Georgian Labour Party

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The Georgian Labour Party (Sakartvelos Leiboristuli Partia,) is a political party in Georgia. At the last legislative elections, 28 March 2004, the party won 6.8% of the popular vote. The Party which was founded in 1996 consists of approximately 180.000 Members all over Georgia. The leader of party is Shalva Natelashvili.

Representatives of the Party are in the local city councils. Unfortunately the party was refused to enter national parliament due to seriously forging of the elections in 2004.

Ruling Bodies Party’s supreme ruling body is Congress, which is held once in 4 years. Congress elects General Council, Political Committee, revision commission and the Secretariat. Congress also proves the youth and women leaders. Congress adopts the Program, makes changes in the Statute and determines the main strategy. Party has the regional organizations in each part of the Country. Secretariat carries out Party’s Daily work. Secretaries are:

   * Secretary General– Ioseb Shatberashvili;
   * Organizational Secretary – Konstantine Gugushvili;
   * Political Secretary – Giorgi Gugava;
   * Head of the Tbilisi City organization – Paata Jibladze;
   * Ideological Secretary  - Kakhaber Dzagania.

The party stands for social justice among all citizens of Georgia, including the demand of a welfare state and fighting corruption. Main goal of the Labour party of Georgia is to build a developed, independent state,

focused on international community, in which social equity is guaranteed and everybody has
possibility to participate in creation and distribution of the welfare.

1. Democratic State

GLP respects all the democratic values. GLP's aspiration is to promote equality for all, so the equal rights and freedoms to everyone is main principal of our view. Everyone have a say in decisions that affects their lives, so the public sector institutions are promoted. Is excluded all forms of discrimination, especially in race, ethnicity, social belonging, belief or any other attribute. Women and men have similar rights in all spheres of life. The only source of power recognised by GLP is the will of Georgian citizens, which is expressed by democratic election. We are against the Presidential power, which is not balanced by the Parliamentary and Judiciary branches, as it is today. Country has to provide economic and social policies, which aims to reduce poverty and responses the needs of all citizens. We want to create safer, more democratic and successful state, to serve the interests of Georgian People and International Society. The Georgia needs a political system that safeguards our liberties and defends democratic values. These all is important to bring the State closer to the People.

2. Rule of Law

The government authority may only act in accordance with acting laws. Those, who make and enforce the law are themselves compelled to adhere to it. We are for government, which acts according laws, and not according personal orders. Our aspiration is to establish in the country the real modern governance. Making government more responsive and accountable - is GLP's top issue in its agenda. People must have the opportunity to participate and influence the decision-making process, Government provides.

3. Country's steadiness and security

Georgia, with growing economy, high standards of living, sturdy military infrastructure, will be the state, which answers the challenges entire world assigns. Georgia always played and will play the principal role in strengthening stability and security In the Caucasus. We want to expand our trade-economic relations with other countries, but we don't want the threats to appear from these countries. Georgia will promote peace, stability, and democratization within the country, and will guarantee national sovereignty and territorial integrity. In this case we consider importantly international assistance, because Georgia's geopolitical location, its communicational projects invokes colossal international interests. Analyzing the historical aspects and future challenges, we know that our national security strategy must correspond to the international security strategy. We are for stable and mutually profitable relations with all democratic states and we can make our contribution for regional stability.

4. Encouragement of civil society

Citizens have the right to unite and make their sway on country development. Vital civil society is the basis for democratic future. We obligate ourselves to expand citizen's opportunities and build a State which is an area of freedom, security, tolerance, justice and equal rights. These all will serve and ensure observance of laws by society and individuals.

5. Human rights and freedoms

Human rights and freedoms are the main values, the state must protect. Freedom requires protection from oppression and violation. Freedom should be spread to all life spheres. Freedom of speech is key aspect. Elections must express the will of citizens, but this is not enough to protect human rights. Everyone can have full political rights without being discriminated against on the basis of class, gender, religion or race. Abuse of human rights is gigantic threat for state, and the threat to one is the threat to everyone.

6. Developing local governance

Our approach is: mayors and heads of all cities and rayon of Georgia must be elected. We must achieve a better balance between urban and rural areas, taking in mind their economic potential, location, strategic interests, budgetary relations, rights of minorities and etc. Democracy has to be promoted within the regions, not only in capital. State should carry out staid socio-economic policy, for keeping Country united. Suitable legal base is needed for refinement of local self-governance.

7. Economic well-being

GLP's objective is to build a stronger, dynamic economy and a fairer society, with opportunity and prosperity for all. Country must use its resources effectively, among them human, financial, technological and other resources to combat the poverty. In economic sphere, the cornerstone is the free market economy, which, foremost, serves the interests of the people, of the country and the international community, when the competition is based on the respect and all the participants of the process have common opportunities. Employment and the protection of institute of private property must be at the top of the Georgian agenda. GLP considers importantly the policies of International Financial and Economic organizations, to assist the motion for more prosperous world economy. Low taxes and stable political-economic situation can make Georgia one of the excellent places for business developments, especially in European area. Georgia seeks to have a significant share in producing global benefits. Ensuring economic security needs multilateral attention. It is connected to the energetic, financial, industrial, trade and other safeties, and they wholly guarantee the stable environment for economic growth.

8. Improving social sphere

Medical service, education should be attainable for each strata of population. First of all this means equal rights and parity of all before the law. Equal access to knowledge and medical service is top priority. State should resolve social and environmental troubles, or they will grow into political, economic or security troubles for the State.

9. Against crime and corruption

Motion against crime and corruption is an issue of common concern for all citizens. Crime and corruption has a direct impact on their lives. Government must carry responsibility to work heavily to combat organized crime and corruption. Improving the security of our communities must be a top priority for the government of Georgia.

10. Euro Atlantic Integration

Georgia seeks to be the part of Europe. We want to ensure internal democracy and strengthen international security. This is the aim - to build the Euro-Atlantic community. Safer societies mean safer states, and safer states mean safer international community. The integration gives us the opportunity to safeguard our freedom and security - the values, which are invaluable. Georgia has to resolve internal problems, to achieve the standards and principles, necessary for moving forward.

Party Leaders and Ruling Bodies:

Biography of the Chairman - Shalva Natelashvili Was born in 1958 February 17, Dusheti rayon, Georgia. Studied in Georgian State University on faculty of law. He continued post-graduate study in Diplomatic Academy of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of USSR. Worked in Prosecutors Office on several positions. In 1992-1999 years was the member of the Parliament of Georgia - chairman of the Judicial Committee, chairman of the "Labour" Fraction, leader of coalition "United Georgia", member of the Bureau. He is the one of the authors of Georgian Constitution. From 1995 he is the founder and the chairman of the Georgian Labour Party. Member of the World's Association of Lawyers. He is married and has two children. Shalva Natelashvili is known as the most radical oppositional political leader in the country, which is struggling for the prosperous future, people's interests, democracy and economic development.

Party's supreme ruling body is Congress, which is held once in 4 years. Congress elects General Council, Political Committee, revision commission and the Secretariat. Congress also proves the youth and women leaders. Congress adopts the Program, makes changes in the Statute and determines the main strategy. Party has the regional organizations in each part of the Country. Secretariat carries out Party's Daily work. The Secretaries are:

     General Secretary - Ioseb Shatberashvili;
     Organizational Secretary - Konstantine Gugushvili;
     Political Secretary - Giorgi Gugava;
     City Head - Paata Jibladze;
     Ideological Secretary - Kakhaber Dzagania;

Party history:

The Labour Party was founded in 1995.

