Günther Enderlein
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Günther Enderlein (born 7 July 1872 in Leipzig; died 11 August 1968 in Wentdorf near Hamburg) was a German zoologist, entomologist and later a manufacturer of pharmaceutical products near Hamburg. Enderlein got some international fame because of his research about insects, but in Germany he became famous because of his concept of pleomorphism of microorganism and his hypotheses about the origins of cancer, based on former work of other scientists. His hypotheses about pleomorphism and cancer have been disproved in the meantime by science and have only some historical importance today. Some of his concepts are however still popular in complementary medicine. A controversial blood test is named after Enderlein: dark field microscopy according to Enderlein.
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[edit] Life
Enderlein was born in Leipzig as the son of a teacher, he studied in Leipzig and Berlin und got his PhD in 1898 as a zoologist. He became professor in 1924. First he worked as assistant at the zoological museum in Berlin, and went later to Szczecin (Poland, at that time Germany). During the first world war he worked as military surgeon major (despite he was a biologist), as there where not enough physicians available at that time. He returned to Berlin in 1919 and remained there until 1937. After 1933 he became production manager in a small pharmaceutical company: Sanum (that later became Sanum-Kehlbeck). In 1944 he founded his own pharmaceutical company IBICA in Berlin, transferred later to Hamburg. He was also publisher of a newspaper called Akmon. After his death, IBICA and Sanum merged in 1975 to form the Sanum-Kehlbeck company still active today.
[edit] Scientific work and his theories about pleomorphism and origins of diseases
Enderlein published more than 500 scientific articles, mostly about insects. He worked in taxonomy and systematics of many Diptera families (insects). Many insects were named by him and some carry his name. His way of distinction by external characteristics led to some disputes inside the scientific community of that time (see Zwick 1995 for details). Enderlein was mostly interested in Simuliidae (a Diptera family).
In 1916 he published an article about spotted fever.
He caused more sensation however when he developed and published his concepts about a pleomorphism of microorganism. Concept of pleomorphism was quite controversial at the end of the 19th century and the beginning 20th century. At the end the monomorphism concept of Louis Pasteur took overhand.
The term pleomorphism comes from Greek pleion = more, morphe = figure, and was apparently created by French chemist and biologist Pierre Jacques Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). Similar concept are known in ancient times as concepts of a abiogenesis, but disproved during 18th century.
Based on early work of Bechamp, who was an opponent of Pasteur, and based on a point of view of contemporary Wilhelm von Brehmer (1883 1958), and based on his own microscopic observation, he developed his own complicated pleomorphism hypothesis. He was convinced that every microorganism would pass through a particular development-cycle, that he called cyclode (bacterial cyclode). Bechamp had issued earlier the opinion that in every animal or plant cell there were small particles, that he called microzymas or granulations moleculaires. These particles were able to transform into pathogen bacteries, under certain circumstances. Pasteur and scientific community did not accept this opinion.
At that time it was also known that plasmodia (causing agents of malaria) were able to change form during the different development stages,
In 1925 Enderlein published his main work: Bakterien-Cyklogenie. He developed not only a complex hyothesis, but at the same time he created also his own terminology that makes reading of his papers difficult or even impossible. He stated that small harmless and benficious herbal particles were present in every animal or plant and may transform into larger and pathogen bacteries or fungi under certain circumstances. The smallest particles are called protit, symbionts or endobionts. Protits are, according to Enderlein, small colloids of proteins, sized between 1 and 10 nm. Enderlein made a difference between acid and alcalic symbionts. These particle are able to be transmitted via the placenta before the birth.
Enderlein was convinced that these small particles were harmless and necessary for health. Only the larger organism developed out of these particle were pathogen bacteria or fungi, Enderlein uses the word valent for pathogen. The smaller harmless particles are able to interact and to control the larger valent particles or organisms by their ability to destroy them by a process of merging. After death the smallest particle survive and may serve for an other host-organism, and they participate in the process of decomposition.
A disturbance of the symbiotic friendly coexistence between the smaller particles and the larger organism would start a dangeous situation he called mochlolysis that leds at the end to a disease, facilitated by a wrong way of thinking and living. In such a case, he speaks about an incease of valenz, the most primitive protits would build up one-dimensional chains, called filit. These filits may build up a twodimensional and later threedimensional net of Filits. But this only in the case of presence of a pH higher than 7,3. In an acid, healthy ambience such a filit-net may never build up. The filit-net leads to larger particle: the symprotits and later the chondrits. These chondrits have more or less the size of a virus with 15-300 nm in size. The mark filed microscopy is able to show them, says Enderlein. If this process continues, we will observe larger particles called mychits, or bacteria-nuclei forming the basis of a bacteria.
