Georges Island, Halifax

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Georges Island is a glacial drumlin and the largest island entirely within the harbour limits of Halifax Harbour located in Nova Scotia's Halifax Regional Municipality.


[edit] History

Fort Charotte on Georges Island
Fort Charotte on Georges Island

It was originally named "Ile a la Ragueette" which means Snowshoe Island, then briefly "Ile d'Enville". In 1749, the island was named "George Island" after King George II, and then finally, in 1963, it was renamed "Georges Island". Georges Island was part of the "Halifax Defence Complex" from the mid-18th century to the Second World War, with Citadel Hill and Fort Charlotte on the island being restored by Parks Canada. For nearly two hundred years Georges Island was the scene of constant military activity. Tales of executions, forts and hidden tunnels surround the folklore associated with the mysterious island. It had an Island Prison Camp, a Look Out Point, an Acadian Prison camp, and a Quarantine Station.

Georges Island, October 13, 2006.
Georges Island, October 13, 2006.
Georges Island in Halifax Harbour
Georges Island in Halifax Harbour
Georges Island viewed from Woodside
Georges Island viewed from Woodside

[edit] Today

Although not yet open to the public, it has been named a National Historic Site, and its fortifications named Fort Charlotte are currently undergoing restoration by the federal heritage department. Anyone wishing to visit must have permission from the Canadian Government. Besides Fort Charlotte, the Canadian Coast Guard operates a unmanned radar station 1977 and a lighthouse 1876[1]. Georges Island is known to local fisherman to have lots of blueberries and black garter snakes[2]. The island is part of Halifax Regional Municipality District 12.

[edit] List of Lighthouse Keepers

  • 1876–1920 Ross, Robert
  • 1920–1946 Nolan, W.H.
  • 1921 Ross, S.
  • 1921 Ross, J.
  • 1946 Bedgood, H.J.
  • 1946 Edwards, E.J.
  • 1946–1964 Matthews, Victor Maynard
  • 1964–1972 Barkhouse, D.D.

After 1972 the lighthouse was automated. In 2005 the foghorn was decommissioned.

[edit] References

  • Marshall, Dianne (2003). Georges Island The keep of Halifax Harbour. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Nimbus Publishing Ltd. ISBN 1-55109-475-4 — goes into detail the history of the island

[edit] External links

Coordinates: 44°38′27″N, 63°33′35″W