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History of Galicia
Prehistoric Galicia
Old Age
Celtic Gallaecia
Suebi Kingdom
Middle Age
County of Galicia
Kingdom of León
Modern Age
Contemporary Galicia
20th Century Galicia
Timeline of Galician History
Portal Galicia Portal

Gallaecia or Callaecia was the name of a Roman province that comprised a territory in the north-west of Hispania (approximately present-day Galicia in Spain, northern Portugal, León (province) and Asturias). The most important city and historical capital of Callaecia was the town of Bracara Augusta, the modern Portuguese Braga.


[edit] Description

The Romans gave the name Gallaecia to the northwest part of the Iberian peninsula after the Gallaeci (Greek Kallaikoi) tribe (or Gallaecians), who adored the goddess Cailleach and had been their foremost enemy in the region. These Gallaeci lived in the Douro Valley with centre in Calle in the area that would become the Roman town of Portus Calle, today's Porto.

The wild Gallaecian Celts make their entry in written history in the 1st-century epic Punica of Silius Italicus on the First Punic War:

Fibrarum et pennae divinarumque sagacem
flammarum misit dives Callaecia pubem,
barbara nunc patriis ululantem carmina linguis,
nunc pedis alterno percussa verbere terra,
ad numerum resonas gaudentem plauder caetras. (book III.344-7)
"Rich Gallaecia sent its youths, wise in the knowledge of divination by the entrails of beasts, by feathers and flames— who, now crying out the barbarian song of their native tongue, now alternately stamping the ground in their rhythmic dances until the ground rang, and accompanying the playing with sonorous caetras" (or gaethas, bagpipes, perhaps their earliest mention.)

Gallaecia, as a region, was thus marked for the Romans as much for its Celtic culture, the culture of the castros or castrejahillforts of Celtic origin—as it was for the lure of its gold mines. This civilization extended over present-day Galicia, the north of Portugal, the western part of Asturias, the Berço, and Sanabria.

History of Portugal
 Timeline of Portuguese history 

At a far later date, the mythic history that was encapsulated in Lebor Gabála Érenn credited Gallaecia as the point from which the Celts sailed to conquer Ireland, as they had Gallaecia, by force of arms.

[edit] History

Roman Gallaecia under Diocletian's reorganization, 293 AD
Roman Gallaecia under Diocletian's reorganization, 293 AD

After the Punic Wars, the Romans turned their attention to conquering Hispania. The tribe of the Gallaicoi 60,000 strong, according to Paulus Orosius, faced the Roman forces in 137 BC in a battle at the river Douro (Spanish Duero,Portuguese Douro,Latin Durius), which resulted in a great Roman victory, by virtue of which the Roman proconsul Decimus Junius Brutus returned a hero, receiving the agnomen Gallaicus ("conqueror of the Gallaicoi"). From this time, Gallaecian fighters joined the Roman legions, to serve as far away as Dacia and Britain. The final extinction of Celtic resistance was the aim of the violent and ruthless Cantabrian Wars fought under the emperor Octavian from 26 to 19 BC. The resistance was appalling: collective suicide rather than surrender, mothers who killed their children before committing suicide, crucified prisoners of war who sang triumphant hymns, rebellions of captives who killed their guards and returned home from Gaul.

For Rome Gallaecia was a region formed exclusively by two conventus—the Lucensis and the Bracarensis—and was distinguished clearly from other zones like the Asturica, according to written sources:

    • Legatus iuridici to per ASTURIAE ET GALLAECIAE.

In the 3rd century, Diocletian created an administrative division which included the conventus of Gallaecia, Asturica and perhaps Cluniense. This province took the name of Gallaecia since Gallaecia was the most populous and important zone within the province. In 409, as Roman control collapsed, the Suebi conquests transformed Roman Gallaecia (convents Lucense and Bracarense) into the kingdom of Galicia (the Galliciense Regnum recorded by Hydatius and Gregory of Tours).

In Beatus of Liébana (d. 798), Gallaecia refers to the Christian part of the Iberian peninsula, whereas Hispania refers to the Muslim one. The emirs found it not worth their while to conquer these mountains filled with fighters and lacking oil or wine.

In Charlemagne's time, bishops of Gallaecia attended the Council of Frankfurt in 794. During his residence in Aquisgran, he received embassies of the king Alfonsu II of Gallaecia et Asturiae(796-798) according to the Frankish chronicles.

Sancho III of Navarre in 1029 refers to Vermudo III as Imperator domus Vermudus in Gallaecia.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links