Template:Geobox Protected Area

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The section below is transcluded from Template:Geobox title [edit]
This template is to be used for protected areas (national parks, reserves etc.). It belongs to the Geobox series of templates, which are designated to be used for various geography related articles. They use the same layout, internal logic and coherently named fields. All templates can have a name on top, picture below, then section on Country, Region etc. followed by fields which are specific for every geographic feature, with a map at the bottom.

It uses highly complex syntax which relies on many subtemplates which are common to the series. For general instructions see Geobox, please do read them. Below are all the fields for this particular template with one or more blank tables which should be copied into the article and then filled in (rather than copying the template code from an existing page). Please respect these rules:

  • do not put multiple items into one field, use numbered fields instead (e.g. city, city1, city2…).
  • enter unformatted numbers only, both metric and imperial values are displayed, provide either metric or imperial ones, the opposite is calculated automatically
  • do not put note and references into the fields themselves, use appropriate _note field
  • do not delete fields you did not use, someone else might need them in future

[edit] Legend

The section below is transcluded from Template:Geobox Protected Area/Doc [edit]
field explanation additional fields
name name of the protected area (if left blank, article title will be used)
native_name native name of the protected if different from the English one, it is printed in brackets on the same line as name
other_name, other_name1 … other names of the protected area, can contain names in other languages (then preferable in the {{lang-xx|}} style)
category=category_local local protected area category category_note
category_iucn IUCN category of the protected area, input Ia, Ib, II, III, IV, V, VI and the template with automatically print the IUCN category name category_iucn_note
image a representative photograph of the protected area
image_size photograph size in pixels (set to 256 if left blank), input just the number (i.e. without 'px')
image_caption photograph caption
Country etc.
country, country1 … country/countries in which the protected area lies country_type (default: Country/Countries)
state, state1 … state/states in which the protected area lies state_type (default: State/States)
region, region1 … region/regions in which the protected area lies region_type (default: Region/Regions)
district, district1 … district/districts in which the protected area lies district_type (default: District/Districts)
city, city1 … major city/cities (or other type of setlements) which lie within the protected area city_type (default: City/Cities)
location descriptive location (to be used for small protected areas where a center can be easily defined) location_type (default: Location)
lat_d … * location latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds and hemispheres (use N/W and E/W), aliased as location_lat_d … (from older version) coordinates_note
elevation(_imperial) location elevation in metres (feet), aliased as location_elevation(_imperial) (from older version) elevation_round (default: 0)
area(_imperial), area1(_imperial) … area in km² (mi²), additional values can be the area of the first zone, protective zone etc. area_note, area1_note …
area1_type … what the appropriate are figure relates to area_note, area1_note …
length(_imperial) protected area length in km (miles) length_note
length_orientation orientation of the length length_note
width(_imperial) protected area width in km (miles) width_note
width_orientation orientation of the width width_note
highest_name highest point name highest_note
highest_location descriptive location of the highest point highest_location_note
highest_lat_d … * highest point latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds and hemispheres (use N or W and W or E) highest_coordinates_note
highest_elevation(_imperial) highest point elevation in meters (feet) highest_elevation_note
lowest lowest point name lowest_note
lowest_location descriptive location of the lowest point lowest_location_note
lowest_lat_d … * lowest point latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds and hemispheres (use N or S, and W or E) lowest_coordinates_note
lowest_elevation(_imperial) lowest point elevation in meters (feet) higfhest_elevation_note
biome, biome1 … important biomes of the protected area biome_note
biome_share, biome1_share … area percentage of the biome (enter just figure without the percent sign) biome_note
geology, geology1 … important geology (rock types) geology_note
plant, plant1 … important plant(s) growing in the protected area plant_note
animal, animal1 … important animal(s) living in the protected area animal_note
established, etablished1 … established date, additional fields can contain year of status upgrade, enlargement etc. (appropriate establishedX_type' should be set) established_note, established1_note …
established_type, established1_type … text to be displayed in front of the established date established_note, established1_note …
management_body name of the managing body management_body_note
management_location descriptive location of the managemnt body's HQ management_location_note
management_lat_d … * management body's HQ latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds and hemispheres (use N or W and W or E) management_coordinates_note
highest_elevation(_imperial) management body's HQ elevation in meters (feet) management_elevation_note
visitation visitation of the protected area, if a precise number is given (not average), year should be defined using visitation_year visitation_note
visitation_year descriptive location of the management body's HQ visitation
Free fields
free_type, free1_type … free field type (name) free_note, fre1e_note …
free, free1 … free field value free_note, free1_note …
Map section
map, map1 maps showing the location of the protected area, can make use of the automated locator dot system
map_size, map1_size map size in pixels (set to 256 if left blank)
map_caption, map1_caption map caption
map_first whether the map should be displayed on top, instead of the photograph
map_locator appropriate Geobox location locator template for automated placement of the locator dot
map_locator_x, map_locator_y to be used for semi-automated placement of the locator dot, these are percents of the map width
website website of the protected area website_note
* Coordinates are defined as field_lat_d, field_lat_m, field_lat_s, field_lat_NS, field_long_d, field_long_m, field_long_s, field_long_WE

[edit] Blank

2 blank templates which can be copied into a page and filled in. There's no difference between them, just fields which won't be needed are not included. Metric/imperial values are calculated automatically from their imperial/metric counterparts, there's no need to input both. See Category:Geobox.

