Gérard Grisey

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Gérard Grisey (born June 17, 1946 in Belfort, France; died November 11, 1998 in Paris, France) was a French composer of contemporary music.


[edit] Training

He studied with Olivier Messiaen at the Conservatoire of Paris, where he obtained the Prix de Rome. In 1972 he attended Darmstadt summer courses taught by Karlheinz Stockhausen, György Ligeti and attended lectures by Iannis Xenakis.

[edit] Musical style

His music is often considered to belong to the genre of spectral music, which he is credited with founding along with fellow composer Tristan Murail, although he later disowned the label in interviews and writings. Nonetheless, he spent much of his career exploring the spectrum of tone colour between harmonic overtones and noise. In addition, he was fascinated by musical processes which unfold slowly, and he made musical time a major element of many of his pieces.

He expressed the opinion that: "We are musicians and our model is sound not literature, sound not mathematics, sound not theatre, visual arts, quantum physics, geology, astrology or acupuncture" (Fineberg 2006, p.105).

[edit] Works

Major works include:

  • Vortex Temporum
  • Derives
  • Talea
  • Les Espaces Acoustiques (a cycle of six pieces for various ensembles of which Modulations and Partiels are the most famous). Partiels was written in 1975 and is a piece for 18 musicians.
  • Quatre Chants Pour Franchir Le Seuil.

[edit] Source

  • Fineberg, Joshua (2006). Classical Music, Why Bother?: Hearing the World of Contemporary Culture Through a Composer's Ears. Routledge. ISBN-10: 0415971748, ISBN-13: 978-0415971744.

[edit] External Links