The Party unites up to 220 thousand of members covering the different groups of population. The total amount of population is 4.4 million people (2004).

As the result of Local Elections conducted in Georgia in November 1998 GLP reached the significant results and had about 1000 representatives in the local Councils. GLP had majority members and the Chairmen in local legislative Institutions of the large cities & regions of Georgia, among them Capital Tbilisi. Also in Local elections conducted in July of 2002 got the leading place in the country according to the proportional electoral system. Here is the official result of local elections for capital Tbilisi:

  1. Name of the "Sakrebulo" Population Voters Participants Elected (Seats)

Total Labour Party National Movement New Rights United Democrats Revival Industrialists Ertoba Independent 1 Capital Tbilisi 1103500 634257 283855 49 15 14 7 4 3 4 2 0

Source: Central electoral commission of Georgia,

During the Parliamentary period 1995-1999 Party had the fraction in it. GLP publicly showed that it is the main progressive opposition power in the country and it rapidly gained the support of population. This circumstance concerned former president Shevardnadze and his supporter Saakashvili. So, in 1999 the Party, which overcame seven percentage threshold, was left outside of the parliament despite the conclusion of Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) (see: Georgia Parliamentary elections, 31 October & 14 November 1999, Final Report. Warsaw, 7 February 2000).

On 2003 elections the Party even in conditions of falsification and oppression has received support of 12,5 percents of the voters, but in result of the violence and infringements of the Constitutional norms from Saakashvili and his political force, the Party has again appeared outside of the Parliament. The Supreme Court abolished the results of this election, when the competence belonged to the Constitutional Court. Note: Parliament of Georgia consists by only one chamber, but the elections are carried out by two ways: Party lists and single nominees in 85 constituencies, total amount of MPs is 235. These all MPs create the Parliament, without any different chambers and have the similar rights and responsibilities. The Supreme Court abolished only the authority of Party MPs and left the other, so the GLP lost 20 seats in Parliament by this way, but we have three representatives (MPs), who won the elections in three constituencies.

On the eve of the elections on March 28, 2004, carried out only by proportional way (Party lists), that was the unconstitutional case, the President Saakashvili using mass media, has officially declared, that he will not admit the presence of Labour Party in the Parliament, and really he has carried out this, contrary to the will of the people.

Heads of all regions and districts, mayor of capital, managing persons of judicial authority, police and bodies of state security have received an instruction, that if our Party would overcome the threshold, they would be fired. As a result, only 6.1 percents of votes, given up to the candidates of our Part (the third place) had been stated. A lot of our votes in kind of ballots on all the polling stations were given up to a ruling Party. In result we have received one-party Parliament and this declares the Council of Europe in its last resolution (Honoring of obligations and commitments by Georgia Doc. 10383, 21 December 2004). Our suit concerning last elections discusses the European Court on Human Rights.

There are a lot of facts in GLP's history of press and punishment from the state authorities, which have taken place during all these years. Despite this the population of the country knows when the question is about democracy, liberty, security, well-being and other principle values, GLP doesn't falls back.


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Labour Party of Georgia



I Preamble II Fair and democratic State Legal Principles and supremacy of law Human rights and basic freedoms Transparent and accountable government Democracy at all levels Fight against illegality Sustainability and security of the country III Modern and developed economy Economic priorities and imperatives Role of the State in economy Employment policy Taxes for budget and budget for people Energy independence and safety Agriculture and industry IV Social equity Justice and solidarity Minimal incomes of pensioners and employees Healthcare for everybody Qualitative and accessible education Development of science Rights of women and youth Care for each family V Support of Georgian Culture VI International relations International policy and future prospects of the country International Security and Georgia Social Democracy on international level

VII Support of Sports

I Preamble Labour Party of Georgia is a political union based on democratic values, which was established and operates in compliance with the Constitution of Georgia, current legislation, internationally acknowledged norms of international law, own charter and program.

Main goal of the Labour party of Georgia is to build a developed, independent state, focused on international community, in which social equity is guaranteed and everybody has possibility to participate in creation and distribution of the welfare.

This program presents new concept of the Labour Party on development of modern Georgian statehood. It has been drafted in the period, when conditions in the country are extremely heavy in all essential spheres of life. In present program are discussed principles, implementation and adherence to which shall guarantee overcoming of difficulties and provide good opportunity for modernization of economy in compliance with trends and conditions established in modern world, which undergoes transformations. The party is determined to build a peaceful, free, democratic and socially equitable society, in which welfare and high living standard shall be accessible for each citizen of Georgia. This is fundamental content of the modern social democracy.

We can not accept war and violence; difference between words and actions, any exposure of dictatorship and authoritarianism, discrimination in any form and on any base, confrontation and policy directed towards splitting of society, division of population into minority – i.e. the rich and majority – i.e. the poor. The party shall always be against policy, which serves to underestimate national cultural values. Besides, the party shall direct its efforts towards ensuring, that Georgia shall occupy a worthy place in the ranks of international community.

In the preamble we declare our basic values, on which our program is based: this is productive, decent and free labour. We assume that creation of new opportunities for employment, promotion of welfare and prosperity is the way, which will lead our country towards achievement of the set goals.

We shall establish the state, democratic development of which will be irreversible and nobody will be able to stop this process. In Georgia everyone will have equal opportunities for successful and harmonized development and not only minority of citizens like now, or majority, like in the most of developed countries, but everybody.

Labour Party is not giving unjustified and unreal promises in this program, but we are declaring basic principles and values, which in our opinion are essential basis for development of our country, taking in consideration its history, modern reality and future prospects. Besides, we declare that everything stated in present program will become reality and whole Georgia shall benefit from results.

We never be satisfied by our achievements and the barometer of success of our activities shall be quality of living standards of each social group and each citizen of the country. Despite of political, social, economic or other transformations we shall remain faithful to the principles of our program.

II Fair and Democratic State

Freedom, democracy, welfare, justice, solidarity – these are five fundamental principles, acknowledged by Labour Party as basis for the state.

Restriction of freedom and distortion of its content is unacceptable for us. Authoritarianism, violence and quasi democracy is unacceptable for us Welfare of separate individuals rather than of welfare for all is unacceptable for us Unfairness and inequality are unacceptable for us. Ignoring of solidarity and de-socialization of the country is unacceptable for us.

Legal principles and supremacy of the law

We shall establish conditions, in which the Constitution shall be the main guarantee for sustainability of the state and correspondingly the society, each member of which shall acknowledge the importance of his role in the life of country. Democratic state first of all implies adherence to the will of the society, which in its turn means governance of the government, elected by people in democratic way. False elections mean ignoring of the will of the population. And on the contrary, State institutions, elected legitimately and through democratic elections - is the only way for establishment of supremacy of the law and guaranteeing full realization of the rights of citizens. So, ensuring of free, transparent and democratic elections is the chief priority of the state. We consider, that further refining of election-related legislation and desire of the government to conduct fair elections are those main criteria, which shall strengthen fundamental content of elections, namely fulfillment of people’s will in the state governance.

As a rule widespread illegality and arbitrariness that we witness presently in Georgia is first of all provided by lack of desire on behalf of the Government to establish order. We consider it inadmissible to have in power such political force, which not only does not want to act interests of the society, but even does not know how to do this. So called laws, execution of which is impossible for ordinary citizens in current circumstances and which are fitted to the interests of a small group of population, are indicative of lack of knowledge and mercenariness. This epoch should be ended in Georgia.

