Galvanizing touch

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The Galvanizing Touch (also known as Power-Driven Contact, Electric Touch or Electron Transfer) is a simple device that allows a user to send a static shock to another person. It is commonly used as an illusionist's gimmick to add effect to tricks.

[edit] Building Your Own

Spoiler warning: The following section reveals a magic secret.

To build this device, you need a 12 volt negative ion generator. They can be procured from air ionizers or electronic supply shops. If a common 9-volt battery is attached the generator will function at reduced output. Put a contact plate on the ionizing wire lead and attach it to your leg. Attach a ground to the device on the negative battery output and you will build up a voltage differential relative to the ground and shock anyone you touch.

With some imagination this basic setup can be expanded to be built into a shoe, switches added or any improvements you wish.