George Engel

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George Engel sentenced to death
George Engel sentenced to death

George Engel (1836 Cassel, Germany - November 11, 1887) was an anarchist and labor union activist executed after the Haymarket riot, along with Albert Parsons, August Spies, and Adolph Fischer. His last words were reportedly "this is the happiest moment in my life," screamed at the gallows.

[edit] Birth

Cassel, Germany He left Germany in 1872 arriving first in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in January 1873 where he worked in a factory in which he became acquainted with socialism. In 1878 he left Philadelphia and moved to Chicago, Illinois and joined the just forming International Working People's Association.

[edit] Haymarket Square

He attended the Grief Hall meeting, but was not at the meeting at Haymarket. Engel was at home playing cards at the time of the explosion. He was convicted and hanged in 1887.

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