Starport: Galactic Empires

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Primary Developer Aaron Hunter[1]
Starport Staff Scott Phillips, Timothy Fuller, Nathan Howard
Art John Holland, Loren Willis, Shannon Bjorkquist, Josh Elliot, John Sensebe
Sounds and Music Jamie Lendino
Publisher(s) PlayTechTonics
Release date(s) February 3rd 2004[2]
Genre(s) MMORPG
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Platform(s) Windows
Input Device(s) Keyboard, mouse

Starport: Galactic Empires is a player-driven persistent-world massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) set in space. It is developed by the Austin, Texas based company PlayTechTonics; it was released on February 3rd, 2004. Players pilot customizable spaceships in sharded online environments. A wide array of ships are available, most suited for specific uses.

Starport is one of the few MMOGs which allow players to engage in free and player-motivated PvP (Player versus player) anytime, anywhere and in all but a few shards.


[edit] Description

The entire game presents multiple shards, each of them representing a galaxy with a unique layout and containing around 1000 star systems (which may be filled with a starport, star base, a black hole, planets and moons). Crossing a star system takes rarely more than 30 seconds while crossing the entire galaxy could take a few hours. However gameplay mechanics are designed to give the player a profound feeling of freedom.

There are two types of game servers. "Rebangs" end after about 2 weeks; if you are ranked in the top 10 when the game ends, you get a medal which is visible on your profile. "Permaverses" never end, so you never receive medals. Each server has its differences, for example: The Battle Royale server (or shard) has plenty of NPCs (Non-Player Characters or computer controlled players), while many other servers have fewer NPCs. Players are given 2000 gallons of warp fuel that regenerates--up to 5000; different servers have different regeneration rates, and a small amount of starting money with which to build an empire. Players can use their real-life credit cards or PayPal accounts to buy Admiral Tokens from the Admiral's Club; you can use these tokens to buy warp fuel, change the appearance of your character and its attributes, nukes, credits, or a special ship named the Intergalactic Ship. Starport takes place in persistent real time, meaning that the player must dock at a port or fly to UN Space (where all combat is impossible) to log out safely; ships are vulnerable to attack when the player is not logged in and not in a safe area. The player’s colonies can be defended with many types of defenses, such as Flak Cannons, Laser Cannons, Mines, or a Solar Cannon, which can be placed by the player on the surface of the colonized planet. Possible avenues to make money in the game could be: trading among ports, bounty hunting, building colonies, fighting NPCs or other players, taxiing people from ports, escorting NPCs ships from ports, or doing favors or jobs for other players.
Starport is sometimes said to contain certain aspects of other games like Elite, Trade Wars 2002,pardus and Star Control 2.

[edit] Background

The fictional background of Starport is set in a space-faring future where mankind is capable of interplanetary and intersystem travel. Governmental control (embodied by a future United Nations) is lax in all but a few systems in the galaxy and wealth (and thus the pursuit of mass-colonisation of the galaxy) is mainly controlled by mighty corporations. This venture is aided by the many star ports scattered trough out the galaxy. The galaxy is filled with remnants of an ancient, extinct and advanced race known as the Intergalactics. Competition is fierce and as fortunes are accumulated, so are the reasons for war and betrayal. Massive Empires will grow from corporations and can put their mark on the galaxy forever or can come crashing down leaving hundreds of planets free to be taken by hordes of pirates and opportunistic corporations. You will be tested to the limit of your persistence and abilities. Good luck fellow captains


[edit] Gameplay

[edit] Character Attributes

Players are allowed to control one and only one character per person per server. All characters exist at all times, even when the player who controls them is not logged in. Characters have three attributes decided when the character is created or remade with tokens:

Charisma - Increases the number of colonists one can recruit from ports, makes it easier to haggle with port merchants, and increases morale on colonies.

Wisdom - Decreases the warp fuel used by 0.2 per wisdom when warping.

