General War

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General War

A Federation Kearsarge-class New Light Cruiser is engaged by Romulan warships, in the aftermath of the Day of the Eagle - the entry of the Star Empire into the General War. (This artwork is the front cover art from the upcoming Federation Commander: Tholian Attack module.)
Date Y168 - Y185
Location Alpha Octant of the Milky Way Galaxy
Result Stalemate

Negotiated armistice

Coalition invasion of Alliance powers
The Alliance: United Federation of Planets, Kzinti Hegemony, Hydran Kingdoms, Gorn Confederation, Tholian Holdfast The Coalition: Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, Lyran Star Empire
Kzinti Patriarch, Hydran King, Federation Chairman Buckner, Federation Chairman Baranov, Tholian Assembly, Gorn Legislature Klingon Emperor Khavek IV, Romulan Emperor Tarus, Romulan Praetor Maxillius, Lyran Emperor Rahrzahk
Part of the article series on
Star Fleet Universe
Star Fleet Battles
Federation Commander
Federation and Empire
Prime Directive (role-playing game)
Star Fleet Battle Force
General War (game)
Star Trek: Starfleet Command
Star Trek Starfleet Command II: Empires at War
Star Trek Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates
Starline 2400
Captain's Log
Star Fleet Universe
Alpha Octant
Federation Kzintis Hydrans Gorns Tholians
Klingons Lyrans Romulans Seltorians
Unaligned (Alpha)
Orion Pirates Interstellar Concordium WYN LDR
Vudar Jindarians Carnivons Paravians
Andromedan Invaders
Omega Octant
Small Magellanic Cloud
Xorkaelian Empire
Ship Class Types
Capital Weapons
Early Years
General War

Alliance: United Federation of PlanetsKzinti HegemonyGorn ConfederationHydran KingdomTholian Holdfast

Coalition: Klingon EmpireRomulan Star EmpireLyran Star Empire

In the fictional Star Fleet Universe as represented in the range of games from Amarillo Design Bureau as well as the first two Star Fleet Command games (and the Orion Pirates stand-alone addon for Starfleet Command II) from Taldren, the General War was an 18-year conflict waged between various empires, with the Coalition of the Klingon Empire, the Lyran Star Empire and eventually the Romulan Star Empire at war with the Alliance of initially the Kzinti Hegemony (Mirak Star League in Starfleet Command) and the Hydran Kingdom, eventually including the United Federation of Planets, the Gorn Confederation and the Tholian Holdfast (the Tholians are not represented in Starfleet Command).

A summary of the General War exists at

For information on the proposed strategic war game system from ADB, see General War (game)