Gan Frangisk Abela Junior College

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The Junior College, was established in 1995 .It offers a two-year course specifically designed for future University students who are prepared for the MATSEC Certificate in accordance with the University's General Entry Requirements. Students may choose from a wide range of subjects and must take two subjects at Advanced Level, three at Intermediate Level, as well as Systems of Knowledge. Subjects chosen should also include any Special Course Requirements needed for their prospective University course. While providing formal instruction, the College encourages students to develop their own initiative through guided self-teaching in preparation for their future University career. Since the College forms part of the University of Malta, students are able to become familiar with the University campus. There is a healthy interaction between College and University students who collaborate on cultural projects such as concerts, drama, sport, student exchanges, debates, seminars and so on.

The Junior College
The Junior College

Orientation talks are held regularly at the College and are addressed by the Deans of the various University Faculties and students may benefit from advice from University lecturers regarding future areas of study.

Services provided by the College also include counselling and pastoral guidance.


[edit] Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a holistic quality education to young men and women who seek to join the University by preparing them to develop the attributes needed for tertiary level studies.

[edit] College Structure

  • Principal
  • Vice Principal
  • Area Co-ordinators
  • Subject Co-ordinators
  • Academic Staff
  • Administrative & Technical Staff
  • Students

[edit] The College Board

The College is governed by a Board composed of:

  • The Rector of the University of Malta, or his delegate as Chairman
  • The Principal
  • The Vice Principal
  • The Five Area Co-ordinators
  • Two members representing the Academic staff
  • Two members representing the students
  • Two members appointed by the Minister of Education
  • Three members appointed by the Senate of the University from the Humanities area, the Sciences area and a student representative on Senate
  • The Head of the Academic division of MATSEC.

[edit] Student Associations at the Junior College

Besides having two representatives on the College Board, the students have their own elected Council, the KSJC(Kunsill Studenti Junior College) which organises various activities in conjunction with the College Administration. Student initiatives such as participation in Young Enterprise, are encouraged as the programme is geared to the development of an all-round personality so as to foster an enterprising spirit. In fact, College students who formed the company "InPact" won the 2000 Young Enterprise Competition. Participation in extra-curricular College activities contributes towards the development of a College ethos.

[edit] Pulse - Għaqda Studenti Università

Pulse is sole representative of Social-Democrat students in Malta. It extends to the University of Malta, the Junior College and other post-secondary schools with a structure that accommodates members from these diverse environments. Pulse works upon three major sectors that include: Student Representation by means of internal structures and also by means of external representatives elected on several boards and councils, Student Services by means of its activities and facilities, and Student Policies through its documents and positions that are taken from time to time.

Pulse's structure is made up of the Annual General Meeting, the Executive made up of 9 members, a University Representative Academic Board, a Junior College Committee, and a Committee for post secondaries that will be launched officially in April 2001. It is also made up of several commissions set-up by the executive from time to time to address specific issues.

Pulse currently has a majority of representatives on the Junior College Student Council and a majority of members on the Editorial Board of the Student Newspaper The Voice. Pulse has also applied to be a member of the National Youth Council and to be a member of IUSY (International Union of Socialist Youths) and ECOSY (European Community Socialist Youths).

Address: Pulse Student House University of Malta
Tel: (+356) 2340-3086

[edit] Studenti Demokristjani Maltin - Università

Founded in 1974, the Studenti Demokristjani (SDM) is an autonomous organisation whose members profess Christian democratic principles. We affirm the inalienable dignity of every human being. We regard man as the subject and not the object of history. Christian Democratic thought and political action is based on fundamental, interdependent, equally important and universally applicable values: freedom and responsibility, fundamental equality, justice, solidarity, participation and democracy.

SDM enjoys strong political support both at University as well as Junior College. At a national level SDM has two candidates on the executive of the national Youth Council (KNZ).

On an international plane, SDM is a very highly respected organisation. As a member of EDS (European Democrat Students) it participates actively in various issue groups.

SDM members have the opportunity to get hands-on experience in running various projects, the strategic planning of electoral campaigns, as well as numerous opportunities to travel abroad. Apart from the various activities, the SDM organises two Seminars for its members; one in November and the other in February, and produces two publications a year.

SDM - Maltese Christian Democrat Students SDM was founded by a group of University students in 1974. SDM finds its origins as a student organization in the troubled political period of the time. One of the main aims of the founders was that, during a period when freedom of expression was not always respected, the University students and those students in other Post-Secondary Institutions be given the opportunity to express their opinions, to have a voice, not only in political issues connected to the education system, but also in national politics.

Today, this has remained one of SDM’s main objectives. SDM encourages and recognizes the contribution of students to the University and society in general. As a student organization, SDM is the ideal forum where every student can learn how to express his ideas whilst giving a valid contribution to our lives as students.

Aims and Principles

SDM is a dynamic organization and is open for change. Having said this, SDM finds its roots in a number of fundamental principals on which it was formed by a group of Christian Democrat Students back in 1974. “Democracy” because SDM believes in the liberty of the individual, in participation, representation, subsidiarity and in all the implications found in the definition of the word. “Christian” because SDM is an organization which believes that the value of the human person come before every other consideration, whether it is social or economic.

SDM works towards:

  • Creating a social conscience amongst Maltese students.
  • Bringing together the Christian Democrat Students in Malta and, through them, promoting the values and ideals of Christian Democracy.
  • Ensuring that the rights of Maltese students are maintained.
  • Promoting the political and social participation of students on University, National and International levels.

An Organization Run by Students for Students

SDM is the oldest and largest political organization in the University of Malta. As a member of SDM, you can voice your opinion…

On a national political level – through fora, discussions and seminars organized so that students are encouraged to participate.

On an international political level – through participation in EDS (European Democrat Students) which SDM is a member of. EDS is the international forum for organizations like SDM all over Europe. EDS offers SDM members traveling opportunities.

In KSU (University Students’ Council) and in KSJC (Junior College Students’ Council). Every year SDM nominates a number of its members to be elected in these Executives.

In activities of Culture and Entertainment – Apart from its political activities, SDM is known for various cultural and leisure activities that are organized during the year. Amongst these activities one finds parties, football tournaments and seminars.

On a journalistic level through the Stream (Newspaper) and Solidarjetà (Magazine) publications. These publications give useful information about Christian Democracy and its principles, analyses of latest political issues, and all items which are of interest to the Maltese and Gozitan students in the University of Malta and foreign tertiary institutions.

[edit] Look Before You Leap

The University Junior College prepares students specifically for the Matriculation Certificate which serves as a passport for University degree courses.

Special Course Requirements, listed in the back pages, address students in their choice of subjects, however, where options are left wide open, some find themselves spoilt for choice. Look Before You Leap has been designed to enable students to browse into the various subjects offered before they make their selection. The contents of new subjects are explained while standards required by students before embarking on subjects normally covered at SEC level are emphasised.

This publication has proved to be a very successful venture. In the light of experiences reaped, write-ups have been reviewed, altered, added upon or clarified from year to year with the full cooperation of the coordinators at the Junior College.

Students are urged to study meticulously the groupings provided before coming to a decision. Choose wisely because requests for changes in options will not be treated once the academic year is in full swing.

Look Before You Leap PDF

[edit] External links