Dexterity - Increases turning speed, energy regeneration rate, and thrust acceleration.

Note: Once set, these three attributes along with the character name become rather permanent and can only be changed with tokens, not credits.

[edit] Experience

Experience is meant to be a representation of the achievements of someone in the shard. Experience is gained when one: discovers and enters a new starport for the first time, completes a taxi or escort mission, negotiates better prices in trades, sets colony construction to experience. Experience is important in rebang games, as medals are awarded to the top 10 finishers based on experience ranking.

[edit] Reputation

Reputation is meant to be a representation of the alignment (good or evil) of the player. Reputation is gained when one: fights or kills players with opposite reputation, completes taxi or escort missions, provides housing to colonists at ones colony, or add to the bounties on pirates at the police station. The player receives 1 reputation point for every thousand credits that he or she adds to a bounty. Reputation is lost when the player: fights or kills players with the same reputation, fails an escort mission, jettisons colonists, or gets caught when robbing a port. 1/10 of the killed person's reputation is subtracted from the player’s, so for example: If the killed person's rep is 15400, the player loses 1540. If the killed person's rep is -9270, the player loses -927 (in other words, he or she gains 927).

[edit] Titles

Titles - A character's name is usually preceded by his title. Title is determined by a character's experience and reputation. Reputation divides titles into two classes depending on if it's positive or negative. Experience determines the rest, according to the following table:

Good Evil Experience
Civilian Civilian 0
Private Miscreant 10
Corporal Delinquent 100
Midshipman Nuisance 500
Sergeant Trouble Maker 1,000
First Sergeant Outlaw 2,000
Warrant Officer Mercenary 5,000
Ensign Thief 10,000
Lieutenant Smuggler 15,000
Major Robber 20,000
Commander Public Enemy 25,000
Commodore Terrorist 35,000
Colonel Pirate 50,000
Vice Admiral Infamous Pirate 75,000
Admiral Dread Pirate 100,000
Fleet Admiral Galactic Scourge 250,000
Emperor Dark Overlord 500,000

[edit] Warp Fuel

Every character has an amount of warp fuel. Warp Fuel is used every time a warp portal is entered to make the jump from one star system to another. One warp jump costs about 10 units of warp fuel (the actual number varies depending on the type of spaceship making the jump). Warp Fuel is automatically generated for every character, at a constant rate over time, regardless of whether or not the character's human controller is online or offline. A typical setting for warp fuel generation speed in a game of SGE is 1 unit every two to three minutes. Warping (travelling from one system to another is not possible when the player has no warp fuel. One can jettison up to 500 spice each day, gaining one gallon of warp fuel per unit of spice consumed. Entering the atmosphere of a planet requires 1 unit of warp fuel, and docking at a port also requires 1 unit of warp fuel. The warp fuel gauge on the console displays how much warp fuel the character currently holds.

[edit] Ships

Ship Comparison
Name Base


Shields Cargo






Turning Thrust Energy



per Warp


per Fuel

Antarean Speedstar 850,000 5,000 90 8 6,000





Avenger 210,000 6,000 45 8 8,000





Battleship 330,000 12,000 50 8 8,000





Corporate Flagship 720,000 12,000 130 8 8,000





Dreamsower 195,000 2,000 200 8 4,000





Garbage Barge 119,000 4,000 100 24 5,000





Galaxy Whale 595,000 6,000 160 8 8,000





Imperial Starcruiser 2,000,000 16,000 150 8 9,000





Intergalactics Ship 10,000 Tokens 16,000 160 8 9,000





Merchant Cruiser 98,000 4,000 45 8 4,000





Merchant Freighter 144,000 5,000 80 8 6,000





Scout Marauder 115,000 2,000 25 8 8,000





Sethdar Cruiser 1,250,000 16,000


8 8,000 90




Tyrolean Falcon 91,000 6,000 55 8 7,000





Vulture 156,000 4,000


8 4,000





Green is best
Red is worst

Ship Comments:

Antarean Speedstar – The highest fuel efficiency ship in the game, but mediocre to poor everything else. Its special, the Anti-Gravity Bomb, flings other ships away upon impact. Low maximum shields, and it's speed greatly increases when you thrust (shift key).

