Generation Islam

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generation Islam is a grass-roots nonprofit organization whose members are North American born/raised Muslims ('second gens') and North American converts to Islam. The organization was formed in September,2006 as a tool to give moderate North American homegrown Muslims (the "silent majority") a voice, a supportive community and a means for effecting change towards creating a more inclusive and moderate masjid environment. Members are known as genIs and the group uses a lowercase g in its name generation Islam.


[edit] Mission and Vision

[edit] The Mission

The group's website says: "The mission of generation Islam is to support the needs of Muslims born or raised in North America. We will fulfill this mission by providing a network of open dialogue, communication and support in order to ascertain and address their specific needs at the local, regional and national levels."[1]

[edit] The Vision

According to the group, their vision, or long-range goal is: "generation Islam will be a widespread network of North American born Muslims, both second generation and converts, which will give that silent majority a voice in the continued evolution of Muslim society in North America, creating institutions which are genuinely inclusive and fostering an environment which is both authentically Muslim and comfortably North American." [2]

[edit] History

The generation Islam movement was formed in September,2006 by a chance meeting between co-founders Rabia Saeed and Dr. Jeffrey Lang following one of Dr. Lang's speeches in New Jersey. Mrs. Saeed approached Dr. Lang with a very rough outline of an organization that had been brewing in her mind for several years, and which was partly inspired by Dr. Lang's book Losing My Religion. Dr. Lang encouraged her to get started and signed on as an advisor to the project. The organization began as a Yahoo group, which grew to 100 members within two months of its debut. generation Islam quickly moved to their own site and forum located at In December, 2006 respected scholar Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl joined generation Islam's Advisory Council along with Dr. Lang.[3]

[edit] Values

The core values of generation Islam are based on solid Islamic and North American shared values, and include:

  • Commitment
  • Community
  • Compassion
  • Diversity
  • Just Dealing
  • Mindfulness
  • Moderation
  • Self-Awareness


[edit] Membership

generation Islam members are known as genIs.

[edit] Second Gens and Converts

generation Islam's members, community leaders and board of directors are Muslims born or raised in North America ("second gens") and converts to Islam in North America. The group has a forum for genI's to engage in open discussions, get to know one another, to listen to the community's needs and to start working on solutions. [5]

[edit] First Gens

First generation immigrants in North America ("first gens") who are concerned with the next generation, the youth, the converts and the future of Islam in North America are encouraged to post in the public (non-member) forum Intergenerational Bridge and Intercultural Learning. [6] First gens are eligible for Advisory Council positions and are appointed by the Board of Directors.

[edit] Non-Muslims (Interfaith)

Interfaith conversations are important to many members of generation Islam as many of the members personally have interfaith extended families. An public (non-member) area for Interfaith Understanding is provided on the group's forum. [7]

[edit] Links

[generation Islam's website]

14:04, 26 March 2007 (UTC)