Garga Samhita

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Garga Samhita ("The narrations of Garga") is a book written by the sage Garga and deals with the life of Krishna.

The several "khanda" or chapters of the book are :

  • Goloka-khanda
  • Vrndavana-khanda
  • Giriraja-khanda
  • Madhurya-khanda
  • Mathura-khanda
  • Dvaraka-khanda
  • Visvajit-khanda
  • Balabhadra-khanda
  • Vijnana-khanda
  • Asvamedha-khanda

The two chapters of the Yuga Purana are also part of the Garga Samhita.

Brahma Purana | Brahmānda Purana | Brahma Vaivarta Purana | Mārkandeya Purana | Bhavishya Purana | Vāmana Purana | Vishnu Purana | Bhagavata Purana | Nāradeya Purana | Garuda Purana | Padma Purana | Varaha Purana | Vāyu Purana | Linga Purana | Skanda Purana | Agni Purana | Matsya Purana | Kūrma Purana | Shiva Purana