We consider that constitutional structure of governance determines efficiency of operation of the state. Our approach towards basic issues is following:

The Republic council of the Parliament of Georgia shall be elected by proportional system and senate - by the majority system directly from territorial units. The Republic Council forms the government – cabinet of ministers and approves of the budget. In the events determined by the Constitution it is possible to dismiss the cabinet and to disband the Republic Council prior to expiration of their term. The deputies should not enjoy immunity in case of committing of criminal action. Parliament should be vested with more expanded function of control. The President should not have the power of exerting predominant influence over the legislative organ. It is expedient to enact such legislative mechanisms, which shall allow to terminate authority of a member of the elective organ in case he leaves the ranks of a political party or joints another fraction.

President is the leader of the state and the supreme commander-in-chief, representing the country in internal and international relations, but he is not the head of the executive government. The President supervises adherence to provision of the Constitution and ensures normal functioning of the state organs. Besides, the President has the capacity to act in the role of an arbiter between different branches of government.

The Government of Georgia – the Cabinet of Ministers is the organ of joint authority, which is established by the Parliamentary majority of the Council of the Republic. The Cabinet can be dismissed in the event if the Council of the Republic does not approve or of submitted budget or announced distrust to it.

Besides, we want to stress, that the government has the right to operate only in compliance with democratic norms provided by current legislation. It is unacceptable to adjust laws to the needs and interests of government.

One of our basic principles is strengthening of political democracy and pluralism. Domination of one party, usually the President’s favorite party is unacceptable, even if it represents a majority. Political force existing in minority should not be removed from the arena of legal political action. It is impossible and illusive to build democratic future of the country without qualified and effective political dialogue. Equality in front of the law is the main criteria for establishment of democratic governance.

We consider that people should have legal right to adopt and abolish laws through referendum, as this will exclude possibility of arriving to decisions, which shall infringe interests of people. The above mentioned shall significantly increase responsibility of law-makers in front of the voters, which is essential precondition of the rule of democracy.

Human rights and basic freedoms

Protection of human rights and basic freedoms determined by the General Declaration of Human rights is the main concern of the state of Georgia.

Labour Party calls upon everybody to declare general solidarity on issues of human rights and freedoms. Everybody should have opportunity to self-fulfillment and living without fear. Society should view human rights in complex way. Breach of the right of one person should be considered as everyone’s’ problem.

Diminishing of the role of civil society is characteristic to anti-democratic government, as this promotes to decrease transparency of the governance process and lobby own interests from the shadows of power. Our vision is different: strong and free society restricts possibilities of authoritarian governance and as a consequence, decreases corruption and violence. Civil society with its various institutes and active citizens exercises supervision over functioning of the government and execution of the law, as without such supervision the state is not able to exist in the modern world.

Any word, stated by anybody is free. The word is the main tool for expression of constructive opinion and protest. People in the government should understand, that public protest never appears without having relevant grounds and neglect or attempts towards neutralizing of such protest violently is a crime against the country. Exclusive right and monopoly of power do not imply that it may be used unlawfully. General principle is that violent government becomes a victim of violence itself. Independence of media, right of organizing of strikes and manifestations without restrictions, strengthening of the institute of referendum, free and accessible information – together with various other values represent essential environment for functioning of the civil society. Ignoring of these issues is unacceptable.

Fight with corruption and crime is the main priority of the state, though breach of human rights in this process can not be excused in any case.

Georgia has always been tolerant towards other religious and ethnic groups. Discrimination is unacceptable and each citizen is equal in the face of the law. Protection of rights of ethnic and religious minorities is one of the main preconditions for implementation of the state governance. Besides, Georgia acknowledges historical role of the Orthodox Church in the development of the country.

Each citizen should be sure in availability of absolute guarantees for implementation of rights assigned to him by the Constitution and laws. Main task of non-governmental sector is promotion of increasing of awareness of each member of society and strengthening of responsibility of the civil society. Citizen, who elects the government should know that this person is temporarily hired by him and in the event of necessity issue of responsibility of the government can be brought up.

In order to develop strong guarantees for protection of human rights and basic freedoms, it is important to strengthen the institute of Ombudsman. We consider that the best way to achieve this goal is restriction of all mechanisms for influencing this organ by governmental agencies.

Guaranties for human rights and basic freedoms promote to development of responsibility of citizens in the country. Full realization of this responsibility gives benefit to family, country and even the mankind.

Transparent and accountable government Strong state institutions, strong public sector, which offers to the population of the country top level qualified service is essential for fast and dynamic development. Transparency, accountability and professionalism are the main criteria for operation of the civil servants. Accessibility and effective financial management develop basis for sustainability of public institutes.

Civil servants are is significant resource of the government, which ensures improvement of productivity of operation of the state and strengthens trust of society towards public institutes. Unstable bureaucracy is destructive for the country. It is impermissible when the substitution of political government is followed by substitution of professional employees. Such occurrences go beyond interests of the country, impede sustainability of state institutions and implementation of consecutive and reflected policy.

Only political force elected by people in transparent and free way is able to establish effective government, accountable and responsible towards people. Society should enjoy complete freedom of choice. Though, it should be stated, that the function of the society after elections is no less important. It should be actively involved in the process of decision making. In the event, if society declares protest, the government is responsible to take it onto consideration. Democracy can not exist without this principle, as otherwise we shall end up with an authoritarian regime for the term of four years. Improvement of the role of democratic institutes is of crucial importance. If democratic institutes are weak, representatives of the government, including those elected by people, are less interested in the opinion of the society – i.e. the opposition. At the same time when despite of unanimous position of the society some branch of the government arrives to contrary decision without any justification, it is only natural, that mistrust of population against the government becomes stronger. This represents rather longer term problem for the country, rather than a certain challenge, faced by any particular government.

We acknowledge two basic mechanisms of the governance – law and financial flows. All directions of development of the state should be in synthesis with each another and should be characterized with common trajectory. Disharmonic, fragmented and incompatible processes will not give desired results.

Democracy at all levels

Labour Party rejects any form of violence, especially when it comes from governing political party with the purpose of retaining power and assumes, that democracy should be established at all levels. Preservation of democracy is the main priority, which requires root changes at all levels of governance. Democratic political culture can not exist just only on the central level and be established only in the highest brunches of government, if the fundamental content of local governance is not guaranteed. Though, it is obvious that antidemocratic central government is not able to implement democratic reforms at local level.

Development of democratic institutes is the basis for strengthening of civil society and the state. Lack of such development will promote to establishment of authoritarian regime or in better case quasi-democracy in the country. Both of them turn down freedom and destroy basis of progress.

People are the source of governance. All positions, which have authority to influence life of people, should be directly elected by the people. Population should essentially participate in implementation of local governance. Consequently, our approach is following: political democracy in all fields and at all levels.

Development of local governance is the main condition for development of the democratic state. Georgia is indivisible state, which should consist of: the capital city Tbilisi (with special status), autonomous republics of Adjara, Abkhazia and Tskhinvali and other units of self government. Self governances represent administrative territorial units. At their territories, they implement the functions of self government, determined by the Constitution. It is impossible to establish self-government units according to ethnic, religious or ethnographic-district principles.

It is also important to assign complete independence to local self-governance bodies in issues, solution of which is not part of the competence of the central state agencies and resolution of which might be more efficient on local level. Though, to fulfill these functions it is necessary to delimitate functions, including financial and property relations between the central government and local self-governances. Functioning of self-government units should not be in contradiction with general state interests. Besides, constitutional reform of territorial structure should be focused on social-economic development of the country.