Avenger - This ship's prominent feature is its ability to cloak, leaving only a black outline against the stars and nothing on the minimap. While cloaked, the ship can fire AND receive damage, though the Graviton Beam cannot lock-on. When using the cloak, auto-targeting beams can still do damage if getting too close to one, or if one is in the line of fire between the beam and another player or NPC.

Battleship – Designed to be a combat ship. Has bad fuel efficiency. Good for having in a fleet, and invading.

Corporate Flagship - This ship, only buyable by heads of corporations, is decent in most areas but excels in none. Its special weapon is the Tractor Beam which, apparently, cannot auto-target onto a cloaked ship.

Dreamsower - This ship boasts the largest cargo capacity in the game, along with the only energy-draining special. The slowest acceleration and turning speed make this ship an easy target in combat.

Garbage Barge – Ship designed for moving equipment. Its the only ship with more than eight hardware slots, having 24, in addition to its 100 regular cargo slots. Its defensive special weapon, the Inertia Disruptor, can knock out the steering of enemies' ships, which makes them turn clockwise without stopping temporarily.

Galaxy Whale – Cargo ship with the best shields and speed. The galaxy whale Repel as special weapon that flings away nearby ships. But, Repel won't work if the ship is cloaked.

Imperial Starcruiser (ISC) - This ship requires a reputation above 5,000 and 2,000,000 (two million) in credits. It shares the top spot for energy regeneration and shield capacity with the IGS and Sethdar Cruiser, its top speed matches the IGS, and it has very good thrust and turning speeds. Its special, the Photon Torpedo, has decent range and does heavy splash damage. Very good for fighting, building up colonies, and invading colonies, it is sometimes considered the best ship in the game that doesn't require tokens.

Intergalactics' Ship (IGS) - This ship costs 10,000 tokens (10 USD), and is the only ship in the game that can be bought with real money. There is an 8,500 token refund given for death or trade in. The ships special weapon is the Firewave, which fires an arc of projectiles which do not cause splash damage but bounce off of obstructions. This is also the best ship in the game, according to Toonces (Aaron Hunter).

Merchant Cruiser - This is the stock starting ship and it's free. Its Afterburners special is unique in that it affects your speed.

Merchant Freighter – Better stats than the Merchant Cruiser. The special weapon is Point Defense, which can auto-target any projectiles in close proximity to the ship. Weapons like the Graviton Beam cannot be stopped by the Point Defense.

Scout Marauder - This ship has decent fuel efficiency. Its top speed is rarely reached due to its poor thrust. Its special weapon Reverse Guns is a slightly more powerful version of the stock Plasma Cannon that fires backwards.

Sethdar Cruiser – Only available to players with a reputation of -1000 or lower, this ship can only be bought at the Pirate Base Chernyj Almaz. Its handling and thrust are better than that of the ISC. Its special weapon EMP Blast can temporarily knock out the thrusters of enemy ships, however, their turning and weapons will still be fully operational.

Tyrolean Falcon - Cheap, relatively fast, and has the ability to eject other ships' cargo with the Cargo Disrupt weapon. Able to generate shields by jettisoning cargo.

Vulture – Worst fuel efficiency and speed. Most special-use ship in the game. Has Surface Missiles with longest range of any weapon in the game plus an unlimited supply. Great for destroying laser walls, but not invading.

