Gamma Zeta Alpha

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ΓZA - Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
The official crest of Gamma Zeta Alpha.
Colors Black, Silver, and White
Founded December 3, 1987 at Chico State University
Type Latino-Interest Fraternity
Los Angeles, California, USA
Nickname Gammas

Gamma Zeta Alpha (ΓΖΑ) is a university fraternity. Established in 1987 at California State University, Chico|Chico State University, the organization aimed to help foster an atmosphere for Latinos to succeed in higher education. Based on the three principles: Academic Excellence, Community Service, and Maintaining the Latino Culture, it was decided to form this new fraternity as they recognized the importance of brotherhood as the mechanism for support and key to achieving their individual and collective goals.

Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is one of the leading Latino organizations in the State of California, as we maintain a strong and healthy growth that builds off of the principles set by our Founding Fathers.

The brothers of Gamma Zeta Alpha are the lifeline of the fraternity; and therefore, each must function with the utmost effectiveness in performing services for the community and developing both the professional and personal development of its members. We are committed to excellence in training our brothers in the skills necessary to succeed in life.

This year is especially importnant to us in that it marks the 20th Anniversary of Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. To commemorate this historic milestone, Gamma Zeta Alpha is launching a year-long campaign, "Pioneers of the Past, Leaders of the Present, Innovators of the Future," which shall be comprised of mixers, family picnics and special events including our 20 Year Formal in December.


[edit] Fraternity Mission Statement

"Gamma Zeta Alpha was established for the purposes of uniting and directing all persons interested in the promotion of the Latino culture and ethnic origins via community interaction and the educational system."

[edit] History

On December 3, 1987, brought together with the purpose of addressing the shortcomings that Latino Students faced in higher education, fifteen young men came together to form a student organization far beyond their time. With a vision of Academic Excellence, Community Service, and the Maintenance of the Latino Culture through the bonds of brotherhood, these gentlemen brought an institution onto their campus that has become one of the leading Latino student organizations on the West Coast of the United States.

Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is proud to be a vehicle for creating the Latino Leaders of tomorrow and as an instrument for promoting the development of Latino males in higher education.

[edit] Founding Fathers

  • Alex Calvario
  • Gustavo Camacho
  • Hector Curiel
  • Andres Favela
  • Ernesto Govea
  • Michael Martinez
  • Ramon Martinez
  • Gerardo Muñoz
  • Ramon Muñoz
  • Octavio Pimentel
  • Rick Ramirez
  • Jose Silva
  • Harry Vacaflor
  • Ray Villar
  • Don Williams

[edit] National Philanthropy

Gamma Zeta Alpha prides its commitment to the Latino community. Our community service programming is structured threefold: at our local collegiate chapters, at our state, and also nationally.

Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity Inc.s commitment to community empowerment and aiding all aspects of the Latino community has only grown stronger through the years. Today, we continue committed to hands-on community service for we believe that service embedded with the leadership our organization provides to our members is key to truly changing the ongoing dynamic of our diverse and panethnic Latino communities worldwide. Our programming is structured to involve our prospective members, our undergraduate brothers, and our alumni association in effort of ensuring an ongoing strong support for our community.

[edit] America Diabetes Association

Each fall, the collegiate chapters of Gamma Zeta Alpha participate in our nationally sponsored Diabetes Prevention and Awareness Week. Gammas throughout the state put on a week-long series of events, including screenings, healthcare information and nutrition classes, with the purpose of aiding those diagnosed with diabetes and increase awareness within the community.

  • Awareness Workshops (need to make these sub-headings bold): All chapters work closely with their local ADA office to provide awareness workshops at their local campuses, community centers, schools, churches and parent centers Workshops inform people about Diabetes, its causes and reasons as to why Latinos are more prone to the disease than others. Topics include nutrition, lifestyle, diet and other prevention practices.
  • Prevention Workshops: These workshops are aimed at dealing with methods of prevention, such as screenings, blood sugar monitoring, free clinics, healthcare access, diet and exercise within Spanish-speaking, low-income communities. The purpose of these workshops is to ensure that people take an active role in maintaining their own health.
  • Diabetes Screenings: Chapters partner with either student health groups at their respective campuses or with their local ADA office to provide diabetes screenings on campus and at local community centers. This provides a valuable opportunity to people that lack adequate access to healthcare.
  • Fundraiser: Each chapter hosts a fundraiser this week, the proceeds of which are donated to the American Diabetes Association.

Gamma Zeta Alpha is also involved in the “Por Tu Familia” (For Your Family) campaign, an innovative program designed to improve the situation and the fight against diabetes within the Latino community.

For more information on the American Diabetes Association’s “Por Tu Familia” program, please visit your local ADA office or the ADA’s national website at:

[edit] Reina De Las Fiestas Patrias

Maintaining the Latino culture and acknowledging the pan-ethnic origin of our community is of crucial importance to our brotherhood. For this reason, we make our greatest attempts to involve our organization in events that will reinforce and celebrate our founding principles.

The Eta Chapter at the University of California, Los Angeles has been at the forefront of cultural awareness and the promotion of the Latino culture. This chapter of our organization has formed an association with various professors and faculty members at UCLA, city officials and the Mexican Consul in order to become the only Greek-lettered organization to participate in the City of Los Angeles’ Mexican Independence Day festivities.

Our brothers participate in the coordination of the “Reina De Las Patrias” beauty pageant, where the Queen of the Mexican Independence Day festivities is selected. Furthermore, brothers assist with the Mexican Independence Day Parade and participate in yearly functions with the Queen of the festivities and the Comite Mexicano Civico Patriotico.

