Gigantiform cementoma
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Gigantiform cementoma is a rare, autosomal dental tumor. It is benign, but without intervention it can result in severe disfigurement of the jaw. The cause of this tumor is currently unknown. It is not likely that gigantiform cementoma is hereditary as familial cases are rare. The most famous case is of Novemthree Siahaan (who died on September 14, 2005), a young Indonesian boy from Batam Island who received medical care in Haulien, Taiwan through a Buddhist missionary from the Tzu Chi Foundation, which was documented on the Discovery Health Channel.
The term has been used in the past to describe florid cemento-osseous dysplasia, but it is now reserved for an autosomic dominant condition affecting the maxillae. It affects mostly white people under the age of 10. Treatment is difficult. Surgical removal of the affected bone is needed, and has to be followed by reconstruction.