
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikicheck is a tool designed to make checking your watchlist easier.

Source version: 1.0.5
Binary version: 1.0


[edit] System requirements

[edit] Extra requirements for the binary

  • Some runtime libraries (available on the web, I suspect)
    You'll probably only need "C:\Windows\System32\VB40032.dll", the rest should already be on your machine.
  • WinAce to decompress the file

[edit] Features

  • Diffs open in a new browser window.
  • Docks to the left screen edge.
    This prevents browser windows from overlapping the list.
  • Remembers the date the list was last fetched from the server, and shows only new edits.
    Apart from being practical, this should also decrease serverload and/or accesstimes.

[edit] Drawbacks

  • I have noted incompatibilities between WikiCheck and certain scripts in User:…/monobook.js script files. Since you won't be needing scripts in WikiCheck, the best thing to do is to wrap your monobook.js in the following test if you encounter crashes or other issues:
if(document.URL.indexOf("/w/index.php?title=Special:Watchlist&") == -1) { … }

[edit] Important information

Please read the following sections before you use this program.

[edit] License

(I hate this part, but I have to do this.)

In all respects should the binary executable program be considered a compiled version of the source code provided on Wikipedia.

All contributions on Wikipedia are GFDLed, but it is not always that clear how the GFDL would apply to source code. Therefore I feel the need of providing a license designed for software, and importantly one that a) keeps the software open and b) protects me from undue litigation. I think I act in the spirit of the GFDL by adhering to the following license:

Common Public License

  • Source code of WikiCheck should be open.
  • You are allowed to make copies of WikiCheck.
  • You are allowed to redistribute WikiCheck, providing you keep the following notice:

"WikiCheck is copyright © 2005 by Gerbrant P. Niers"

  • This license grant is non-exclusive, global, royalty-free, and for all purposes.
  • I cannot be held liable for anything.
  • Laws of the State of New York, U.S.A. apply.

Note: I am not a lawyer and I don't know if Dutch law permits me a choice of law. If situations exist where this is not permitted, be informed that section 7 paragraph 1 still applies and in that case the laws of the Province of South Holland, Kingdom of the Netherlands apply.

  • In any resulting litigation, each party waives its rights to a jury trial.

[edit] Tips

Here are a few tips:

  • "Datum opslaan en sluiten" means "Save date and close".
  • "Geen commentaar" means "No comment" – it means the edit summary box was left empty.
  • Only the English watchlist is supported for now.
  • To close the window without saving the date (for instance because you were not able to check all changes) use the small "x" at the top right before the beginning of the list.
  • If some necessary feature is missing, feel free to suggest it.
  • Scan every file you get from the net (including WikiCheck) for viruses. Things may get hijacked on the web.

You may want to check the list of known bugs.

[edit] Comments?

Please post bug reports at the bug reports.

Feature requests and other comments go at this page's talk page.

[edit] Source

[edit] Compilation instructions

  1. Open the page with the source code.
  2. Paste it in a text file and call it "WikiCheck.frm".
  3. Open it in Visual Basic.
  4. (Optional: you can safely choose an icon for the form and/or customize project settings.)
  5. Compile and run.

[edit] Removal instructions

  1. Delete "WikiCheck.frm".
  2. If present, delete "WikiCheck.frx" and "Project1.vbp".
  3. Delete the following registry key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\WikiCheck".

Note: instead of "Project1.vbp" please use the actual filename if applicable.

Note: if the registry key is deleted, the program will forget the last time it checked your watchlist.

[edit] Link to source


[edit] Binary

[edit] Installation instructions

At the link below you can download a file called "WikiCheck.ace". This file should contain a file called "WikiCheck.exe".

  1. Create a folder (e.g. "C:\Program Files\WikiCheck").
  2. Extract "WikiCheck.exe" to this folder.
  3. Download runtime libraries if necessary.
    Available from Microsoft: Vb4Run.exe Run-Time .dlls for Visual Basic 4.0 Apps
  4. Follow runtime library installation instructions, if provided.

[edit] Removal instructions

  1. Follow runtime library removal instructions, if provided.
  2. Delete all downloaded files and the folder you created.
  3. Delete the following registry key: "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\WikiCheck".

Note: if the registry key is deleted, the program will forget the last time it checked your watchlist.

[edit] Link to binary

WikiCheck hosted at, Here's site. "WikiCheck.ace" should be about 7 kB.