George Phillies presidential campaign, 2008

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Phillies for President 2008 Campaign Website Logo
Phillies for President 2008 Campaign Website Logo
George Phillies
George Phillies

George Phillies, Libertarian Party activist and professor at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute[1], on April 15, 2006, became a declared candidate for the Libertarian Presidential nomination.[2]


[edit] Campaign Development

Phillies' campaign is based around several concepts; that he is the "serious man for serious times," that he will campaign on issues that everyday Americans care about (such as opposition to the Iraq War, protection of civil liberties, and eliminating the national debt)[3], and that he will be a serious and organized presidential nominee.[4] Due to the early nature of the campaign, and the limited recognition which Libertarian candidates receive, Phillies has yet to be noticed by the national media, though he has been quoted in the San Antonio Express regarding the implications of Ron Paul's presidential run[5]. Phillies has received the endorsements of several well-known Libertarians, such as former State Representative Don Gorman[6], and Loretta Nall[7].

[edit] Media Releases

The Phillies campaign has issued a plethora of press releases, ranging from campaign organization updates to issue statements. One such press release, issued July 12 2006, voiced Phillies' opposition to the "Grandchild tax. "The National Debt," Phillies said, "is the ultimate in taxation without representation. We get the spending benefits. The tax is paid by people who haven't even been born yet," stated Phillies.[8]

On September 2, 2006 Phillies voiced his strong opposition to the Kelo Decision, proposing that governments also be required to compensate homeowners for emotional damages[9]

Another major press releases was issued in January of 2007, in response to President Bush's state of the union address. While Phillies did not directly respond to the President's statements, he did issue his own state of the union[10]

[edit] Campaign Features

[edit] Campaign Activities

George Phillies has done a great deal of campaigning within Libertarian circles in his attempt to garner the Party's nomination. In addition, he has been the subject of several interviews. In a May 22, 2006 interview with the former 2008 Presidential Blog "The Next Prez," Phillies stated that the three most important issues facing the country were the Iraq War/Civil Liberties, Immigration, and the Budget Deficit. He also strongly promoted his credibility as a candidate, describing himself as having "reached a stage in my life when I will have the time and energy to focus vigorously on my campaign."[11]

On another Presidential Blog, Conservative President 2008, Phillies again answered questions about his campaign in a December 13, 2006 interview[12].

In addition to these online interviews, Phillies has attended state conventions, including Presidential Debates in Nevada and Florida[13] [14]. Phillies and another frontrunner, Steve Kubby, participated in an online debate on the online talk show Liberated Space[15].

[edit] Internet Activities

Phillies 2008 Screenshot from April, 2007
Phillies 2008 Screenshot from April, 2007
Phillies 2008 Myspace from April, 2007
Phillies 2008 Myspace from April, 2007

The Phillies campaign has actively been pursuing and building a strong internet presence. In addition to the official campaign website, the campaign manages a Myspace[16] , Facebook[17], and a ProBoards Message Board[18]. Further, the campaign boasts a plethora of Yahoo Groups supporting the campaign[19].

Although the campaign does not have a specific YouTube channel, they have posted a number of promotional TV and Radio ads on their website[20].

[edit] Notes

[edit] External Links