nothing happens by "chance" nor "accident" in this world, everything has reason, therefore if someone has caused you pain and anguish, don't be upset, trust and know that they will feel that pain and anguish or know that maybe in a previous life you caused them pain, so now is time to forgive, heal and close that part of your soul that needs healing from the injustice and pain.

Sefer Gilgulim ספר גילגולים

The Sefer Gilgulim ספר גילגולים The Book of Reincarnations and the Shaar Gilgulim שער גילגולים The Gate of Reincarnations have been accepted by all sections of the Jewish communities; both were written by Reb Chaim Vital from the teachings of his Rebbe - the Ari Zal, both books explain in depth the spiritual understandings of the Soul & Reincarnation.

The chapters in have been chosen because of their fundamental importance in the study of Gilgulim "Reincarnation" intended to be a practical guide to living a spiritually enlightened and successful life, forgive people as one expects to be forgiven, thereby moving on to higher levels of spirituality.

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