Gerald of Aurillac

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Saint Gerald of Aurillac
Born 855
Died 909
Venerated in Roman Catholic Church
Major shrine Aurillac
Feast October 13

Gerald of Aurillac or Saint Gerald (c. 855 – 909) is a French saint of the Roman Catholic Church, sometimes recognized by other religious denominations of Christianity.

Gerald was born into the Gallo-Roman nobility as the son of the Count of Aurillac, to which title he succeeded. The details of his life known today come primarily from the The Life of St. Gerald of Aurillac (c. 930-931) written by St. Odo of Cluny. According to Odo, Gerald suffered various illnesses as a child, and in later life was to suffer blindness. He seriously considered joining a religious order, but was persuaded against it by Geusbert, Bishop of Cahors, on the grounds that with his social position he could do more good by remaining in the world as a layman. Nevertheless, he consecrated his life in service to God, gave away his possessions, took a personal vow of chastity and prayed the breviary each day.

He founded a church and abbey on his estate of Aurillac, where he was buried after dying at Cenezac in 909. His memorial feast day is October 13. Saint Gerald, considered by his Church and his followers as a great example of a celibate Christian aristocrat, is the patron saint of counts and bachelors. Because of his poor health and blindness, he is also the patron saint of the disabled, handicapped and physically challenged. He also became the patron saint of Upper Auvergne.

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