Our brothers have received numerous recognitions for their involvement and have received acknowledgement from the media for their ongoing contribution to the maintenance of the Latino culture.

[edit] Tijuana Jr. Olympic Sponsorship

Gamma Zeta Alpha’s commitment to community empowerment has grown stronger through the years. Today, we continue to commit ourselves to hands-on community service, for we believe that service, coupled with the leadership our organization prides itself on, is key to transforming the ongoing dynamics of our diverse communities, not just locally, but throughout the world.

As such, Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity is proud to sponsor the Tijuana National Junior Olympic Team. The Tijuana National Junior Olympic Team is based out of the Tijuana Olympic Center, where gymnasts from the ages of nine through 13 are trained and sent to represent Tijuana in the Mexican Gymnastics Olympic Competition.

In past years, the Tijuana team has brought home several gold medals throughout many categories. They continue to represent the city of Tijuana in a positive manner and strive towards Olympic excellence, efforts that motivated Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to become their sponsors. We are proud to cross borders and sponsor programs that encourage sportsmanship, community empowerment and leadership development and wish the Tijuana team best of luck in the 2006 Mexican Gymnastics Olympic Competition.

[edit] National Programs

[edit] National Leadership Conference

Our National Board of Directors truly believes in maintaining constant updates and leadership development programming in order to ensure the success of all of our undergraduate chapters. For this reason our National Board sponsors a National Leadership Conference held yearly at one of our collegiate campuses. All of our undergraduate chapter officers and chairs attend this yearly conference and participate in workshops, leadership development, and officer training that is prepared by our National Officers and National Vice-Presidents. There are various components to our Leadership Conference:

  • Chapter Officer Training: put together by our National Executive Vice-President, this component provides training and development for all newly elected chapter officers. Chapter operations, budget management, media kit creation, and other operational training are provided to ensure the success and proper function of all our undergraduate entities.
  • Specific Chair Training: put together by all of our National Vice-Presidents, each specific chair attends workshops prepared to aid them in executing both their respective national and chapter based programming during the year. This ensures clear and smooth transitions in all of our chapter operations.
  • Alumni Development: put together by our National Vice-President of Alumni Relations, this component of our Leadership conference allows brothers of our alumni association to actively involve themselves with current fraternal operations. It also provides development for our alumni in an effort to get them more involved locally and also at our national level.

Our leadership conference is held each year prior to the beginning of our collegiate entities’ academic year. Undergraduate brothers, alumni, our National Board, Community Members, and university faculty all aid us in our development and programming to ensure the ongoing success of our organization.

[edit] Gamma Olympics

Our annual Gamma Olympics provide the opportunity for social interaction between active and alumni brothers. The Olympics begin with regional competitions where active brothers and alumni participate in tournaments and contests against other chapters. Winning regional chapters then compete against other regional champions for the national championship. This event also gives active brothers the opportunity to travel and meet brothers throughout the state, further enhancing our collective programming.

Chapters rotate as hosts the regional competition on an annual basis while the national competition is hosted at a campus chosen by the Board of Directors.

[edit] Project L.I.T.E. (Latinos Inspiring Through Education)

Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is in official development of a Student-Initiated Outreach Project. Gamma Zeta Alpha, Fraternity Inc. as a domestic fraternal non-profit organization has gone far beyond its time and began development of an official Student-Initiated Outreach Project in the State of California. Through our association with the California State Academic Decathlon, Gamma Zeta Alpha, Fraternity Inc. is developing an outreach project that each undergraduate entity will participate in. Our undergraduate brothers will select a local high school in their area and provide mentoring and tutoring services to students in the Decathlon competition, or that want to get involved with the competition. We will be doing mentoring and college-outreach sessions with students as well as developing a tracking system to maintain records of our students academic achievement and obtain statistics on the effectiveness of Student-Initiated Outreach in college admissions for the State of California. We are currently working with the California State Department of Education and other Government offices to develop educational grants and student-initiated outreach funds from the state of California to fund the remaining components of our project. We would like to thank all the individuals at the California State Academic Decathlon, the California State Department of Education, and the California State Legislature that are aiding us in our developments and helping us continue to set the standard for other student organizations in the state and in the country. Project L.I.T.E. (Latinos Inspiring Through Education) is scheduled to launch at all sites in the state September 1st, 2008.


Involving our alumni in community service is key to our organizational structure and increases our active and alumni interaction. Each year, Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. hosts an annual golf tournament open to both alumni and active brothers. This event serves not only as a time for alumni to re-connect with younger brothers, but it also provides valuable networking opportunities. Alumni are updated with all of our organizations philanthropic work and after the tournament, they select a philanthropy to donate the tournament’s proceeds to.

  • BBQ Lunch following the tournament
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Texas Holdem & Poker Tournament
  • Raffle
  • Brotherhood "Evening Event"

[edit] National Scholarship

Gamma Zeta Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is proud to award a national scholarship to Latino/a students entering any accredited four-year university. The organization's national scholarships is titled “In Motzla Yakatializtli”, which translates to “Leadership of Tomorrow” in Nahuatl.

The scholarship is given to Latino(a) students:

1) Who are high school graduates

2) Who are entering an accredited four-year university.

[edit] Chapters

Gamma Zeta Alpha was founded on 3 December 1987 at Chico State University. Since 1987, fifteen chapters have been established at the leading universities of California. These chapters include:

Omega (Ω) Chapter is reserved as a designation for brothers who have passed away.

[edit] References