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Galičica (Галичица) mountain is situated in the Republic of Macedonia and one part in Albania. There is a National park on the Macedonian side of the mountain, situated between the two biggest lakes in Republic of Macedonia: Lake Ohrid and Lake Prespa. It stretches on area of 227 square kilometres.

The floral life in the National Park Galičica is represented with over 1000 species, of which large number of relicts and endems have the final frontier of its range exactly on the mountain Galičica. There is characteristicaly presence of up to now 11 discovered local endems to be met exclusively on the slopes of Galičica and nowhere else, which give a clear evidence of the specifically floristic composition of this mountain. It should be emphasized that at the moment its intensively worked on the flora of the National Park and there are indication that the number of endems will be even bigger.

Beautiful views on the lakes and neighbouring mountains can be seen from the Galičica peaks. The highest one is Magaro (2254 m).