The section below is transcluded from Template:Geobox Protected Area/Blank [edit]
Metric values Imperial values
{{Geobox Protected Area
<!-- *** Name section *** -->
| name                        =
| native_name                 = 
| other_name                  = 
| other_name1                 = 
<!-- *** Category *** -->
| category_local              =
| category_iucn               =
<!-- *** Image *** -->
| image                       = 
| image_size                  =    
| image_caption               = 
<!-- *** Country etc. *** -->
| country                     = 
| country1                    =
| state                       = 
| state1                      = 
| region                      = 
| region1                     = 
| district                    = 
| district1                   =  
| city                        = 
| city1                       =
<!-- *** Geography *** -->
| location                    =
| lat_d                       =         
| lat_m                       = 
| lat_s                       = 
| lat_NS                      = 
| long_d                      =         
| long_m                      = 
| long_s                      = 
| long_EW                     =
| elevation                   =
| area                        =
| area1                       =
| area1_type                  =   
| length                      = 
| length_orientation          = 
| width                       = 
| width_orientation           = 
| highest                     = 
| highest location            =
| highest_lat_d               =         
| highest_lat_m               = 
| highest_lat_s               = 
| highest_lat_NS              = 
| highest_long_d              =         
| highest_long_m              = 
| highest_long_s              = 
| highest_long_EW             =
| highest_elevation           = 
| lowest                      = 
| lowest_location             =
| lowest_lat_d                =         
| lowest_lat_m                = 
| lowest_lat_s                = 
| lowest_lat_NS               = 
| lowest_long_d               =         
| lowest_long_m               = 
| lowest_long_s               = 
| lowest_long_EW              =
| lowest_elevation            =
<!-- *** Nature *** -->
| biome                       =
| biome_share                 = 
| biome1                      =
| biome1_share                = 
| geology                     = 
| geology1                    = 
| plant                       = 
| plant1                      = 
| animal                      =   
| animal1                     =
<!-- *** People *** -->
| established_type            =
| established                 =
| established1_type           =
| established1                = 
| management_body             =
| management_location         =
| management_lat_d            =         
| management_lat_m            = 
| management_lat_s            = 
| management_lat_NS           = 
| management_long_d           =         
| management_long_m           = 
| management_long_s           = 
| management_long_EW          =
| management_elevation        =
| visitation                  =
| visitation_year             =
<!-- *** Free fields *** -->
| free_type                   =  
| free                        =
| free1_type                  =  
| free1                       = 
<!-- *** Map section *** -->
| map                         = 
| map_locator_x               =
| map_locator_y               =
| map_size                    = 
| map_caption                 = 
| map_locator                 = 
| map_first                   =
<!-- *** Website *** -->
| website                     =   
{{Geobox Protected Area
<!-- *** Name section *** -->
| name                        =
| native_name                 = 
| other_name                  = 
| other_name1                 = 
<!-- *** Category *** -->
| category_local              =
| category_iucn               =
<!-- *** Image *** -->
| image                       = 
| image_size                  =    
| image_caption               = 
<!-- *** Country etc. *** -->
| country                     = 
| country1                    =
| state                       = 
| state1                      = 
| region                      = 
| region1                     = 
| district                    = 
| district1                   =  
| city                        = 
| city1                       =
<!-- *** Geography *** -->
| location                    =
| lat_d                       =         
| lat_m                       = 
| lat_s                       = 
| lat_NS                      = 
| long_d                      =         
| long_m                      = 
| long_s                      = 
| long_EW                     =
| elevation                   =
| area_imperial               =  
| area1_imperial              =
| area1_type                  =   
| length_imperial             = 
| length_orientation          = 
| width_imperial              = 
| width_orientation           = 
| highest                     = 
| highest location            =
| highest_lat_d               =         
| highest_lat_m               = 
| highest_lat_s               = 
| highest_lat_NS              = 
| highest_long_d              =         
| highest_long_m              = 
| highest_long_s              = 
| highest_long_EW             =
| highest_elevation_imperial  = 
| lowest                      = 
| lowest_location             =
| lowest_lat_d                =         
| lowest_lat_m                = 
| lowest_lat_s                = 
| lowest_lat_NS               = 
| lowest_long_d               =         
| lowest_long_m               = 
| lowest_long_s               = 
| lowest_long_EW              =
| lowest_elevation_imperial   =
<!-- *** Nature *** -->
| biome                       =
| biome_share                 = 
| biome1                      =
| biome1_share                = 
| geology                     = 
| geology1                    = 
| plant                       = 
| plant1                      = 
| animal                      =   
| animal1                     =
<!-- *** People *** -->
| established_type            =
| established                 =
| established1_type           =
| established1                = 
| management_body             =
| management_location         =
| management_lat_d            =         
| management_lat_m            = 
| management_lat_s            = 
| management_lat_NS           = 
| management_long_d           =         
| management_long_m           = 
| management_long_s           = 
| management_long_EW          =
| management_elevation        =
| visitation                  =
| visitation_year             =
<!-- *** Free fields *** -->
| free_type                   =  
| free                        =
| free1_type                  =  
| free1                       = 
<!-- *** Map section *** -->
| map                         = 
| map_locator_x               =
| map_locator_y               =
| map_size                    = 
| map_caption                 = 
| map_locator                 = 
| map_first                   =
<!-- *** Website *** -->
| website                     =   