Gampola Zahira College

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[edit] College history

A land extent of 8 ½ acres in Gampola was bought under the guidance of the late T. B. Jaya and a small thatched roof hut was built to resurrect the education of Muslim children. This became Zahira College, Gampola on 15 May 1942 with 185 students and only 4 teachers. Mr. Rauff Pasha was the first vice principal of the school. However, after the end of the war the students from Colombo went back and the number of the students at the school fell to 67.

It was at this crucial moment that the late Alhaj Badi uddeen was appointed as vice principal of the school. Being appointed as principal of the school in 1945, he laid the foundation for the fully-fledged educational institution which is Zahira College, Gampola today. During his tenure of 16 years which was the golden era of the school, he dedicated his life to the uplifting of the school. When he became the Education Minister in 1970, he continued his service to the education of Muslim children by taking the necessary steps to improve the educational standards of the school to that of any other reputed school in the country.

The upgrades with his kind support as Education Minister included increasing the land extent of the school to 26 acres and building of 26 buildings including a three storied building, auditorium, dental clinic, Advance Level (A/L) science and home science laboratories and a Muslim cultural center. Thus the legend of Zahira College, Gampola continued with 19 principals contributing their service to the growth of the school.

Being a mixed school, the school has given the opportunity for students to study in any of the three official languages. At present there are around 94 classes from grade 1 to A/L's with around 3200 students doing their studies.

The school was promoted to the level of a national school on the 19 February 1988. Zahira College, Gampola which has proved its prowess in educational and extra curricular activities has placed a fine example on how to promote harmony among different nationalities in the country by respecting the cultural differences of each other as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious school.

The school has produced many intellectuals and reputed politicians who are vital to the development of any country. The reputation of this outstanding school has now spread all over the country being evident in the fact that many students and parents from all over the country now select this school as their path to a bright future.

[edit] College hymn

With all my heart, with all my soul, I love, I adore the only God, Allah is sole and only Lord, Him I worship, Him I adore

Creation shows his wonder signs, A blade of grass his wonder mind Allah is sole and only Lord, Him I worshop, Him I adore

To him my prayers I daily make, To win his favourse dialy toll, To know his mind I read his book, Follow his Prophet to mend my ways

So bless me daily, Lord of all, Bless one and all assembled here, LA-I-LA-HA-ILL-LALLAH MUHAMUDU_RASU_LULLAH

[edit] College anthem

Zahira our Alma Mater true Your alumni flock to you School where we learn Integrity Freedom, Truth & Purtty Islam has from age to age Given us alla proud heritage A way of life, so grand and free Foundation of liberty

Arts and Sciences in days of yore Freely flowed from shore to shore From Andalus to Hind and Chin As it had never before been seen Awake 'Arise' oh Zahirians bold Draw inspiration, Young and Old, Impart knowledge to all Mankind Teach them arts of every kind

In Gampola Zahira's lofty banner Green Gold and Maroon from a Fine Tricolour Our earnest aspiration Will make Lanka a great Nation Proclaim with inspiration The Brotherhood of man is God's great Scheme "Through Faith and Knowledge seek Salvation" This is our 'Motto' this is our Dream