Gérard Schivardi
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Gérard Schivardi is a French politician.
He is and one of the twelve candidates for the 2007 French presidential election. He is the first "little" candidate to obtain the 500 sponsorship from french mayors to become an officially candidate.
He is the mayor of Mailhac and founder of the "National Comittee for Defense of Communes and Public Services in France".
He presents himself as an authentic socialist, independent and no affiliate.
Candidate running as "mayors' candidate" is presented by independent mayors and mayors affiliate to principal politics tendencies Socialist Party, French Communist Party, Union for a Popular Movement, Union for French Democracy, who don't support communal policy of their partys. He is supported by syndicalists and by the Workers' Party. The first association of French Mayors, "Association des Maires de France" does not back any candidacy.
[edit] Biography
Gérard Schivardi was born in 1950 in Narbonne. He is married and has fathered two children.
He has been a master craftsman mason since 1970, and is always in activity.
From 1973 to 1988 he is president of the syndicate of the masons of Aude.
In 1975 he joins the Socialist party. He remains a member till 2003. Independent socialist, since then he is a member of no political party
In 1989 he becomes a member of the city council of Mailhac and then second deputy mayor in 1995. He is elected mayor of Mailhac in 2001.
In 2002 he founds the "National Comittee for Defense of Communes and Public Services".
In July 2003 he is elected as representative of the Canton of Ginestas.
[edit] Program
The key proposal of the program is that France would withdraw from the European Union by a sovereign constituent assembly for French Republic and to construct a Europe of free people and free nations.