[edit] Artifacts

Artifacts are randomly spawned that grant positive adjustments to the attributes of the character. There are a handful of artifacts in the entire galaxy, so they are considered to be quite valuable finds. They are placed in the character's personal inventory. There may be more then one Artifact on a planet. A player may only have 3 artifacts, unless you jettison one.
Here are the artifacts one might find and what they do:

  • Oracle of Wonders - Increases your Wisdom by 2.
  • Intergalactics' Spacesuit - Bestows +2 Dexterity upon the wearer.
  • Beautiful Aura Necklace - This device increases Charisma by 2.
  • Persuasive Pulsator - Helps you haggle better prices from port merchants.
  • Cloak of Disguise - This cloak helps in port robbery.
  • Intergalactics' Map - Decreases the amount of warp fuel used to warp by 0.5.
  • Shield Emanator - Damage sustained by your ship is reduced by approximately 1/7.
  • The Superconductor - Increases ship's energy generation speed.

[edit] Scanners

All ships are equipped with scanners. You start with short-range scanners until you decide to upgrade to one of the four other types. You can only have one type of scanner at a time. Scanners are purchased in the hardware area of Star Base Shipyards. When buying a new ship, your scanners are transferred to the new ship. A scan can be performed by pressing Alt-S. Results are given as tons of unidentified compounds. This can indicate the presence of other ships, defenses, colonies, aliens, and artifacts in the area. Scanners do not detect defenses or colonies on a greenhouse type planet with an Ion Tower. Here are descriptions of the 5 scanner types and how they are used:

  • Short Range Scanners can be used to scan your immediate vicinity. They can be helpful when you first land on a planet surface if you would like an estimate of what lies on the planet without having to go around and look it all over. When used in space, these scanners report on the solar system space alone, and not any of the planets. Short Range Scanners use up 1 unit of warp fuel.
  • Broadband Scanners are used from space and scan every planet and moon in the entire solar system in one fell swoop. The result obtained is a total, representing the combined tons of all unidentified compounds across all planets and moons in the system. Broadband scans use 3 gallons of warp fuel.
  • Neutrino Scanners operate like Broadband Scanners except instead of reporting the total for all planets, they are capable of scanning each planet individually. So results obtained from these scans are more concise. Neutrino scans cost 5 gallons of warp fuel each use. The Neutrino Scanner shows the total of a planets mass. In order to read the results, use the following. The values the Neutrino Scanner reports are added into one total. Adding structures to a Biodome does not change the reading.

Reported Values Alien - 5 tons

Artifact - 100

Biodome - 500

Flak Cannon - 25

Laser Cannon - 25

Mine - 15

Beacon - 10

Player - 200

Destroyed Biodome - 500

Here is an example scan:

1 Biodome = 500

14 aliens = 70

125 cannons = 3125

Total reported Neutrino Scan = 3695

Here are the weights to look for:

0-70 = 14 aliens on a tiny or inhabitable planet

0-140 = 28 aliens on a gas giant. It is possible to be an artifact or mines, instead.

150-195 = This is usually an artifact; however, someone could have placed mines.

200+ = This means some combination of aliens, artifacts, and players. Usually, it's a sleeping player or an artifact.

500-570 = Almost always Biodome with no cannons. Could just be multiple players or artifacts.

Over 570 = Almost always Biodome, likely defended. The higher the weight, the higher the defenses. Subtract 570 (biodome and aliens) and then divide by 25 to get the number of cannons. Sometimes, there will be a sleeping player.

3625-3695 = This means the planet is a fully defended colony containing 125 Laser Turrets or Flaks. Be careful; planet surfaces with an extremely wide landing area could kill you before you fly back to the warp. Land on these at your own risk, as you will likely be destroyed if you are unable to immediately take off again. Also, be careful when landing on greenhouse planets because the Ion Tower (a special building) will cause you to scan only the weight of aliens and player ships which makes it appear empty when it is defended, and it has a greater gravitational pull than other planets.

  • Tactical Scanners are Short Range Scanners that have been modified for combat purposes. When your ship is equipped with a Tactical Scanner, you can see the shields levels of other ships when you pass by them.
  • Battle Scanners are like Tactical Scanners; However with a Battle Scanner, you can see cloaked ships. Just what an Avenger captain fears most!

