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A Gamorrean in the fictional Star Wars universe, is a large smelly creatures of little intelligence that are often hired as guards. The crime boss Jabba the Hutt was fond of hiring them because they were so inexpensive. On their home planet Gamorreans exist in a sort of tribal political system dominated by the female sows.[citation needed]

Homeworld Gamorr
Average height 1.7 meters
Skin color green
Distinctions pig-like features
Weapon vibro-ax
Races none known
Famous members

[edit] Physical Characteristics

Physically, Gamorreans appear in Return of the Jedi as greenish, slimy creatures (and apparently smelly).They are about 1.8 meters tall and weigh about 100 kilograms. Underneath their pig-like snouts, protruding from jowled cheeks are yellowed tusks. These complement the small, yellow horns the Gamorreans have growing from the top of their heads. Jabba the Hutt was known to use dim-witted Gamorreans as enforcers and bodyguards. They can be best described closest to pigs with their mouths and grunting kind of language. They are stocky, and very muscular, making them excellent melee/hand to hand fighters. They wear little clothing, consisting usually of a loincloth and primitive armor. Gamorreans generally resemble many fantasy depictions of Orcs, particularly those popularized by the Warhammer games.

Because of their physical characteristics and low intelligence, Gamorreans away from their home planet are usually employed as mercenary fighters, guards, or heavy laborers. One notable exception to this was the Wraith Squadron pilot Voort "Piggy" saBinring, who was biochemically altered by the Binring Corporation to bring his attention span and intelligence to exceed normal human levels.[citation needed]

Most do not like to use blasters, instead prefer to use hand-to-hand weapons such as clubs and axes and are quite fond of vibro-blades and vibro-axes. They appear in Star Wars: Battlefront as NPCs as a result of a downloadable map, Jabba's Palace. They are also featured in Star Wars Battlefront II, where these vibro weapons are utilised to great effect. One hit will kill even a Jedi.

A gang of Gamorrean slavers appear in Knights of the Old Republic, along with a small group of hunters who prey on foolish travelers in the Dune Sea.

[edit] External links

Species of Star Wars
Major species

Chiss | Ewok | Gamorrean | Human | Hutt | Killik | Nikto | Rancor | Rakata | Shistavanen | Ssi-Ruuk | Tusken Raider | Twi'lek | Ugnaughts | Wampa | Whill | Wookiee | Yuuzhan Vong | Ysalamir

Species lists
A-E | F-J | K-O | P-T | U-Z