Generic Address Generator

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The Generic Address Generator (GAG) is a generalization of the direct memory access (DMA) method for the transfer of blocks of data or of data streams between memory and processing resource without the need to individually address each data item by a CPU instruction. One of the first detailed descriptions of the GAG methodology and principles has been published by the Ph. D. thesis of Alexander Hirschbiel in 1991. The GAG is a reconfigurable address generator. At run time after having been configured for a particular addressing pattern, the GAG does not need any memory cycles (except for fetching or storing the data item), even for highly complex address computations. Depending on the application, using a GAG instead of the addressing features of a classical CPU can yield speed-up factors of one order of magnitude or more. The GAG has been introduced as an important part of the Xputer methodology. The GAG is also an important part of Auto-sequencing memory (ASM) blocks like, for instance, for efficiently generating data streams in Reconfigurable Computing systems.

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