Talk:Fuzzy associative matrix
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I googled for "fuzzy associative matrix" and found the term is not all that common (24 hits) -- I had picked it up from a book, myself. I know for sure that the idea itself is very common in the fuzzy logic world, though, but I have usually seen such tables presented without any special name given to them. One paper I have seen uses the phrase "intersection rule matrix" (IRM for short), but that paper is the only hit on google for that phrase. Can anybody suggest a better name? - Furrykef 08:22, 30 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Did you try "Fuzzy Associative Table"? There is also a "Fuzzy Associative Memory", but that seems to be a different concept.
There are more hits for the simple "Fuzzy Rule Table" term.
- J. Betancourt 00:3, 10 Nov 2004 (GMT-05)
I call it a "Knowlege Table" because I define knowledge as "a record of a relationship between entities in the universe." These Fuzzy tables capture knowlege. However, one could also consider them extended "Truth Tables." You will find 851,000 Google hits for "Truth Table." Worthingtonse 03:48, 17 April 2006 (UTC)Sean H. Worthington