Independent judiciary system is the basis of public life. Drawbacks that we have in judiciary sphere hinder development of economy, protection of human rights and etc. The level of independence of the judiciary has substantial impact on development of the country. Attachment of the court to different brunches of government causes arriving to unjust decisions. Even if there is no pressure, but the corps of judges is not sufficiently qualified and they do not acknowledge their role in the society, the system is undermined and acquires tendentious nature. Due to the above mentioned, establishment of such an important institution, which should serve as a guarantee for protection of political, social and economic interests of citizens, up to now has not been possible. We consider that first of all political will of the government and then comprehensive reforms are essential for ensuring of independence and efficiency of the judiciary system.

Court system should be viewed as independent branch of the government. Basis for objectivity of the court system is electivity at all levels. Judges should not be accountable to anybody, even the President. The level of fairness and impartiality of decisions reached by the judges is directly proportional to the quality of independence of judges.

Consequently, we assume that in democratic society functions and authority of the state should be regulated by law, which is in compliance with the Constitution of the country and principles acknowledged by international law.

Fight against unlawfulness Development of sustainable and secure environment, in which each member of the society is protected from crime and violence is our primary designation. Efficient fight against crime should be directed towards two main spheres: ensuring the adequate level of democracy of the legislative framework and ensuring adherence of activities of public structures with requirements of the law. It is impossible to defeat crime with crime. We want to assign the same importance to fair forms and methods of the state governance as to their results. Besides, fight with lawful and administrative methods, improvement of social conditions and living standards is absolutely necessary for success. Social economic crisis promotes to involvement of people in criminal and shadow economy.

Extra-legal fields such as trade with drugs and weapon and trafficking have become the most painful problems of the country. State should by all means have done with these illegalities, in order to avoid demolishing results. In this respect, implementation of preventive policy is absolutely necessary. This minimizes sources of crime and requires fewer funds than liquidation of results.

Reform of law-enforcement organs is extremely important. Mechanisms of civil supervision should be strengthened in this respect. Public servant, employed in the law-enforcement sphere should represent best example of civic responsibility and awareness. Establishment of the opposite situation is inadmissible. Commitment of the most of crimes by the employees of so called law-enforcement organs, reinforcement of the strong phenomenon of non-punishment hinders development of the country. Putting an end to this evil practice is our chief objective.

Sustainability and security of the country Security and stability of Georgia does not depend only on processes occurring within the country, but it is influenced by global changes taking place all over the world, and especially transformations, which take place in the neighbor countries and Eastern Europe. Reinforcement of independence and sovereignty, revival of territorial integrity, maintenance of peace within the region and realization national interests of the country are key points of international policy of the country.

Peace is essential condition for development. We consider that restoration of territorial integrity is possible by means of flexible diplomacy and without applying to self-defense war, as the sovereign right of Georgia. This task is one of the most significant priorities of the country.

We are sure, that everybody should direct his efforts towards strengthening of Georgia. Any form of discrimination is unacceptable for us, especially on ethnic and religious grounds. Besides, we declare that any activity, directed against territorial integrity of the country is unacceptable.

It is clear that in circumstances of the modern world, the concept of security has acquired wide nature and went beyond the content of military strength. Non-military aspects such as economic security, energetic independence, democratic development and others gain not less nature. Consequently, realization of national security goals and reinforcement of that is possible by complex and global approach.

III Modern and developed economy

Each citizen has individual requirements and needs. People with similar requirements and needs build up social groups. Ensuring of favorable conditions for establishment and development of private business represents interest of each social group. In this respect our approach is the following: opportunity should be given to everybody and not to the minority. No doubt that employment is in the top of the list of national interests. Accordingly, creation of new jobs is our fundamental task. One can not think about employment and economic growth without development of private business

Policy of the government determines vector of economic development. In the event of taking right course of actions attaining of economy upheaval becomes possible. In case of destructive, thoughtless actions crises are developed. In conditions of ineffectiveness and letting economy to run itself stagnation takes place. In many occasions, small, medium and large businesses do not require support from the government. Their main desire is to get freedom in the field of their operation in order not to face danger of bankruptcy due to artificial financial or administrative barriers. This approach develops stereotypes, which of course are not good for prospective of improvement of trust, economic freedom and economic potential in the country.

We believe that Georgia has capacity to create competitive economic environment, favorable investment climate and sustainable legal basis; also to support the development of general market, implement rational monetary-credit, monetary fiscal, and financial-credit policy and to introduce order in all above mentioned fields. This will of course initiate effective social policy of the state. Though, it is very difficult to speak about social policy and fair distribution of welfare, while this welfare is not created and its antithesis – poverty is regnant in the country. Our main task is to resolve this problem in the shortest period of time.

Discussions on free and open market economy should start from the right of private ownership. We declare that ownership and management of property is the main right, or value of a citizen and the state should take care for development of appropriate guaranties. Income of an individual creates his/her property. The citizen should be free in management of his own income and choice of future arrangements. The more people own private business, the stronger is the country.

Adaptation with international trends of competition is essential in order to overcome backwardness. The content of economic security means satisfaction of these requirements. In the opposite case influence of other countries on Georgia will be increased, especially in vitally important fields. No doubt that the state is responsible for realization of goals of economic security.

Georgian people are diligent, well educated and audacious in achievement of own goals and despite living in region, which faces numerous problems and objective and subjective barriers, Georgian people will be able to achieve success from both internal and international points of view.

In this section we provide description of our concept on development of economy. Consider, that political force, which claims to govern the country should publicly report own opinions about each direction of state management. No one has right to come to the government for exercising experiments. Since in case of failure of political, economic or social experiments interest of people shall be impaired, this in no case is acceptable.

Economic priorities and imperatives

High rate of economic growth is essential for improvement of living standard in the country. This increase is significant not only for the nearest future, but also in long term prospective. In order to achieve increase, it is essential to activate to the maximum resource potential of the country and to improve productiveness of labour and capital. Naturally, all achievements depend on people; this indicates to the need of substantial investments in new technologies, as well as development of human resources and education. Knowledge, information, education, new technologies are the main factors, providing for the development of post-industrial society. In implementation of economic reforms each step should be strengthened by its social content, which should be based on the system of national interests. Poverty of each person decreases general welfare, which is reflected on the life of every individual.

Taking into consideration improvement of specialization and competitive advantage, we can identify several fields, in which Georgia has definite advantages. These fields should become main spheres, where internal and international resources should be attracted.

The need to fight against economic crime and restriction of organized crime requires speedy, legal and transparent actions in order to liquidate this danger in the shortest possible time. It is essential to protect different social spheres from this threat and minimize possible losses. The state will use all legal sources to secure welfare and goods, produced by free labour and at the same time will fight with illegally accumulated riches. Besides, our main goal is not to breach human rights and inviolability of private property during the fight against economic crime.

We are for modern economy, based on knowledge and intellect, which is based on principles of competition and cooperation and initiates development of the new places of work.

Objectives, set forth within the framework of the program of the party are following:

• Support of development of small and medium business; • Creation of healthy investment environment in the country and protection of investments; • Simplification of tax system, ensure transparency of administration and encouraging of entrepreneurship; • Activate anti corruption measures; • Inviolability and reinforcement of the institute of private property; • Active participation in international economic integration processes; • Fight against corruption, minimization of scale of shadow and illegal economy; • Development of sustainable legal-economic environment; • Realization of conditions for economic security of the country.

All the above mentioned makes possible to decrease of poverty and unemployment.

In conditions of open market economy, information-oriented society and intensive integrative processes human capital is established as moving force of economic development. Decrease of social inequity and fight against unemployment strongly depends on creative development of an individual. Poor person day by day looses trust in future, which causes decrease of his/her individual capacities. Unfortunately, today majority is poor. Aspiration for immigration has become wide-scale in this group of population. This is one of the main problems. We should create environment, which stops outflow of human resources from the country. People should have opportunity of decent employment in their country; this will defeat reign of social pessimism. At the same time we should concern for bringing back immigrated population. Main condition for achieving this goal is enough working places.

Essential precondition for attracting of investments is political stability. Investing in transit projects and privatization process was not sufficient. While political situation is unstable and risk factor, related to establishment and operation of business is high, investors try not to be engaged in business. Increase of internal investment requires development of appropriate infrastructure: bank system, market of securities, insurance and other significant branches.

In the circumstances of unstable environment, when political self interests are more important in decision making process than economic stability and advisability, it becomes essential to implement strong measures. In this document we briefly discuss issues, which in our opinion are vitally important for creation of normal economic environment:

• Establishment of special supervision by state on import and transit of oil, oil products, tobacco and alcoholic beverages in order to achieve maximal legalization of the mentioned business fields. • Guarantee of implementation of transparent, non-political, fear and economically approved privatization process. Implementation of practice of selling-delivery of significant part of share capital of the enterprise, to the employees of the same business, by prevalence rule; • To put in the forefront issue of economic specialization; • Minimization of the shadow economy, by means of economic tools and fight against organized crime; • Acceleration of scientific-technical progress of the country, make more active innovation policy; • To put in action and optimize state and private resources of social security. To support development of human capital by social policy; provision of sustainability of legislation in field of regulation of entrepreneurship; • Development of economic relations between territorial units, support of local economic activities, in order to include them intensively in international economy, stoppage of outflow of capital abroad, by putting in action local incentives; • Development of appropriate legal basis for creation of favorable business environment in order to attract foreign investments, since that will support speed development of brunches which include import and have potential of export; • Simplification of the system of licenses a permissions, bringing them into compliance with European standards; • Development of security market of security and inclusion of it in privatization process; • Restriction of creation of artificial monopolies at the market, in all sectors; • Fair distribution of land resources; • Legislative regulation of official subsistence minimum (minimal pension and salary should equal to subsistence minimum); • Focusing bank system on long term support of industry and agriculture, by means of beneficiary seasonal credits and investments; • To release from taxes amounts, reinvested from profit got by companies; • Provision of sustainability of GEL exchange; • Rationalization of auditing activity • Development of financial services, decrease of number of commercial banks to optimal quality; • Provision of financing deficit of budget, first of all on the basis of internal resources; • Increase of expenses on education and science against total of the state expenditures; • Maximal decrease of international debt, strict regulation of this direction; • Concern for each person able to work.

It is necessary to elaborate national strategy of tourism, taking into consideration geographic location, internal infrastructure, available recreational resources, potential users of market and other factors existing in Georgia. Patent policy is improved with the purpose of achieving full security of patents on both internal and international levels.

With the purpose of elaboration and adoption of sound fiscal and tax policy adequate diagnostic of current macroeconomic situation is of crucial importance. Achievement of this goal is possible through reforming of inefficient statistical service. First of all this agency should be under administration of the government and should be established as independent entity of public law under to the Parliament of Georgia.

Process of spending of taxes, paid by the tax-payers by public institutions also requires for serious monitoring in order to guarantee the efficiency. By the law given function is assigned to the Chamber of Control, ensuring independence and integrity of which depends on the good-will of the government. The Labour Party declares this will in its program.

Implementation of appropriate programs of environmental policy and ecological safety is in the centre of attention of the mankind. Programs, implemented in Georgia should represent part of the global environmental policy. Transformation of national economy with the purpose of minimizing of ecologic danger is an essential direction. Control for provision of food security of population should be reinforced at the same time.

Role of the State in economy

The Labour Party of Georgia considers that due to increased demands of population, there is the need to ensure protection of social equity and free development of human being, reinforcement of the role of state in regulation of economy. At the same time we want to mention, that the state should not restrain free market, otherwise achievement of wanted goals will remain illusive.

Liberalization of economy and irreversible globalization does not mean automatic reduction of the role of the state in economy – this opinion, to put it mildly, is groundless. Even imperative micro economic regulations are enough to approve this. We think that this is a possible way for development of guarantees of social equity.

Implementation of illegal policy in privatization has extremely negative results. Public property of tremendous value was illegally transferred into the property of private sector and economic conditions and living standard is deteriorating further day by day. Besides, the prospects of development of facilities become ambiguous and resources and assets as a rule are used ineffectively and are subject of selling and destruction. This of course causes collapse of economy.

The Labour Party of Georgia strongly objects to privatization of public property not on the basis of its economic value, but taking into consideration political needs and context. This is especially true in regard to the sphere of transport, communication and energy infrastructure. Current practice indicates that normally governmental officials and/or hostile foreign forces stand behind privatization process of large facilities, hiding themselves behind the private companies. Interests of Georgia are infringed in both cases – economic problems are created artificially, corruption is intensified and economic independence and security of the country is endangered.

The state owns legal tools for exerting of significant influence over development of economy. It is possible to make fundamental changes in structure of economy by means of investment, monetary, financial and fiscal policy. Each decision should be rational, scientifically approved and dynamic, in order to attract local and foreign investments.

We assume, that guarantee of the freedom of business is the law. Risks are huge in Georgia and guarantees equal to zero. While political elite adjusts laws to its own interests, investment environment automatically deteriorates. It is impossible to present negative investment environment in attractive and favorable format by means of publicity and other indirect methods. Development of favorable environment is the only efficient way. The potential investor is interested only in facts and realistic conditions.

Employment policy

Employment should be the key point in the daily routine of building of statehood. Georgia will not be able to adjust with collisions caused by unemployment. Each citizen should have opportunity to developed, work and achieve desirable position in the society.

Labour and creation of welfare are the back-bone of strength of the state. We should create new employment opportunities, new enterprises and improve working conditions for all.

Each unemployed person means loss, as nothing valuable is produced or created and such persons use welfare created by others. In this event two conditions are originated: individuals should satisfy demands of the modern labour market and appropriate places of work should be available for them. Each form of legal labour is the process of development of welfare and is useful for the country. The state should permanently direct its efforts towards improvement of conditions and environment of labour.

Evaluation of privatization by such indicators, as its speed and proceeds, generated by the state budget is indicative of lack of competence. Success of privatization is determined by fair distribution of state property, support of local and international competition, quality of focusing on development of companies, development of many workplaces for citizens and other not alone important factors. So, one of the main factors in assignation of state property should be development of new workplaces and improvement of existed conditions.

A citizen should have opportunity of generation of welfare by his own work, achievement of personal freedom and independence. Only healthy person might be ready for such labour. Consequently, health protection should be also viewed from the dimension of employment. We have to give to people opportunity for balancing time and energy and promote, that they share it equally between family and work.

Implementation of active policy of trade and industry promotes to development of large number of new workplaces. Inclusion of all groups of society in this process is our objective. This will help the majority to become employed. We understand that, that inclusion of people into modern labour market, alienated from normal working environment for many years, will be related with certain difficulties; though we think that seeking solutions to this problem is a key responsibility of the state. It is not possible to move to the trajectory of successful development without integration of unemployed people in the civil society.

Consequently, we reinforce tools for protection of the rights of laborers and role of trade unions in this process. The above mentioned could be achieved by means of reformation of the labour legislation in compliance with the standards and norms, acknowledged by international organizations. Implementation of European standards is the main objective of our program.