- apathogen form within a cyclose are: protit, filium, filit, spermit, symprotit, chondrit, mikrochondrit
- pathogen forms (dynamovalent) are: makrosymprotit, makrochondrit, sporoid symprotit, filitnet, mychit (bacterial nucleus), cystit, thecit, diökothecit, bacteria, streptococcus, staphylococus, mMycobacterium tuberculosis, amoebit, zoit.
(other named stages are: Basit, Phytit, Rhabdit, Cystit, Linit, Ascit, Synascit )
According to Enderlein, the different diseases of man are related to particular cyclodes leading to particular microorganisms. He was mainly interested in two cyclodes: the cyclode leading to fungus mucor racemosus and the cyclode leading to fungus aspergillus niger. The mucus racemosus cyclode leads to diseases concerning the blood, spine and rheumatism. In these cases a marcant filit-net should always be present. An injection of harmless symbionts may help here, as they are able to destroy larger valent microorganisms.
The aspergillus niger cyclode leads to diseases of lung, tuberculosis and cancer. In this case, an injection of symbionts may be helpful.
Enderlein was convinced that bacteria may increase in number or by an asexual division or by an other sexual way of merging the two nuclei before division.
Developed bacteria and fungi may regress or downgrade back to harmless particles, but this process is only possible in a healthy host organism. But the use of some catalytic acting drugs may support that process: The chondritins.
After 1937, Enderlein was more interested in cancer and is relating to some ideas of Wilhelm von Brehmer. Oversimplified he thought that cancer was an infectious disease due to an infection by valent endobionts. These particle are visible in a blood sample in dark field microscopy after a certain time of observation. The platelet and his cystite and thecite particles are pre-forms of future cancer cells. But cancer formation may be facilitated by several other influences as: radiation, poisons and genetic disposition.
The cell is not the smallest biological unit, it is the protit.
Enderlein has some later aderents or followers: to name are Wilhelm Reich with his concept of bion, perhaps Royal Rife, Gaston Naessens, American Hulda Regehr Clark and Russian Tamara Lebedewa.
[edit] Therapyconcepts - Isopathy
Enderlein called the drugs he developed isopathic drugs, as they contained the same harmless symbionts man needs. They should be able to downgrade the high-valent development forms back to harmless chondrits. Disease is therefore cured by the same organism that caused the disease. According to Enderlein's hypotheses, antibiotic therapy of scientific medicine may not be helpful because such a therapy may harm the smaller harmless symbionts also.
[edit] blood test: dark field microscopy according to Enderlein
Enderlein states that it is possible to forecast a beginning cancer disease using a non-standartized simple blood test under dark field conditions. Only a few drops of blood are needed. In Germany and in other countries some physicians and nonmedical practitioner use this method for cancer detection purposes. This method plays no role in modern scientific medicine. Two scientific studies in 2005 and 2006 have shown that this method is not suited for the alleged purposes.
[edit] critic view of Enderlein's work
The small particles (protits) of Enderlein have never been seen in an electron microscope.
In 1952 the institute of Enderleid was closed by German authorities, but could reopen later. The reason was his controversial anti-cancer drug Endobiont-Chondritin.
During puncture of human skin, a small amount of bacteries may contaminate a blood sample. After waiting a certain amount of time these bacteries may grow inside the blood sample and may explain findings of bacteria also in healthy subjects.
Serology shows clearly that bacteria, body cells and fungi can be separated easely, and are not connate genetically. Only in about 15% of all cancer cases, particular virus (oncovirus) like some of HPV play a role. In some other very rare cases bacteria play also a role in cancerogenesis.
Enderlein was also critizised because he refuted photography and preferred to draft his observed findings.
[edit] Citation
- "Krebs ist ein durch einen parasitären Pilz und seine Entwicklungsformen aufgedrängter Gärungs- und Verwesungszustand."
- cancer is caused by a parasitic fungus and his agitation and rot dued to his development form.
[edit] Works on Diptera
- Die phyletischen Beziehungen der Lycoriiden (Sciariden) zu den Fungivoriden (Mycetophiliden) und Itonididen (Cecidomyiiden) und ihre systematische Gliederung. Arch. Naturgesch. 77(1)(Suppl. 3): 116-201 (1911).
