Gedeon Burkhard

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Gedeon Burkhard (born July 3, 1969 in Munich, Germany) is a German film and television actor. Although he has appeared in numerous films and TV series in both Europe and the US, he is probably best recognised for his role as Alexander Brandtner in the Austrian/German television series Kommissar Rex (1998-2001), which has been aired on television in numerous countries around the world. He was considered the most handsome man in Germany in 1998.[citation needed]

Gedeon is the son of the famous German actress Elisabeth von Molo and was educated at a boarding school in England. He began his acting career in 1979 in the German TV film Blut und Ehre. His father, Wolfgang Burkhard, is his manager.

During the 1990s, he lived in the USA, working in several productions but without much recognition. In this period, Gedeon got married in Las Vegas only to divorce 4 months later. After that, he lived in Vienna for Kommisar Rex for more than 5 years, before moving to Berlin for work reasons.

Gedeon is currently single and has one daughter, Gioia. As of 2006, he is working in Cologne in the TV series Alarm für Cobra 11 as the detective Chris Ritter.

[edit] Filmography

  • Tante Maria (1981) (TV)
  • Und ab geht die Post (1981) (TV)
  • Blut und Ehre: Jugend unter Hitler (aka Blood and Honor: Youth Under Hitler (USA)) (1982) (TV)
  • "Nordlichter: Geschichten zwischen Watt und Wellen" (1983) TV Series
  • Passagier - Welcome to Germany, Der (aka The Passenger - Welcome to Germany, aka Welcome to Germany (USA)) (1988)
  • "Fahnder, Der" : Hendriks Alleingang (1988) TV Episode
  • "Forsthaus Falkenau" : Frühlingsföhn (1989) TV Episode (as Gedeon Burkhart) & Ein neuer Anfang (1989) TV Episode (as Gedeon Burkhart)
  • Zwei Frauen (aka Silence Like Glass (USA)) (1989)
  • Šípková Ruženka (aka Sleeping Beauty (Europe: English title)) (1990) .
  • "Sekt oder Selters" (1990) TV Series
  • "The New Adventures of Black Beauty" (1990) TV Series
  • "Náhrdelník" (aka The Necklace (Europe: English title)) (1992) TV Series
  • Kleine Haie (aka Acting It Out, aka Little Sharks) (1992)
  • Sommerliebe (1993) (TV)
  • Mein Mann ist mein Hobby (1993) (TV)
  • Abgeschminkt! (aka Making Up! (USA)) (1993)
  • "Piovra 7, La" (1994) (mini) TV Series
  • Affären (1994)
  • "Verliebt, verlobt, verheiratet" (1994) TV Series
  • "König, Der" : Tod eines Schmetterlings (1994) TV Episode
  • "Fall für zwei, Ein" : Kleiner Bruder (1995) TV Episode
  • Magenta (1996)
  • Wem gehört Tobias? (aka In the Wrong Hands (USA)) (1996)
  • "SOKO 5113" : Polterabend (1996) TV Episode
  • Polizeiruf 110 - Die Gazelle (1996) (TV)
  • 2 Männer, 2 Frauen - 4 Probleme!? (aka Four for Venice, aka Two Women, Two Men (USA)) (1998)
  • The Brylcreem Boys (1998)
  • Gefährliche Lust - Ein Mann in Versuchung (1998) (TV)
  • "Kommissar Rex" (aka Inspector Rex (Australia), aka Rex: A Cop's Best Friend (UK)) (1998-2001)
  • Superfire (2002) (TV)
  • Zwei Affären und eine Hochzeit (2002) (TV)
  • We'll Meet Again (2002) (TV)
  • Yu (2003)
  • Bisschen Haushalt, Das (2003) (TV)
  • "Wunschbaum, Der" (2004) (mini) TV Series
  • Vater meines Sohnes, Der (2004) (TV)
  • Utta Danella - Eine Liebe in Venedig (2005) (TV)
  • The Tube (2005) (TV)
  • "SOKO Leipzig" : Die Moorleiche (2005) TV Episode
  • Goldene Zeiten (2006)
  • Letzte Zug, Der (2006) (premiere 9.11.2006)
  • Alarm für Cobra 11 (2006) (TV)

[edit] External links

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