We shall regulate the minimal wage for labour on legislative level. Hourly payment should be introduced in order to exclude exploitation and poorly paid work. Financial incentives should be developed for creation of permanent jobs in private sector.

National bureau of employment is to be established, which should have complete database and will offer work to the citizens in accordance with their professional knowledge and experience.

It is essential to elaborate and implement state programs in the sphere of employment. These programs should be focused on training and retraining of unemployed people. This will help them to meet requirements of modern labour market. Nature of labour, status of laborers, interests, requirements of market and other factors are completely changed at this stage. Laborer in post industrial society is significantly different from the laborer in industrial epoch. Modern world trend requires development of new professions, necessity of training, diversification of work-place, increase of number of employees in the fields of information and services. So, education of new generations in compliance with modern tendencies is precondition of success.

Finally, it should be stressed, that increase of quality of freedom, development of free trade and free markets is the best way for promotion creation of new jobs. Intense work in this direction shall improve prospects of poverty reduction and avoiding of social cataclysms.

Taxes for budget and budget for people

State budget is the main financial document of the country, which significantly determines development of equitable social conditions. Fiscal and tax policy can support development of private entrepreneurship, and vise versa.

Implementation of rational tax policy is one of the main functions of the government. At first stage should be determined tasks of the government and financial resources, necessary for fulfillment of these commitments. Mobilization of more taxes serves to decrease of welfare of population. This of course is not in the interest of the state. Collection of less taxes impedes government from effective implement its functions. Consequently, the first task is determination of optimal extent of tax load, which makes both above mentioned directions commensurable.

After introduction of well designed and scientifically approved tax reform, business should enjoy full financial amnesty. This reform should consider significant modification of legislative acts with the purpose of ensuring liberalization of system and administrative-structural changes. This will increase trust of the tax-payers towards the state, which shall promote to establishment and collection of optimal amount of taxes. Each tax-payer should know that the taxes are paid in order to: • Provide peace and stability in the country; • Develop sustainable environment, cleaned of criminal and violence; • Eliminate possibilities of infringement of human rights, especially in respect of development of property and private business; • Develop qualified and independent judiciary system, in which the payers will have opportunity to defend their rights; • Support development of business environment in order to attract internal and foreign investments; • Develop infrastructure essential for life and business; • Modernize healthcare and education systems and bringing them in compliance with the modern requirements; • Develop socially just and democratic conditions and other significant guarantees, in the country.

In the event, if the state is not able to resolve above mentioned tasks and on the contrary, creates artificial barriers to development of private business, the adequate question comes to mind of the tax-payer: why do I need to pay taxes at all?! Due to that we consider, that that increase of trust between the payer and the state is the key point. The mentioned will support to establishment of tax discipline in long term period.

In the event, when somebody enjoys illegal privilege, he/she not only generates more welfare than the other competitors, who do not have similar privilege, but expels this subject from the market. Due to that, we declare: no privileges and advantages to anybody – everyone is equal against the law.

As a consequence of reforms following should be attained:

• Each payer should be sure that amounts paid by him/her are used for his/her welfare. • The tax administration should be reinforced institutionally. Relations of tax servants and payers should be improved. • It is essential to establish mechanism for warning payers about bills. Economic subjects should be involved in the process of improvement of legal basis. • Elaboration of mechanisms, for provision of incentives to fiscal organs is a fundamental issue. • The tax-payers should be supported in better acknowledgement of their rights and responsibilities in order not to admit pressure of representatives of different agencies on their activity. • Balance of systems, encouraging and stimulating fiscal functions; Liberalization of administration; • Development of acceptable model for decentralization of budgetary and tax system, which will meet requirements facing each territorial unit. • Initiation of development of new places to work, by entrepreneurs, by means of wise tax policy. Implementation of state programs supporting small and medium business. • Harmonization of customs activity with international requirements.

Energy independence and security

In the circumstances of the modern world Georgia understands, that it is impossible to preserve independence and sovereignty of the country without energy independence. In the circumstances of lack of energy resources development of country becomes unimaginable. Reduction of deficit and satisfaction of local demand based on own resources, means ensuring of energy security

Supply of population and entrepreneurs with energy resources, development of supplies for vitally important facilities, elaboration of sound tariff policy, taking into consideration social and economic conditions of population and principles of economic balance – represent main concern of the state. Besides, development of commercial interests and relations in energy sector becomes essential, for complete invigoration of the system.

Energy potential of the country gives possibility of reduction of dependence on external energy sources and satisfaction with internal resources. Development of given sector shall promote to expansion of export potential, which can become significant source of income for the country. Transit function of the country and energy although-passages will help Georgia to achieve independence in this field and in diversification of energy resources.

Privatization of energy units is a significant issue. We consider that in our country interests and influence of foreign political forces prevail over the sphere of production and transportation of energy resources. Due to that, this field is not managed by principles of open free market economy. Increase of influence of foreign countries on energy system of Georgia means reinforcement of political influence, which of course restrains interests of Georgia. The Labour party assumes that energy objects might be privatized only in case of complete exclusion of impact on political independence of the country. In this event, state has to take care for permanent energy supply and implementation of new technologies in energy generation.

Consequently, the party assumes that while majority of population finds itself on the poverty line, consumer prices on energy should be determined by the Parliament of Georgia through adoption of relevant law and not by so called Energy Regulatory Commission.

It is clear, that attaining of energy stability and development of sustainable system in the country is possible only by elaboration and implementation of complex, many-sided reform.

Agriculture and industry

Households, which reside in rural areas and are employed in the sphere of agriculture, deserve special attention. In spite of unfavorable environment and available risks, they preserve their business, cultivate land, harvest and supply the country with food and raw materials. Such persistent labour is done for the sake of love towards business and country. If the state fulfills all undertaken commitments and creates favorable conditions for development of rural economy, these people will become successful economic subjects and make great share in the economy of country.

Rural population faces two challenges: to produce agricultural products and then sell them for favorable price. We consider that the state should support these economic subjects in both of these directions and should consider them as priority for the county. The following is essential: reconstruction and extension of   capacity of procession industry;  implementation of new technologies; implementation of new technologies; development of transport-communication infrastructure; accessible credit resources, envisaging low interests and seasonality; improvement of background for development of farming; establishment of special agencies at local level, which will provide delivery of fertilizers and chemicals for people involved in agriculture. 

It is essential to use capacities of international organizations, especially of WTO, in order to support development of agriculture and agro food industry. Simultaneously to satisfaction of demands of internal market, product of Georgian village can cope with external market.

Active fight is required against production and distribution of low-quality products. Besides, antidumping policy should become more active, in order to protect interests of our economic subjects. We realize that support of local market should be in compliance with the norms of international law.


Social Equity

Each citizen is a person and has values, which are universal for everybody all over the world. The basic ones among them are: Life – as the main inviolable value; Freedom – especially in making choice and self-fulfillment; Health – as guarantee of Life; Happy Life – in compliance with own considerations and wishes; maximal use of special skills, opportunity for acquire wealth and etc. We assume that social justice is to be expressed in universal approach toward everybody, in order to give opportunity to each person to improve and preserve own individual values.

Justice and solidarity Solidarity becomes significant in the process of fair distribution of welfare. One of the most fundamental principles for us is solidarity, particularly between the generations. We want to establish new approaches for relations of the state towards the people.