[edit] Hardware

There are four star bases per shard/galaxy that sell hardware to equip a ship with. One base is only accessible by having a minus 1000 reputation; this base is referred to as the 'Pirate base.' Costs of hardware are shown in the following table.

Item Cost Comments
Nuke 50,000 Approximately 2000 damage. Purchased only from the Pirate base or with tokens. Can also be built in a colony's Weapon Factory.
G-14 Negotiator 15,000 Approximately 900 damage. Purchased from any base.
Mines 10,000 Approximately 1000 damage. When detonated carefully, it does around 300 damage. Purchased from any base.
Beacons 500 Leaves a short message for all to see. Placed in space or on a planet. Purchased from any base.
Biodome Kit 40,000-2,090,000* The foundation of colonies. Purchased from any base.
Flak Cannon 25,000 Deals approximately 100 damage and gives splash damage. Reduces energy slightly on impact, as well as slightly disrupting turning of the targeted craft. Purchased from any base.
Laser Cannon 75,000 Deals 200 damage. Reduces energy. Bounces off objects. Purchased from any base.
Shields 20** Shields are a ships primary protection against attack. Purchased from any base or port.
Cargo Holds 2,500 Used to carry resources & colonists. Purchased from any base or port.
Plasma Shooter 1,000 Standard weapon, 30 damage with high rate of fire & low energy use. Bounces off objects.
Fusion Blast 1,250,000 Long-range projectile weapon with 80 damage, low energy use, and high rate of fire. Bounces off objects.
Explosive Charge 375,000 Projectile weapon with up to 500 damage, slow travelling, slow rate of fire & high energy use. Detonates upon impact.
Graviton Beam 3,000,000 Weapon with auto-aim and average range. Can attack three targets at once. Passes through objects.
Hellbore Laser 50,000 Weapon with average damage applied as long as its in contact with the target, and medium range. Blocked by objects.
Death Ray 120,000 Weapon with very short range and high damage.
Broadband Scanner 800,000 Scans the whole system, returning the combined weights of all planets. Uses 3 fuel.
Neutrino Scanner 1,500,000 Scans the whole system, returning the weights of planets individually. Uses 5 fuel.
Tactical Scanner 500,000 Displays shield percentage of other ships.
Battle Scanner 1,000,000 Displays shield percentage of other ships. It also reveals cloaked Avengers.

* This amount varies between servers. 40k is the standard price, while 2.09million is normally found on the PAX servers.

** Prices are subject to Supply and Demand at ports with 20 being price at full supply, bases always sell for 20.

[edit] Starport Lounges

Each port has a lounge in which the player can talk to the patrons. Some patrons have customers that need a ride to a different port and will pay $3,000 per hop (a jump from one system to another) plus a bonus if the player is fast. Some patrons have customers that need to reach a port in dangerous territory and will pay to escort them. Talking to the barkeep (by buying drinks) will result in various tomes of wisdom. Purchasing the most expensive drink increases the odds for the best information.

[edit] Planets

There are 11 types of planets of which 9 are able to be colonized by a player.

Players are able to colonize the following nine planet types:


  • Arctic: Arctic planets have neutral population growth; the population will not grow until the colony has medicine in its refinery medicine, Weather Prediction researched, or is set to Anarchy government. Arctic planets produce all resources except uranium and spice, and will supply you with plenty of anaerobes and oil. The Arctic planet's unique building is the Heater Core which increases construction on the planet by 50% (was 100%, changed 2/1/2005). That means buildings and Experience will be produced 50% faster. Arctic planets provide more Experience per hour than any other planet type. Arctic planets can produce 843 Experience per hour when set to 100% construction. Arctic worlds have a very high rate of pollution.


