Gilberto Govi
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Gilberto Govi (born Amerigo Armando Gilberto Govi, Genoa 22 October 1885; died 28 April 1966) was an Italian actor, founder of the Genoese Dialectal Theatre.
His greatest successes were I manezzi pe majâ na figgia (I maneggi per maritare una figlia, The handlings for make a daughter married), Pignasecca e Pignaverde (Dry-Pinecone and Green-Pinecone) and Colpi di Timone (Rudder Blows). Also famous in Italy, especially Genoa and Liguria, are Quello buonanima, Gildo Peragallo, ingegnere (Gildo Peragallo, engineer), I Gustavino e i Passalacqua (The Gustavinos and the Passalacquas) and Sotto a chi tocca (Who's the next?).