We see Georgia as democratic and socially protected country, power of which is determined by legal and fair approaches towards each citizen. Critical margin of social differentiation and non-availability of the trend towards improvement of conditions create additional challenges to Georgia. The Labour Party expresses interests of middle and low classes of society, which represent absolute majority of the country. We declare that the Labour Party is not the party of only the poor. We are sure, that when poverty is reduced in the country and wealthy middle class is formed, our party will become stronger. Our goal is the following: to conquer this unbearable condition and create social-economic conditions, favorable for life and development of each person.

Legalization of provision of subsistence minimum to people, including unemployed, is of crucial importance. Besides, the subsistence minimum should not be taxed. The poverty level should be mitigated through improvement of social benefits and social insurance.

The state should fully and timely meet commitments undertaken in regard to pensioners, people with limited abilities, people living in mountainous areas, families having many children and other socially vulnerable persons. In the event of failure of payment of social benefits accounts should be settled with accrued interests.

Socially vulnerable population should be exempt from taxes and fees, related to procedure of issuing following certificates: confirming housing conditions, birth and marriage certificate, condition of health etc.

Restoration of legal rights of socially repressed citizens seems essential to us.

The party does not support distorted forms of ensuring social justice through egalitarianism, though at the same time acknowledges importance of social justice in fighting with poverty and unemployment. We should protect interests of small business, especially individual economic subjects from social point of view and make them free from extra pressure. Equal opportunities for development and equality in the face of the low – are the main principles of social justice. Based on these values we will manage to build completely free, democratic society and the state of real welfare

Minimal incomes of pensioners and employees

Each citizen should have opportunity to live on own individual income. Even one poor person is the problem of state. We know, that such concepts as: unemployment, sickness, social pessimism and etc are directly linked with the poverty. Phenomenon of poverty should be eliminated in Georgia for ever.

It is essential to increase amount of pension in order to make it equal with subsistence minimum. Fundamental reform of pension system is absolutely necessary for ensuring more transparency and fairness of the system. Development of private pension insurance system should be supported. This is one of the main conditions on the way to social justice.

We consider that at starting point minimal pension should amount to at least half of the reimbursement, that the person had at the last place of employment and should not be less than subsistence minimum. Though even this is not enough and the stage by stage increase is necessary.

The goal of labour of each individual is based on satisfaction of two demands: first – development of conditions for existence and second – satisfaction of basic needs and requirements. We consider that labour which does not create adequate conditions for existence is inadmissible. As to satisfaction of such demands and needs, as accumulation of wealth, gaining of reputation, professional development and etc is based on potential, talent and industriousness of each person.

Concern of every person is to have enough income for better life, accumulation of capital, achievement of personal goals and not just for existence. We hereby declare, that amount of minimal reimbursement of labour should satisfy essential needs and should be transformed into factor, promoting development of an individual.

Unfortunately, standards for reimbursement of labour established in Georgia do not satisfy any of these requirements and accordingly, hinder development of individuals and society.

Healthcare for everybody

Reform of the healthcare system should be focused on provision of universality and accessibility. Development of healthcare system at the expense of government is essential for socially unprotected population. The above mentioned does not exclude the need of provision of alternative service, for which the customer shall be responsible to pay.

The state policy should envisage the following:

• Improvement of mother and child health; • Improvement of prevention and treatment of ontological diseases; • Prevention of contagious diseases, dangerous for all groups of society; • Increase of expenses on healthcare; • Increase of additional healthcare support through establishment of state program for socially vulnerable people; • Mandatory healthcare insurance for children and adolescents below 18; • Provision of state insurance of regular medical check –up and undeliverable healthcare treatment for old people above 60; • Promotion of healthy life-style and environment; • Extension of medical rehabilitation capacities; • Preparation of effective programs on supply of medicaments; • Increase of efficiency of operation of state agencies, ministry and attached structures; • Improvement of the quality of health care service and security.

Health is the wealth of the nation and represents the source of improvement of living standard. Health status of each person is not just individual an interest and requirement, but concern of the state. Healthcare system requires more funding, reformation and transparency. Each important decision of government on management of healthcare system should be discussed publicly. Introduction of European standards of healthcare taking in consideration reality of Georgia is a strategic task. It will be impossible to protect rights of patients without complete harmonization with European standards and establishment of monitoring over the process.

Improvement of working conditions of people, involved healthcare system and especially of doctors is of prior importance.

In order to avoid spread of diseases appropriate preventive policy and rehabilitation measures should be implemented. State should promote healthy life-style and creation of healthy environment in general. Modernization of healthcare infrastructure is difficult but unavoidable challenge, which first of all requires accumulation of huge finances. State and market institutions should be involved in healthcare service. Well equipped hospitals with proper personnel should operate in all towns of the country. The system should be decentralized. Patients should be treated without delay. Undeliverable healthcare should fully be financed by the state. People should not buy life or loose it because of not having money.

Each person needs certain physical rehabilitation, treatment, especially after surgical intervention. In this respect it is essential to expand labour rights of persons to ensure, that they have proper time for rehabilitation.

Care for each family

State should provide free secondary, vocational and higher education, which should be guaranteed by appropriate programs and meet international requirements.

Education of adequate quality is absolutely necessary for better future of our children. Our policy should ensure that everybody has access to modern education. Increase of expenses on education is a key issue in this respect.

Everyone should have opportunity to have access to good quality education. We want to develop strong system of secondary education, which will help young generations to achieve decent position in the society.

We consider that professional development should be possible at any time. The recent trends show, that investments in this field are most profitable. We know that good quality education is expensive, but the state will do its best to ensure, that free education is equally adequate, as private institutions. At the same time, development of private institutes should be supported.

Qualification of teachers should meet requirements of modern tendencies. Encouraging and motivating of children is the main factor of success. Methods, content and conditions of education should be fundamentally revised.

We think that, individual contracts will better regulate relations between school administration and the child’s parent. The Ministry of Education should determine optimal number of children in the class (not more than 20-22). At the same time the state should elaborate and implement training programs for teachers.

In the process of establishment of post industrial society, when the main locomotive of economy is knowledge and information, we think that each school should have appropriate computer equipment and access to the internet.

Improvement and modernization of libraries in compliance with modern standards is a priority. Library services should be free throughout the country. It is important to develop the network of libraries with good supply of books, modern equipment and the internet.

Development of science

Scientific research widens opportunities for our development, expands concept of government in regard to any issue, which in its turn promotes to reaching of rational decisions and moving forward. The state should support development of science and improvement of living standards and working conditions of scientists. Attention should be paid to talented young people, in order to involve them in this field.

We consider that increase of expenses on science up to 3% of GDP is the most important step in this direction.

Opinion of scientists on prospects and advantages of development of Georgia should become main basis for elaboration of the state policy. National Academy of Sciences should supervise the process of development of science.

Rights of women and youth

We consider, that protection of rights of women will promote to success of society in many fields. Free and equal access of women to labour market and involvement in social and political life has recently become key issues in Georgia. Failure to use capacities of women can become main reason of failure to attain success. Women should have opportunity to balance time rationally between family and work. We think that declarations on paper and even legislation are not enough to achieve the goal and commitments and rights should be implemented in practice.

Combination of historical traditions and modern views towards women will make possible to resolve problems in this field. In case of exclusion of one of the mentioned factors, progress can not be expected.

Youth should be one of our main concerns. Development of each young person is one of the key priorities of state. We acknowledge that any policy implemented by the government might be considered successful if it does not do any harm neither to today’s nor to future generations.

Rationalization of time, spent by children and young people should represent the concern of state institutions. While young people do not understand essentiality of development, education and sport; the level of consumption of narcotic drugs is increased, as alternative way for self realization. Youth is the future of the country and support of it means rescue of the country.

