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Genuflection is an act of reverence consisting of falling onto (usually) one knee. Today the term is used mostly in the Latin rite of the Catholic Church and in churches of the Anglican Communion. The faithful who pass before the presence of the Blessed Sacrament (generally reserved in the tabernacle) are expected to genuflect on the right knee as a sign of devotion. If the Eucharist is exposed in a monstrance or ciborium placed on an altar for a service of devotion, one may genuflect on both knees (called a "double genuflection"). Genuflection may occur at other times as well, for example when the Blessed Sacrament is being moved (e.g., from one tabernacle to another), or at certain points in the liturgy (e.g., at the words "and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary, and was made man" in recitation of the Nicene Creed).

Traditionally, the faithful passing in front of the tabernacle during the Mass would genuflect each time he or she passed; however, this practice is now uncommon. In the Roman Communion, recent instructions from the Vatican have indicated that it suffices to genuflect once at the beginning and once at the end of Mass. Sacristans and those in employ of the church need customarily only make one genuflection, albeit solemnly, when beginning their tasks as they would otherwise involve constant genuflection.

On Good Friday and Holy Saturday, Roman Catholic Churches do not contain the Blessed Sacrament. However, there is a custom whereby the faithful genuflect to the cross on these days, once it has been revealed in the Good Friday service. In churches of the Anglican Communion, it is customary on Good Friday to venerate a large cross or crucifix, and the devotional act may include a simple or double genuflection.

In the Maronite Catholic Church, there is an evocative ceremony of genuflection for the feast of Pentecost. The congregation genuflects first on the left knee to God the Father, then on the right knee to God the Son, and finally on both knees to God the Holy Spirit.

Members of the Eastern Catholic Churches generally make a profound bow in the same situations where a Latin rite Catholic would genuflect. In the Roman Catholic and Anglican Communions, a profound bow is an acceptable substitute if one is physically unable to genuflect. Due to Latinisation, however, many still kneel or genuflect in private prayer. It is considered extremely rude to enter a Greek Catholic church and genuflect rather than making a metasis[1] (deep bow paired with crossing oneself) and one should be cautious to follow Greek tradition when in a Greek church.

The term genuflection comes from the Latin, meaning bending the knee.

[edit] Orthodox Christianity

In the Eastern Orthodox Churches, there are three types of reverences which would generally correspond to the western idea of genuflection:

  • Bow--this is a simple inclination of the head and shoulders, without bending the knees, after which the worshipper stands upright again. It may be either accompanied by the Sign of the Cross or not, depending upon the situation.[2]
  • Metanoia (mentany; поясной поклон, poyasnoy poklon)--similar to the bow, only more profound; sometimes referred to as a "bow to the waist." The metanoia always involves making the Sign of the Cross (whether the cross is made before or after the bow depends upon the tradition of the church),[3] bending at the waist (but not bending the knees), so that the worshipper's head reaches the level of his waist, and touching the floor with the fingertips of the right hand. He then immediately stands upright again. The metanoia is an abbreviated form of the full prostration.
  • Prostration (земной поклон, zemnoy poklon)--This involves making the Sign of the Cross, bowing down on one's hands and knees and touching the forehead to the floor. One then stands upright.

The reverence is not considered to be complete until one stands upright again. This is commonly explained as being because Christ not only descended into hell, but rose up again from the dead.

On Sundays, during the Paschal Season (see Pentecostarion), and on Great Feasts of the Lord, the full prostration is not made in church. On these days, one makes a metania at those places where one would normally make a prostration.

The times for making each of these reverences are fixed by tradition (though they may differ from one ethnic tradition to another), and help to unify the congregation in their active participation in the service.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ There is a reverence used by both Orthodox & Eastern Catholics called a "metania," "metany," or "metanoia." The term "metasis" appears to be an error.
  2. ^ When bowing before a living person (receiving the blessing of a bishop, priest, etc.) one does not cross oneself, but when bowing before a holy object (being blessed with the Cross or Chalice, an Icon, Relic, etc.) one should make the Sign of the Cross.
  3. ^ Russians make the cross first, explaining that we should not bend the Cross; Greeks make it after, explaining that we should take up the Cross.

[edit] See also

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