Geography of Nova Scotia

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Nova Scotia is a province located in eastern Canada fronting the Atlantic Ocean. One of the Maritime Provinces, Nova Scotia's geography is complex, despite its relatively small size in comparison to other Canadian provinces in the central and western portions of the country.


[edit] Physical Geography

The province is defined by its ocean coast which delineates the peninsular mainland portion (attached to North America through the Isthmus of Chignecto) and various offshore islands, the largest of which is Cape Breton Island, forming the bulk of the eastern part of the province.

The geological history of the province spans more than 1.2 billion years[1] and is defined by key events, including continental drift (the southern half of the province's mainland portion was once attached to Africa whereas the northern half, including Cape Breton Island, was once attached to Scandinavia and Scotland), glaciation, and sea level rise. Numerous hills, several low mountain ranges (the entire province is located within the Appalachian Mountains), lush river valleys, lakes and forests, windswept barrens, and a varied sea coast ranging from extremely rugged to broad sand beaches, can be attributed to these forces.

Nova Scotia forms part of the southern shores of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and its sub-basin, the Northumberland Strait. The Cabot Strait lies north and east of Cape Breton Island. The main part of the Bay of Fundy lies off its northwestern shore, although large sub-basins including the Cumberland Basin, the Minas Basin and Cobequid Bay create major indentations into its coastline. The Gulf of Maine (of which the Bay of Fundy is a component) lies off the western shore. The South Shore and Eastern Shore, as well as the southern and eastern parts of Cape Breton Island constitute a pelagic coast, fronting the open Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia contains numerous offshore fishing banks which are submerged sections of the continental shelf which were once attached to the mainland portion of the province. Rising sea levels since glaciation have inundated many parts of the coastline, including these areas on the continental shelf, providing rich habitat for marine life, as well as defining unique nearshore features such as various coastal islands, bays, harbours and the Bras d'Or Lake - an 1100 km² estuary that defines the central portion of Cape Breton Island.

[edit] Cultural geography

[edit] Human geography

Settlement patterns in Nova Scotia were initially defined by water transportation routes for the Maritime Archaeic Indian civilization, followed by their descendents, the Mi'kmaq Nation who used nearshore coastal waters for seasonal marine fishing and rivers and lakes for freshwater fishing and hunting of land mammals.

European discovery during the 2nd millennium resulted in settlement by this civilization in protected natural harbours and along shorelines where convient trade routes for sailing ships provided reliable transportation to markets in Europe, New England and the Caribbean. European settlers brought industrial fishing technologies and introduced large-scale forestry to sustain settlement construction and shipbuilding activities.

Wars between European military powers, notably Britain and France, resulted in various territorial claims and numerous defense works established along Nova Scotia's coastal settlements and inland trade routes. A French settlement at Port-Royal is currently the second longest "continuously occupied" European settlement in North America (after St. Augustine, Florida). The largest of these defensive installations was a French military fortified port at Louisbourg harbour on Cape Breton Island. The fortified military port of Halifax on Halifax Harbour was similarly founded to counter Louisbourg's presence.

Originally part of Acadia, following French settlement in the Annapolis Valley at Port-Royal and various areas throughout the region, the territory fluctuated for several decades through competing claims from Scotland (under Sir William Alexander who gave the TERRITORY the name "Nova Scotia" in honour of his homeland) and England. France relinquished "Acadia" in 1713 under the Treaty of Utrecht, however boundaries were not delineated, thus Britain only gained control of present-day peninsular Nova Scotia, which was also termed the Acadian Peninsula at that time. Britain's colonial capital was established at Annapolis Royal, while France maintained control of Cape Breton Island (called Ile-Royale). French control of Ile-Royale fell to Britain for several years during the 1740s but was returned to France before the entire remaining French territory of Acadia and New France fell permanently to Britain during the Seven Years' War. The colonial capital was transferred from Annapolis Royal to Halifax in 1749 upon the establishment of that community.

Under British control, Acadian farming settlements that had been abandoned under the Great Upheaval were populated by decommissioning soldiers and settlers brought from New England. Foreign Protestants were actively recruited to settle Nova Scotia (which included present-day New Brunswick) as the Empire's "Fourteenth Colony" in America. The immense presence of the Royal Navy and British Army in the colony largely contributed to stability that saw the colony remain loyal during the American Revolutionary War. Following the war in 1784, Britain created the colony of New Brunswick to accommodate Loyalist refugees from the seceding American colonies. Cape Breton Island was also created as a separate colony, leaving Nova Scotia to its mainland peninsula once again. In 1820, the colony of Cape Breton Island was permanently folded back into Nova Scotia, resulting in the present-day provincial territory.

