Generalized eigenvector

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In linear algebra, a generalized eigenvector of a matrix A is a nonzero vector v, which has associated with it an eigenvalue λ having algebraic multiplicity k≥1, satisfying

(A-\lambda I)^k\mathbf{v} = \mathbf{0}.

Ordinary eigenvectors are obtained for k=1.

[edit] For defective matrices

Generalized eigenvectors are needed to form a complete basis of a defective matrix, which is a matrix in which there are fewer linearly independent eigenvectors than eigenvalues. The generalized eigenvectors do form a complete basis, as follows from the Jordan form of a matrix.

In particular, suppose that an eigenvalue λ of a matrix A has a multiplicity m but only a single corresponding eigenvector x1. We form a sequence of m generalized eigenvectors x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m that satisfy:

(A - \lambda I) x_k = x_{k-1} \!

for k=1,\ldots,m, where we define x0 = 0. It follows that:

(A - \lambda I)^k x_k = 0 \!

The generalized eigenvectors are linearly independent, but are not determined uniquely by the above relations. The reason is that, xk can be replaced by αxk + βxk − 1 for any constants α and β, and still satisfy the equations. Thus, it is typical to choose the generalized eigenvectors to be orthonormal (which is always possible by a Gram–Schmidt process).

[edit] Other meanings of the term

Av = λBv.

[edit] See also

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