  • Volcanic: Volcanic planets have sharply negative population growth. Volcanic planets produce all resources except organics and spice, and will supply with plenty of metal ore and equipment. The Volcanic planet's unique building is the Lava Mill which means the Weapons Factory produces weapons twice as fast. Volcanic Planets are capable of making 75 nukes a day unmatched by any other planet. Volcanic worlds have a fairly slow rate of pollution.


  • Desert: Desert worlds have slightly negative population growth. They produce every resource. Desert worlds have high spice production, greater than any other type. Building the Spice Mine doubles the Refinery's production of spice. Desert worlds have a fairly slow rate of pollution.


  • Mountainous: Mountainous planets have slightly negative population growth. Mountainous worlds only harvest metal ore, uranium, and anaerobes. Mountainous planets harvest metal ore and uranium faster than any other planet type. The Atom Smasher building allows to transform two tons of any resource plus one ton of uranium into two tons of any other resource.. Mountain worlds have an above average pollution rate.


  • Greenhouse: Greenhouse worlds have sharply negative population growth. They produce primarily anaerobes and metal ore, with some medicine, oil, and uranium. The Ion Tower will completely hide all traces of a biodome and defenses from players with neutrino scanners. The Ion Tower does not hide the tonnage of aliens or artifacts. Greenhouse worlds have a fairly slow rate of pollution. These planets also have the highest amount of gravitational pull, so be careful when you are invading!


  • Oceanic: Oceanic worlds have slightly positive population growth. Oceanic planets produce every resource, and they are the only planets other than Desert and Paradise worlds to produce spice. The Deep Sea Explorer, the unique building, doubles the research rate on the planet. They have the highest medicine production of any planet. Ocean worlds have a moderate rate of pollution.


  • Rocky: Rocky worlds have moderately negative population growth. Rocky worlds harvest mostly metal ore and anaerobes, along with a lesser amount of equipment and uranium. The Artesian Well is a structure which greatly increases the morale of the planet. This allows taxes to be set higher without losing morale. Rocky worlds have a moderate rate of pollution.


  • Earthlike: Earthlike planets have very high population growth. Earthlike worlds produce all resources except anaerobes and spice. The Church of Earth, the special building, lowers the pollution rate to very low. Earthlike worlds have a moderate rate of pollution.


  • Paradise: Every galaxy contains three Paradise worlds. They produce all resources. The Intergalactics' Shrine doubles hourly Experience for owning it. Paradise worlds have no pollution.

Two types of planets can not be colonized:

  • Gas Giants - Very large
  • Tiny - Very small

[edit] Planetary Governments

  • Democracy - Best morale of all types of government, but are banned from producing nukes in the Weapons Factory.
  • Socialism (changes from Anarchy April 4, 2007) - Increased population growth, and morale may fluctuate.
  • Directorship - Doubles the chance to gain a research.
  • Prison - Decreases morale approximately 3 points/hr. +50% construction and Weapons Factory production. Researching does not produce any results with Prison government.

[edit] Planetary Morale

Colonies have a morale level, indicating the general mood of their citizens. Morale is influenced by the tax rate setting. Government type can influence morale. Large populations tend can morale. The radio receiver structure increases morale once built, as do the broadcast receiver and the Artesian well. The charisma attribute of the owner character slightly helps morale as well. In order to reach unity status, a colony needs a morale total of about 500 morale points. At -500 morale points, colony will reach revolt. The following is a list of morale levels from angriest to happiest, with any special affects that apply to that level of morale.

Morale State Points Additional Effects
Revolt -500 Construction stops, no tax revenue, military production is diminished, research is ineffective, and colonists stop reproducing fast
Hopeless -150
Broken -75
Downcast -50
Neutral 0
Steadfast 50
Content 100
Happy 200
Jubilant 300
Unity 800 Construction speed doubled

[edit] Planetary Research

The occupation of colonists can be set to research in the biodome management screen. The more colonists allowed to research, the greater a colony's chance of making a research discovery. Discoveries are bonuses that will remain with that colony forever.