Terrestrial transportation networks in the form of canals (the Shubenacadie Canal) and later railways (the Nova Scotia Railway, followed by the Intercolonial Railway, the Dominion Atlantic Railway, the Halifax and Southwestern Railway and the Sydney and Louisburg Railway, contributed to a growing trend toward urbanization in the colony and province (following its entry into Confederation in 1867). Settlement patterns concentrated around major industrial towns and port communities.

Motor vehicle usage in the 20th century led to highway development and suburban sprawl around larger centres.

[edit] Economic geography

Nova Scotia's economy has traditionally been defined by natural resources in the primary sector, namely marine fisheries, mining (coal, gypsum, iron ore and gold), and forestry.

The economy has been undergoing a slow transition to a post-industrial service-oriented structure in recent decades.

[edit] Geography by region

[edit] Cape Breton Island

Cape Breton Island is notable for its mining industry.[1]. When explorers and settlers arrived here in the 1500s, and 1600s, they were focused on the coal industry. This was discovered in rocks and cliffs. Coal used to be burned for heat in houses and factories, used by blacksmiths to melt iron and later for train engines to produce steam to run the trains.[1] Recently, it is not used as often because of pollution, so mines are shut down.[1] In Nova Scotia, some of the electricity comes from burning coal to turn the generators. This is a process still practiced in other parts of the world. Current experiments are being made such as mixing mining coal water to make a clean burning fuel. Some mines as of today are used for tourist attractions and retired miners take people on tours of old mines.[1]

They used horses down in the mines to pull the carts loaded with coal. Boys used to work in mines as well and would go in small places. Some mines of cape Breton are right under the water of the ocean. This is imperative because the mines could flood. [1]

[edit] Central & Northern

Northumberland Strait between Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island is 320 km long and approximately 14 to 50 km wide in different places. The Confederation Bridge, built in 1997, connects the two provinces, stretching from Border PEI to Cape Jourimain. Before construction of the bridge, there was a ferry to Prince Edward Island from Cape Tormentine.[2].

Beaches are located on the shores of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The water is warm in the summer, attracting swimmers, as the water is not as deep as in the ocean. Fishing was once a major industry, until over-fishing led to declines in fish stocks.[2] Lobster is still found in places such as Pictou, Amherst, Colchester County, and Cumberland County.

Some of the rocks in Nova Scotia consist of coal. Mines in Pictou county have been producing coal since 1758, following its discovery by Rev Dr. James MacGregor. There have been several disasters when miners were killed. The Westray mine had an explosion that killed 26 miners May 9, 1992 and was never opened again. [2]

Gypsum mining is an industry in central Nova Scotia. Gyp rock or gypsum board help create the walls in buildings. Gypsum, ground up like powder and mixed with water, creates plaster. Crumbled up, gypsum is added to clay dirt to make it drain better and grow better crops.[2]

[edit] Eastern Shore

As you leave Dartmouth, and travel to Cape Breton there are no larger towns but just smaller places. [3].

Places to visit includes the Fisherman's Life Museum in Jeddore Oyster Ponds. Population was more in this area about 100 years ago when fishing and lumbering were significant. [3] Sheet Harbor with 900 people is the largest town.

There is fishing for trout and Atlantic salmon serves as sport in rivers amongst the coast. At Eastern Passage there is a Fishermen's Village tourist attraction with few stores. [3]

In the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia the forests grow close to the water. A saw mill was constructed in about 1786. Since then, various saw mills were built and made lumber unto big companies bought them. In 1971, Scott Paper had a big mill which was destroyed by Hurricane Beth. It would never open again since there was a huge mill in Pictou County.[3]

[edit] South Shore

Lunenburg's population popultion is about 48,000 and about 6000 people are Acadian and many others are related to the first German settlers. It is well known for its shipbuilding industry. [4]. The notorious Bluenose was founded here. Fishing is important here. For example, Highliner Foods that sells lots of frozen fish in supermarkets is in Lunenburg. It is now getting well known by its tourism.

Mahone Bay has three churches Trinity United , St. John Lutheran , St. James Anglican which have marked its fame. [4] Those three churches stand by the head of the harbour for over one hundred years and remain in suitable condition. The word "Mahone" derives from "Mahonne". This in French were private ships that sailed by the shore of the Mahonne Bay.[4]

Oak Island is also in Mahonne, which is not very big, but is believed to have treasures buried in it.[4]

Peggys Cove is a small community known for its rocky shore and lighthouses, one of which serves as a Canada Post office during the summer. It is also the location of the Swissair Flight 111 memorial and a sculpture by resident William E. deGarthe which serves as a monument to Nova Scotian fishermen.

