Gay rights in the Republic of Macedonia

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[edit] Law against gays

Homosexual sex was legalised in 1996 and the age of consent was made equal for homosexual and heterosexual sex. In 1995 the Bar Association in Macedonia banned homosexuals and alcoholics from becoming lawyers. But, after a brief scandal, this decision was overturned.

[edit] Protection based on sexual orientation in law

There is no anti-discrimination law. Constitution and the laws prohibit all forms of discrimination - however, discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation has not been singled out in any official document. Pushing for that law is still an on-going process that has stepped back until the new government decides upon it.

[edit] Recognition of same sex couples

There is no legal recognition of same-sex couples. But MASSO is constantly informing the public about why there should be such recognition and pushing for it.

[edit] Gay life in the country

Homosexual sex is not illegal and according to a new survey by, 9-11% percent of the population described themselves as gay.

Young men and inhabitants of larger towns are generally more liberal in their attitudes towards homosexuality than the Muslims, elderly people, women and rural inhabitants. Gays are generally accepted as long as they do not manifest their sexual orientation in public.

The gay scene is not large but is growing. As of Dec. 2006 there is only one official gay club in Skopje and several gay-friendly establishments located in main city. Also, there are three pubs/bars that have "gay nights" in their weekly programs.

MASSO[1] is the first organization to promote gay rights among other organizations that work in the area of human rights. The other two organization that deal with gay rights are the Center for Civil and Human Rights [2] (Skopje, Macedonia) and EGAL (Skopje, Macedonia).

Generally, gay rights and attitudes towards such change very fast in the small Balkan country. The mentality of the people is generally friendly. Macedonia has never had any gay-related crimes, unlike other countries in the area.[citation needed]There are gay news articles regulary in both printed and electronic media, as well as 4 web sites and blogs with solely gay content, news, rights etc.

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