- Studien über die Tipuliden, Limoniiden, Cylindrotomiden und Ptychopteriden. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.)32: 1-88 (1912).
- Zur Kenntnis der Zygophthalmen. Über die Gruppierung der Sciariden und Scatopsiden. Zool. Anz. 40: 261-282 (1912).
- Die Insekten des Antarkto-Archiplata-Gebietes (Feuerland, Falklands-Inseln, Süd-Georgien). 20. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der antarktischen Fauna. K. Sven. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. 48(3): 1-170 (1912).
- Zur Kenntnis aussereuropäischen Dolichopodidae. I. Tribus Psilopodini. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 15(1): 367-408 (1912).
- Dipterologische Studien. V. Zur Kenntnis der Familie Xylophagidae. Zool. Anz. 42: 533-552 (1913).
- Dipterologische Studien. VIII. Zur Kenntnis der Stratiomyiiden-Unterfamilien mit 2ästiger Media Pachygasterinae, Lophotelinae und Prosopochrysinae. Zool. Anz. 43: 289-315 (1914).
- Dipteroliogische Studien. IX. Zur Kenntnis der Stratiomyiiden mit drei ästiger Media und ihre Gruppierung. A. Formen, bei denen der 1. Cubitalast mit der Discoidalzell durch Querader verbunden ist oder sie nur in einem Punkte berührt (Subfamilien: Geosarginae, Analcocerinae, Stratiomyiinae). Zool. Anz. 43(13): 577-615 (1914).
- Dipterologische Studien. X. Zur Kenntnis der Stratiomyiiden mit drei ästiger Media und ihre Gruppierung. B. Formen, bei denen der 1. Cubitalast mit der Discoidalzelle eine Strecke verschmolzen ist (Familien: Hermetiinae, Clitellariinae). Zool. Anz. 44(1): 1-25 (1914).
- Über die phyletisch älteren Stratiomyiidensubfamilien (Xylophaginae, Chiromyzinae, Solvinae, Beridinae und Coenomyiinae). Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl. 10: 150-214 (1921).
- as System der Kriebelmücken (Simuliidae). Dtsch. Tieräztl. Wochenschr. 29: 197-200 (1921).
- Ein neues Tabanidensystem. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl. 10: 333-351 (1922).
- Vorläufige Diagnosen neuer Tabanidengenera. (Dipt.). Mitt. Dtsch. Entomol. Ges. 1923: 544-545 (1923).
- Studien an blutsaugenden Insekten I. Grundlagen eines neuen Systems der Tabaniden. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berl. 11: 253-409 (1925).
- Zur Kenntnis der Scatopsiden. Zool. Anz. 68: 137-142 (1926).
- Dipterologische Studien XX. Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 1930: 65-71 (1930).
- Der heutige Stand der Klassifikation der Simuliiden. Arch. Klassif. Phylog. Entomol. 1: 77-97 (1930).
- Zur Klassifikation der Psychodinen. Sber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berl. 1935: 246-249 (1935).
- Ordnung: Zweiflügler, Diptera. Abt. 16. pp. 1-259 in Brohmer, P., Erhmann, P. & Ulmer, G. (eds) Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Vol. 6: Insekten. Leipzig : publisher unknown Vol. III (1936).
- Simuliologica I. Sitzungber. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde, Berl. 1936: 113-130 (1936).
- Klassifikation der Psychodiden (Dipt.). Dtsch. Entomol. Zeit. 1936: 81-112 (1937).
[edit] References
- Bakterien-Cyclogenie. Prolegomena zu Untersuchungen über Bau, geschlechtliche und ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung der Bakterien. Verlag Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin und Leipzig 1925, Neudruck: Semmelweis-Verlag, 2812 Hoya 1980.
- El-Safadia S et al, Erlaubt die Dunkelfeldmikroskopie nach Enderlein die Diagnose von Krebs? Eine prospektive Studie, Forsch Komplementärmed Klass Naturheilkd 2005;12:148-151 (DOI: 10.1159/000085212)
- Teut M et al, Reliability of Enderlein's darkfield analysis of live blood, Altern Ther Health Med. 2006 Jul-Aug;12(4):36-41
- Werner, D. (2000): Who was Günther Enderlein? The life and career of a German entomologist, with special reference to the family Simuliidae. Studia Dipterologica 7(1): 225 - 232.