[edit] Economy

For Nova Scotia, mining has been historically imperative.[5] Coal was extracted principally in the Sydney–Glace Bay area of Cape Breton Island, until mines were closed in 2001. Salt, Barite, and Gypsum are what is mined. The decrease in mining has caused a shift in focus on fishing to Nova Scotia.[5] Fleet is operated on the continental shift, especially on the Grand Banks, and further out to the sea. Although, years of various fishing have laid to setbacks in production.[5] Now, Lobster, scallops, and haddock are the biggest catches.[5] As well, offshore deposits of natural gas have began exploitation. Inland, forests yields spruce lumber and the province's industries produce much pulp and paper. [5]

In the northwest, there lies dairying, which is the most important sector of Nova Scotia's agricultural economy.[5] In addition, the region of Annapolis and Cornwallis contains fresh apple orchards. There also is significant grain, hay, fruit, and vegetable crops. The bay lowlands, which were reclaimed by dikes in the 17th cent., are very productive.[5]

Manufacturing is the largest sector in Nova Scotia's economy.[5]Iron and steel are produced in Sydney, as well the province's manufactures include food processing (especially in fish), automobiles, tires, sugar, and construction materials. Halifax is a railroad terminus, a well as a year-round port. There are both hydroelectric and tidal (which is located at Annapolis Royal) power-generating plants. Coast, countryside, and historical sites are known to attract tourists.[5]

[edit] Nova Scotia's Provincial Berry

Blueberries, which are native, are a famous Nova Scotian fruit. On January 11, 1996, the House of Assembly declared the wild blueberry the Provincial Berry of Nova Scotia. The blueberry mainly grows in northeastern North America. Unlike the cranberry, blueberries are very sweet.[6]. It grows on a low bush. Wild blueberres grow best on abandoned farmland in the forest. [6] In addition, wild blueberries grow well in acid soils that are well-drainland.[6]

[edit] Nova Scotia's Provincial Flower

Forests cover most of the Nova Scotia province.[7]. In these woodlands, often nearly hidden with fallen leaves, grows a dainty, little plant with a delicate, spicy scent the mayflower. The mayflower is also named trailing arbutus. It is an evergreen oval, shiny, green leaves, and clusters of delicate, trumpet-shaped flowers.[7] It blooms in the spring in parly shaded areas. The plant grows a mere four inches high and spreads by shallow underground stems. It is a slow spreader because seeds do not form each year.[7] Its woodlands, barren, and rocky lands provide suitable soil for mayflowers to grow. In cool, acid soil they grow best and are most commonly found. [7]. Climates in other areas of the world are also influenced by how near they are to the oceans. Nova Scotia's maritime climate, however is influenced by the cold air masses passing from the centre of Canada and the warm air masses from the Atlantic Ocean.

Nova Scotia's climate, as well the other climates in the world, is affected by the distance it is located from the Equator and how high above sea level the land is. [8]

Winters in Nova Scotia can be cold, harsh, and windy, but are usually relatively mild, especially in the southern regions. Warm air coming from the south usually brings rain while could air form the north commonly creates snow. [8]

[edit] Other facts

  • Location
  • East coast of Canada.
  • Time
  • GMT - 4 (GMT - 3 in summer).
  • Summer officially lasts from the first Sunday in April to the Saturday before the last Sunday in October.
  • Area
  • 52,841 sq km (20,402 sq miles).
  • Population
  • 937,900 (2005 estimate).
  • Population Density
  • 17.74 per sq km.
  • Capital
  • Halifax. Population: 379,800 (2005 estimate). [9]
  • Size: Nova Scotia is neither the biggest province in Canada (which is Ontario), nor is it the smallest one (that is Prince Edward Island). It is 575 kilometers (360 miles) long, and averages about 130 kilometers (80 miles across). Its total area is about 53, 000 square kilometres (25,000 square miles).

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d e Cape Breton Geography. Retrieved on 2006-11-4.
  2. ^ a b c d Central & Northern Geography. Retrieved on 2006-11-4.
  3. ^ a b c d Eastern shore Geography. Retrieved on 2006-11-4.
  4. ^ a b c d Southern shore Geography. Retrieved on 2006-11-4.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i
  6. ^ a b c A famous Nova Scotian fruit. Retrieved on 2006-11-4.
  7. ^ a b c d The mayflower is also called the trailing arbutus. Retrieved on 2006-11-4.
  8. ^ a b
  9. ^

[edit] See also

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