Gaia (Foundation universe)

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Gaia is a fictional planet described in the book Foundation's Edge (1982) and referred to in Foundation and Earth (1986), by Isaac Asimov. The name is derived from the Gaia hypothesis, which is itself eponymous to Gaia, the Earth Goddess.

[edit] Description of Gaia

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Gaia is located in the Sayshell Sector, about ten parsecs (32 light years) from Sayshell. It orbits a G-4 class star, and has one natural satellite (50 km or 31 miles in diameter).

It was founded by R. Daneel Olivaw, in an effort to resolve some of the problems that plagued him due to the Zeroth Law of Robotics. (Gaia also follows a similar law: 'Gaia may not harm life, or, by inaction, allow life to come to harm.') By 498 F.E., Gaia had a population of one billion; this is a high population for a planet at that time. The inhabitants hoped eventually to create a complex ecology; all human-settled planets in the Galaxy β€” except Earth β€” had simple ecologies. The inhabitants of Gaia were all tied together into a telepathic group consciousness when it was founded; this consciousness was eventually extended to the non-human life, and later to the inorganic material of the planet. This would explain The Mule's incredible psychic powers, as Gaia was said to be his home planet.

Gaians have long names, which are even longer depending on their status. They are generally addressed by only one syllable, or sometimes a few. Known Gaians: Blissenobiarella (Bliss), Endomandiovizamarondeyaso... (Dom, 253 syllables in full), Suranoviremblastiran (Su to herself, Vi to her mother), Joidilachicarella.

The ultimate goal of Gaia was to convert the entire Galaxy into a similar superorganism, called Galaxia. Hari Seldon's Psychohistory Project was a 'backup' initiated by Olivaw in the event that Gaia-Galaxia failed.

In 498 F.E., coucilman Golan Trevize and historian Janov Pelorat, the protagonists of Foundation's Edge, are maneuvered to Gaia so Trevize can decide whether the future of the Galaxy is to be guided by the physical (First Foundation), mental (Second Foundation), or organic (Gaia). Trevize chooses Gaia, that is Galaxia.

In the novel Foundation and Earth, Golan Trevize, Janov Pelorat, and Blissenobiarella set out on a journey to find humanity's ancestral planet β€” Earth. The purpose of the journey is to settle Trevize's doubt with his decision at the end of Foundation's Edge to embrace the all-encompassing supermind of Galaxia.

[edit] Gaia's Powers

Because of the size of the consciousness involved, Gaia's mental powers are significantly greater than those of any other mentalics encountered before in previous books. Where Second Foundationers generally required eye contact to alter emotions, Gaia could detect and alter minds without this constraint within a limited range. Gaia's influence is spread throughout the Galaxy, Bliss explains, through a web of agents who are capable of instantaneous communiation via hyperspace with the group mind as a whole.

Gaia is able to channel the kinetic energy of its matter, a phenomenon Asimov calls transduction. Transduction allowed Gaia to provide limited electrical power, move objects as large as starships, or take over the computer control system of a space vessel. It may also be capable of obliterating large sections of matter, though this ability is never discussed by Gaia; the Solarians (much more powerful transducers) were capable of destroying objects at least as large as space vessels.

Gaia's ability to store data does away with information technology. Gaia has no written records; every amount of information is stored in the collective consciousness. Naturally, a good deal of this is stored in humans and other large-brained animals, but some is stored in inanimate objects such as water, geological features, or trees. Historical records are based on the memories of individuals stored forever in the collective consciousness. Any part of Gaia can access these memories directly, as if they were just another part of their own mind. Because Galaxia will also include stars, Black Holes, uninhabited planets, and cosmic debris, the powers of data storage will be enhanced significantly.

Presumably, Gaia is also capable of acting as a giant computing device, with each mind working to solve a problem. Thus, Gaia may not need the use of computers. It may also be able to store the Prime Radiant in its collective consciousness.

Because of the nature of Gaia, natural disasters can be regulated. The collective consciousness can be alerted to an impending volcanic eruption because of the consciousness of the inanimate matter involved, and take the necessary precautions. Likewise, weather can also be carefully controlled.

Despite the enormous powers of Gaia, they are a relatively local phenomenon at the time of Foundation's Edge. This is because mentalic effects occur at the speed of light. To have them happen more quickly, Gaia must act through hyperspace, which takes a good deal more energy. However, in Galaxia these problems will be somewhat reduced, because all matter in the Galaxy will be part of Galaxia.

[edit] Statistics

  • Star
    • Spectral Class: G-4
  • Planet
    • Axial Inclination: 12ΒΊ
    • Rotation: .92 Galactic Standard Days
    • Satellite: 1, 50 km (31 mile) diameter

Major and minor planets featured in Isaac Asimov's Foundation series

Anacreon | Aurora | Baley's World (Comporellon) | Earth | Gaia | Helicon | Kalgan | Korell | Delicass (Neotrantor) | Sayshell | Solaria | Siwenna | Tazenda | Terminus | Trantor (Hame)

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