Gaius Nautius Rutilus

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Gaius Nautius Rutilus, son of Spurius, was consul of the Roman Republic.

He was first consul in 475 BC with Publius Valerius Publicola.

He held the consulship a second time in 458 BC with Lucius Minucius Esquilinus Augurinus. During this consulship, he successfully carried on war against the Sabines. In the same year, the Aequi attacked the allied city of Tusculum and defeated his colleague, Minucius. Nautius Rutilus returned to Rome to oversee that the Roman Senate elected a dictator, Cincinnatus, to deal with the invaders.

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Preceded by
Aulus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus and Spurius Servilius Structus
Consul of the Roman Republic
with Publius Valerius Poplicola
475 BC
Succeeded by
Lucius Furius Medullinus and Aulus Manlius Vulso
Preceded by
Quintus Fabius Vibulanus and Lucius Cornelius Maluginensis
Consul of the Roman Republic
with Lucius Minucius Esquilinus Augurinus
458 BC
Succeeded by
Marcus Horatius Pulvillus and Quintus Minucius Esquilinus Augurinus
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