George Duff

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George Duff
Flag of Scotland
Captain George Duff
Born 1 February 1764
Banff, Scotland
Died 21 October 1805
Occupation Royal Navy Officer
Spouse Sophia Dirom 1764 - 1827
Children Norwich Duff 1792 - 1862
Mary Anne Fotheringham Duff 1794 - 1796
Jemima Duff 1799 - 1803
Georgina Helen Duff
1803 - 1832
Anna Margaret Duff
1805 - 1827

Captain George Duff, RN (c. 1 February 1764 - 21 October 1805) was a British naval officer during the American War of Independence, the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars, whose excellent career was cut short when he was killed by a cannon ball at the battle of Trafalgar.


[edit] Early life

Born at Banff, Scotland, the son of Banff Sherriff Clerk James Duff (1729 - 1804) by his marriage to Helen Skene 1734 - 1764, George Duff had a passion for the sea from early childhood, at one time stowing away on a merchant ship for a voyage when he was still not yet a teenager. At thirteen he joined his great uncle Captain (later Admiral) Robert Duff in the Mediterranean, and was commissioned lieutenant at sixteen, breaking several fleet regulations but made possible by his uncle's interest in his career. During these years, Duff saw action thirteen times on both sides of the Atlantic, including at the Great Siege of Gibraltar and culminating in the battle of the Saintes in 1782 when he was serving in the HMS Montagu.

[edit] Naval career

With a reputation thus secured and plenty of family interest in his career, Duff had little difficulty progressing, being promoted to commander in 1790 and then Post Captain in 1793, a meteoric rise resulting from the growth of the Navy in the build up to war during this period. It was at this time that he married his childhood sweetheart, Sophie Dirom in Edinburgh, and that his son Norwich Duff (later to become an admiral in his own right) was born.[1] In the net ten years, Duff commanded the HMS Duke, the HMS Vengeance and the HMS Glenmore all very capably, but without wining the acclaim of some of his contemporaries, particulaly those in the Mediterranean under Nelson.

Duff was a proud Scottish nationalist as well as a strict disciplinarian. He enforced cleanliness parardes on his men every week, and made every effort to make sure that as many Scottishmen as possible served on his ships, although he never gave them preferential treatment over their English comrades. He was also a devoted husband and wrote lengthy letters back to his wife during every journey. He and his wife felt that the letters were so personal that they destroyed them after reading, and so the only survivor is his final letter home, which Sophie reportedly was unable to destroy.

Following the Peace of Amiens, Duff was given the HMS Mars [2], something of a celebrity ship in the Royal Navy following its duel with the French Hercule in 1799 in which both her captain Alexander Hood and his French counterpart were killed. Rapidly moulding the ship with his own brand of Scottish discipline, Duff took her to join the fleet off Cadiz at the beginning of October and instantly became friends with Nelson, despite their vastly different characters. Such was Duff's repuatation, that Nelson entrusted him with the command of the inshore squadron, a force which watched the harbour entrance for an enemy appearance. The job was dangerous due to the proximity of the shore, and unpleasant because ships stationed at this point were exposed to the enemy themselves and the threat of failure if the enemy were able to escape. Duff handled the job excellently however, and on the 21 October reported that the enemy had left Cadiz and were heading out to sea.

[edit] Trafalgar

When the battle began, Mars was stationed directly astern of the HMS Royal Sovereign and was ordered by Nelson to attempt to overtake Collingwood's flagship if he was able. Collingwood however was a good enough seaman to prevent this from happening and so the Mars was the second ship to enter the enemy lines. During this approach, which due to poor wind had been conducted at walking speed, Duff was able to write a final note home to his wife, which he entrusted to his thirteen year old son,[3] who was aboard serving as a midshipman:

"Dearest Sophia, I have just time to tell you we are going into Action with the Combined Fleet. I hope and trust in God that we shall all behave as becomes us, and that I may yet have the happiness of taking my beloved wife and children in my arms. Norwich is quite well and happy. I have, however, ordered him off the quarter-deck. Yours ever, and most truly, George"

[edit] Death

Duff did not see more than the few opening shots of the battle, for as Mars engaged the French Fougueux and Pluton, a cannon ball from the former raked the quarter-deck and struck Captain Duff at the base of the neck, severing his head completely and killing him instantly. The crew were undismayed however, carrying the headless corpse around the deck and giving three cheers in memory of their captain, before replacing him where he fell and covering him with a Union Flag. Command of the Mars devolved on the first lieutenant William Hennah who performed a good service and was promoted as a reward.

[edit] Burial & Memorial

Following the battle, Duff was buried at sea with his shipmates, 28 of whom had been killed and 69 wounded in the fight. Both Collingwood and young Norwich Duff wrote letters of consolation to Sophia Duff, and Captain Duff was mentioned with honour alongside Nelson and John Cooke in the official report of the battle. Honours and money from the Patriotic Fund were granted to the widow and Norwich remained in sea service, retiring many years later as an admiral. A large marble monument[4] to Captain Duff was raised in St Paul's Cathedral on the wall on the south side of a passage, next to Nelson's memorial where it can still be seen. George[5], his mother-in-law Anne (née Fotheringham) and Norwich were all painted by Sir Henry Raeburn.

[edit] Further reading

  • The Trafalgar Captains, Colin White and the 1805 Club, Chatham Publishing, London, 2005, ISBN 1-86176-247-X

[edit] References

  1. ^ 15 August 1792
  2. ^ April 1804
  3. ^ Norwich Duff
  4. ^  :"Erected at the Public Expense to the memory of Captain George Duff who was killed the XXIst of Octr MDCCCV. commanding the
    Mars in the battle of Trafalgar in the forty-second year of his age and the twenty-ninth of his service."
  5. ^ The painting is on loan to the Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth

[edit] External links