Research Discoveries and Effects
Discovery Effect
Weather Prediction Better reproduction
Geothermal Refrigeration 2x Organics harvest
Industrial Complex Double Flak Cannon Production
*Military Tradition Double Military Workforce
Native Plants 2x Medicine harvest
Advanced Architecture 50% faster construction
Advanced Engineering 2x Equipment harvest
Spectroscopes 2x Uranium harvest
*Commodities Market Liquadate Resources
Drilling 2x Oil harvest
Ecological Equilibrium Reduces pollution
Advanced Aerodynamics Double Missile Production
Superconductors More research output
Bacteria Farming 2x Anaerobes harvest
Spice Mining 2x Spice Harvest
Channel Descrambling Improves Morale

The symbol "2x" means double.

Research is highly randomised. The more research output the colony has, the greater the chances of making a discovery with each passing hour.

  • Commodities market allows one to sell any resource in the refinery at a reduced selling price.
  • Military Tradition doubles the effectiveness of the colonial allocation to Military. Apparently, this discovery does not effect the Weapons Factory.

[edit] In Game Communication

Any text input without a command before it will be a radio message to the current system. Here is the list of commands one can use:

  • /c - or /corp - talk to corp
  • /e go - or /e come or /e warp - commands the player’s escort
  • /r - or /reply - reply to a private message
  • /s - or /shout - shouts to all players
  • /t <user> - or /tell - tell something privately
  • /tc <member> - or /tellcorp - talk to the entire corp of <member>
  • /join, /leave <#> - Allows you to join/leave a Chat Channel
  • /<#> - Allows you to talk within the chat channel
  • /join, /leave, or /channels - Shows which chat channels you are on (maximum is 4)

  • /hug <user>
  • /laugh <user>
  • /kiss <user>
  • /nod <user>
  • /salute <user>
  • /shake <user> - or /handshake
  • /smile <user>
  • /wink <user>
  • /give <user> <amount> - gives <amount> credits to <user>
  • /givetokens <user> <amount> - gives <amount> tokens to <user>
  • /help - displays a screen giving general information about Starport, which contains these commands.
  • /tips - turns on the tips feature
  • /tutorial - command replaced by /tips
  • /bug <bug> - used to report an error with Starport
  • /changepassword <old> <new> - changes your account password
  • /idea <idea> - used to submit an idea
  • /max - maximizes all info windows
  • /min - minimizes all info windows
  • /news - displays game news
  • /news <#> - displays old news
  • /ping - ping yourself
  • /ping <user> - returns the latency and packet loss of <user>
  • /spice - displays the amount of spice conversion the player has left
  • /time - displays the time
  • /cancelun - cancels UN protection on the colony whee the player currently is
  • /givecolony – gives the player’s corp use of the colony he or she inside is
  • /makeceo <corp member name> - makes <corp member name> the CEO
  • /namecolony <name> - give the colony the player is in a name... no spaces
  • /takecolony - take or give the use of the colony the player is in
  • /bounty <user> - displays bounty of <user>
  • /char <user> - or /character - displays profile of <user>
  • /ignore - displays a list of the people the player is ignoring
  • /ignore <user> - allows the player to ignores all messages from <user>. The ignored <user> can send the player two mails
  • /pro <user> - or /profile - displays profile of <user>
  • /who <user> - or /whois - displays profile of <user>
  • /clearmail - deletes all mails in the mailbox
  • /mail <user> <subject> <body> - mails <user>... <subject> is limited to one word
  • /readmail - prints all the player’s mails in the chat box
  • /go <coords or name> - or /goto - goes to system
  • /m - opens map
  • /map <coords or name> - maps system
  • /warp - emergency warps
  • /where <system> - returns the coords of <system>

[edit] Support

Support can be found on the Official Forum [3] or by mailing

[edit] Similar games

[edit] External links

Official Website:

Official Forums:

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