Care for each family

Strong family is the basis of strong society. Welfare of each person determines welfare in general. Future generations grew up in separate families and get there all features and habits, which they show in their life. Concern for this issue is very important for us, though the role of parents has huge value. Problem of each family is problem of whole society, which of course becomes the problem of state.

We observe family, as a basic social institute. Main content of social policy is the welfare of each family. Everything good for young families and their children should become key point for the state. Development of education centers for children is one of strategic tasks for us.

Fund for supporting Georgian family should be established, in order to initiate improvement of demographic condition and creation of new families. After formation of each new Georgian family, it will get one off benefit from the government. One of the most significant issues related to demography is dwelling for newly-married couples and children. Naturally, government is not able to resolve this problem completely, though it will support regulation of this issue within available resources. Besides, the state will help young families in different ways (child healthcare, kinder gardens, schools), in order to give opportunity to mothers, which have small children to be involved in social-economic and cultural life of society.


Support of Georgian Culture

Revival of national culture, endangered due to social-economic crisis is extremely necessary. Modern Georgian art should be developed on the basis of national values. This will support establishment of general ideals of the mankind in society.

National-historical monuments and cultural heritage requires great attention and protection. In this respect it is necessary to develop relevant legislation and state programs to support given sphere.

We assume that implementation of the state policy for preservation of language is absolutely necessary. Increase of production and economic activity in the field of culture will support to development of this field. This also means development of new workplaces. Perfection of legal basis and simplification of regulatory system are necessary. This will initiate commercial activity in the field of culture. In the result of the mentioned prospects of popularization of Georgian culture in all over the world will be increased.

It is not enough to acknowledge yourself that your culture is unique and you should popularize it on international level. Labour Party of Georgia pays great attention to development of Georgian cinematography, for which state financing should be increased. Improvement of conditions at museums is absolutely necessary, in order to give opportunity to each interested person to get information on important issues of cultural heritage. Investments in all above mentioned fields mean preservation of Georgian culture and strength of future generations.

VI International relations

Throughout the history of the mankind Empires and states were formed and demolished, which considered themselves as dominating powers and promoters of civilization. Today is formed commonwealth, which aims towards democracy, security, solidarity and freedom. Today fundamental changes take place in international relations. On the background of global processes external policy of Georgia should be in compliance with modern tendencies and guarantee realization of national interests.

International policy and prospects of the country

Foreign policy of Georgia should be based on the concept of territorial integrity, priorities of occupying decent position in international community. Even small tendency of self isolation might ruin the country.

In the country strength of a company is determined by developed value added and taxes paid in a definite period of time, normally one year. Strength of the state and place in world community is determined similarly. Poverty of each country decreases general welfare.

The Labour Party of Georgia considers, that vector of international relations should pass through one of the main values: role of Georgia should be reinforced on international level. Unfortunately, complete realization of this goal is unimaginable on the background of social-economic crisis within the country. Simultaneously with the concern for improvement of conditions in the country Georgia should implement active international policy; in order to get benefit of positive attitude of international community, developed after the independence of Georgia. We want to be actively involved in international community, activity of which is based on governance of law, democracy, stability and security.

Full utilization of capacities of international and regional organizations is very important in political and economical international relations. Adherence to norms, provided by international law promotes to establishment of sustainable political and economical environment in the country. As a consequence of mentioned, huge investments will be made in Georgia, which will improve employment level in the country.

Georgia has already established good relations with Europe. We want to live in Europe, in which democracy and welfare will be general values and not property of any separate country, group or class. Provision of people with decent places of work, sustainable social guarantees, stable and secure environment, equality against the law, democratic society and transparent, accountable governance - are basic values of European social democracy. Our main task is protection of national interests, simultaneously with active integration in international community.

We see Georgia as a member of European family. History, culture, traditions, geo-economic and other potential makes our country extremely attractive for European Union. Besides, geographic location of Georgia provides for transit potential of the country and shall help us to become centers of reinforcement of economic relations in more than one region. Georgia will benefit from combination of these functions with national economy.

It is obvious, that economy of Georgia will not be able to move forward without active integration in international economy. Consequently, it is important to put into commission principles of openness in market relations and to reduce backwardness in short term. Georgia is able to achieve status of regional economic leader in nearest future. We believe, that can not be achieved unless some Georgian companies penetrate on international markets. Availability of Georgian products at international market has enormous advantages, not to say anything about monetary incomes.

We support increase of the role of small countries in activities of international organizations. This first of all refers to UN. At the same time we are against useless membership of Georgia in international organizations.

We think that UN is a pioneer in advocacy for international peace, stability, security and human rights; though it is obvious that it is necessary to reform and strengthen each institute, included in it, in order to realize millennium goals effectively.

We declare that simultaneously with building of united European community the imperative requirement of Georgia should be reestablishment of territorial integrity and reinforcement of sovereign values.

International Security and Georgia

Of course al efforts should be directed towards elimination of possibility of war, though peace requires much more efforts. We consider that sustainable foreign relations, realization of requirements of international law, non-discriminative and equal policy, liquidation of danger of violence and terrorism, democratic development and welfare are the main components for establishment of lasting peace.

Modernization of military forces of Georgia and establishment of strong self defense system is the state priority of Georgia. Besides, we believe, that each international and local conflict, including those, which occur on territory of Georgia, should be resolved peacefully and modern world has sufficient resources and mechanisms to ensure this

Peace in the Caucasus is guarantee of security for Georgia. Intensification of regional cooperation has vital importance. We have to reinforce trust with neighbor countries, deepen relations with Europe and develop joint guarantees for security.

Our focus on Europe is first of all provided by similar aspirations, which are the following: to create and strengthen peaceful, democratic and stable Europe, in which future generations will have opportunity for normal life. Besides, Georgia as a country, located in the extreme East, makes it more interesting with its history and culture. Geo-political and geo-economic potential of Georgia will help Europe in strengthening of economic security.

Of course fight against terrorism is very important for the future of civilized world, though it seems impossible to defeat it only through using of force. Joint efforts for poverty reduction and fight against injustice might be more efficient.

Social Democracy on international level

The labour Party of Georgia, as political organization supporting social-democratic values considers, that social-democracy does not have borders and main guiding line is establishment of freedom, welfare, social justice and solidarity in separate countries and in whole community. We want to live in such Europe in which these values are defended in all member states.

W believe, that if main principle of social-economic movement, which is equality in the face of the law is not guaranteed, it is impossible to build democratic state, especially commonwealth of states.

The Labour Party of Georgia is focused on socialistic international and is aiming at membership in the European Socialists Party in order to become more active in advocating of social-democratic values on the global level. Local activity is essential for defense of global values in liquidation of dangers and achieving positive results. .


Support of Sport

Concern for physical training of future generations should get status of the state policy. Special attention should be paid to development of sport, for which establishment of sport schools and sport sections is absolutely necessary. We think that simultaneously with reinforcement of sport schools the process of training should be improved in all schools. Availability of professional teachers at schools will support to proper development of children and will reveal talented children.

The state should implement special programs for development of sport, especially of fields in which advantages of Georgia are historically approved. These programs should be financed appropriately.

We consider that, state support of sport will result in success at international tournaments and championships, which shall help Georgia to be highlighted on international arena.

And finally, The Labour Party of Georgia calls upon everybody to support principles acknowledged by this program, declare solidarity to one another, not to infringe rights and freedoms of others, act decisively and purposefully, respect our culture and history, cooperate with democratic world

And Georgia will become strong

Approved by III Congress of the Labour Party of Georgia May 1 2006

Georgian labour party

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