Gamma Theta Phi

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ΓΘΦ - Gamma Theta Phi
Motto Fraternity and Charity
Colors red and yellow
Founded 1964 at
Type Catholic
, , USA
Philanthropy Catholic Charities

Gamma Theta Phi (ΓΘΦ) was a fraternity founded in 1964, primarily at Catholic colleges. Unlike traditional fraternities, Gamma was organized by the student services departments at each school since several colleges did not want national fraternities coming on their campus. Since Gamma was, in essence, an outreach of student services, the colleges hoped to harness the positives of the fraternities (service, charitable projects & camaraderie), and avoid the negative stereotypes which plague many fraternities.

The project didn't succeed. By 1967 all national work regarding Gamma had halted. Several of the local chapters continued at their respective colleges for a few years, but by 1997, all the chapters had dissolved.

[edit] Chapters

Chapters existed at one time or another at the following schools: